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Koha Demo Installations

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List of Koha demonstration installations maintained by various libraries and support vendors. Please feel free to list your demo here as long as you provide public access to at least the OPAC and it is running a version of Koha that can be freely obtained by anybody without restriction.

The current development version is referred to as "master" in the table below.

On www.koha-community.org/demo you can find a similar list.

Version MARC flavor OPAC Staff interface Staff login Provider
master MARC21 + UNIMARC + ElasticSearch See sandboxes page See sandboxes page test / test BibLibre, ByWater, PTFS
22.05 MARC21 https://koha.adminkuhn.ch/ https://koha.adminkuhn.ch:8443/ demo / demo Admin Kuhn GmbH (Switzerland)
21.05 MARC21 https://demo.mykoha.co.nz/ https://demo-intra.mykoha.co.nz/ staff / staff1 Catalyst (New Zealand)
21.05 MARC21 https://demo.koha-us.org https://staff.koha-us.org admin / admin koha-US
21.05 MARC21 http://demo1.orex.es http://intra1.orex.es/ admin / admin Orex (Spain)
20.11 UNIMARC https://demo.biblibre.com/ https://intranet-demo.biblibre.com/ test / test BibLibre (France)
20.11 MARC21 + RDA https://demo.calyx.net.au https://demo-admin.calyx.net.au anne / koha CALYX (Australia)
20.11 NORMARC https://demo.bibkat.no/ https://demo-admin.bibkat.no/ demo / demo Libriotech AS (Norway)
20.11 UNIMARC https://kopac.tamil.fr/ https://kpro.tamil.fr/ demo / demo (OPAC) Tamil (France)
20.05 MARC21 https://catalog.bywatersolutions.com/ https://intranet.bywatersolutions.com/ bywater / bywater ByWater Solutions (USA)
21.05 MARC21 https://demo.kohacatalog.com/ https://demo-staff.kohacatalog.com/ demo / demo Equinox Open Library Initiative (USA)
20.05 MARC21 https://koha-opac-demo.kreablo.se/ https://koha-demo.kreablo.se Bibliotekarien / kreablo Kreablo AB (Sweden)
19.11 UNIMARC https://catalogue-demo1911-koha.test.biblibre.eu/ https://pro-demo1911-koha.test.biblibre.eu/ test / test BibLibre (France)

This table is sorted by decreasing version (with master first), then in alphabetical order by provider name.


Always up to date list of BibLibre's demos: https://doc.biblibre.com/koha/demo