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Koha on Gentoo

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These instructions have been tested on an up-to-date (2012-11-01) Gentoo (x86) installation. The first installation was done by following the Koha_on_ubuntu_-_git instructions. So in case anything is missing in theses instructions you will find more information there. The following should be a more concise way of installing Koha on Gentoo.

Pre-Installation Setup

The koha package and some of its dependencies are not part of the Gentoo default repository. You can find a so called overlay for the Gentoo default packages repository here:


For further information on overlays in Gentoo and how to add them, you can read information here:



MySQL is not part of the default dependencies as it could reside on another server. Nevertheless you have to install and configure a MySQL instance for koha.


If the overlay is setup properly

$ emerge koha

should do the installation of Koha's dependencies and will leave you with the source code of Koha in /usr/src/koha

From here on you have to follow the normal install instructions where you can decide what kind of installation you like:

$ cd /usr/src/koha

$ perl Makefile.PL

$ make

$ make test

$ make install

If you did a standard installation, link the Koha Apache configuration file to Apaches vhost configuration directory to automatically pick up the settings.

$ ln -s /etc/koha-httpd.conf /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/koha.conf

If you have no DNS setup and you want to reach the OPAC and the intranet part on different ports adapt your /etc/koha/koha-httpd.conf for both the OPAC part and the intranet part:

Listen 8001
NameVirtualHost *:8001

<VirtualHost *:8001>
<Location />
  Allow from all
  Order Deny,Allow

The Location part is to allow access from other machines, that were necessary in the Gentoo install.