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Using HTTP::Recorder, it is easy to generate tests that use WWW::Mechanize to test the functionality of Koha.
In order to use HTTP::Recorder, you will need to do the following:
- Install HTTP::Recorder and WWW::Mechanize:
sudo apt-get install libhttp-proxy-perl libhttp-recorder-perl libwww-mechanize-perl libtest-www-mechanize-perl
- Download the proxy script:
wget https://raw.github.com/jcamins/release-tools/master/httprecorder.pl
- Run the proxy script:
perl httprecorder.pl
- Open your web browser
- Set your web browser to use a HTTP proxy on (adjust the host name if you are running the httprecorder in a vm) Screenshot
- Navigate to your Koha installation, and do whatever it is you were planning on doing, knowing that it is being recorded in a script for later use
- When you want to look at the script you have generated, go to http://http-recorder
- Remove the HTTP proxy when you are done
Important warnings
Logging in with Test::WWW::Mechanize
Starting in 3.8.x, logins may not be recorded quite correctly by http-recorder. If you have problems, the following four lines will login correctly (http-recorder may miss the line that sets the branch, I am not sure why):
$agent->field('password', $password); $agent->field('userid', $user); $agent->field('branch', ''); $agent->click_ok('', 'login to staff client');
Uploading files
Uploading files using post turns out to not work quite right with Test::WWW::Mechanize. Use the following code instead of the seemingly obvious post_ok() alternative:
$agent->post( "$intranet/cgi-bin/koha/tools/upload-file.pl", [ 'fileToUpload' => ["$testdir/data/record.mrc"], ], 'Content_Type' => 'form-data', ); ok($agent->success, 'uploaded file');
$config = { server => 'localhost:1389', bind_as => 'login@example.com', # test rewrite on bind password => 'password', search => { base => 'dc=example,dc=com', filter => 'uid=login', }, attributes_required => [ qw/ uid / ], };
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Test::More tests => 7; use Test::WWW::Mechanize; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dump qw(dump); my $url = $ENV{INTRANET} || 'http://ffzg.koha-dev.rot13.org:8080'; my $koha_conf = $ENV{KOHA_CONF} || '/etc/koha/sites/ffzg/koha-conf.xml'; my $xml = XMLin( $koha_conf ); diag 'Koha config = ',dump $xml->{config}; ok( $xml->{config}->{useldapserver}, 'useldapserver' ); our $config; require 't/config.pl'; diag 'test config = ',dump $config; my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new; $mech->get_ok( $url, "intranet $url" ); $mech->submit_form_ok({ fields => { userid => $xml->{config}->{user}, password => $xml->{config}->{pass}, }, }, "login $xml->{config}->{user}"); $mech->submit_form_ok({ form_number => 2, fields => { member => $config->{bind_as}, }, }, 'find patron' ); #diag $mech->content; $mech->follow_link_ok({ url_regex => qr/moremember/ }, 'details' ); my $html = $mech->content(); if ( $html =~ m{(/cgi-bin/koha/members/deletemem\.pl\?member=\d+)}s ) { ok( $1, 'found deletemem' ); $mech->get_ok( $url . $1 ); }
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Test::More tests => 4; use Test::WWW::Mechanize; our $config; require 't/config.pl'; use WWW::Mechanize; my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new; my $save_count = 1; sub save { my $path = '/tmp/login-' . $save_count++ . '.html'; open(my $fh, '>', $path); print $fh @_; warn "# save $path ", -s $path, " bytes\n"; } my $opac_url = $ENV{OPAC_URL} || 'http://site.example.com'; $mech->get_ok( $opac_url, "opac $opac_url" ); save $mech->content; $mech->follow_link_ok({ url_regex => qr/opac-user/i }, 'login form' ); save $mech->content; $mech->submit_form_ok({ form_number => 2, fields => { userid => $config->{bind_as}, password => $config->{password}, }, }, 'login'); save $mech->content; $mech->follow_link_ok({ url_regex => qr/logout/ }, 'logout' );