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Module:Check for clobbered parameters

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This module may be appended to a template to check for uses of tuples of conflicting parameters.


Basic usage

{{#invoke:Check for clobbered parameters|check
|template=Some template name
|cat={{main other|Category:Some tracking category}}
|arg1a; arg1b|arg2a; arg2b; arg2c|...|argNa; argNb}}

Here, (arg1a, arg1b), (arg2a, arg2b, arg2c), are tuples of the conflicting parameters.

By default, the module ignores blank parameters which is useful for {{if empty}} chains of parameters. For nested chains of parameters, use |nested=1 to consider blank parameters as well.

By default, the delimiter for the tuples is ; but this can be changed with |delimiter=.

The value of |template= is used to for the text of the preview warning message. When omitted, the module will use a generic message.

Example 1

| above = {{{name|}}}

| label1 = Founder{{#if:{{{founders|}}}|s}}
| data1 = {{if empty| {{{founders|}}} | {{{founder|}}} }}

| label2 = Headquarters
| data2 = {{if empty| {{{headquarters|}}} | {{{hq|}}} | {{{location|}}} }}

  end infobox, start tracking
-->{{#invoke:Check for clobbered parameters|check
| template = Infobox example
| cat = {{main other|Category:Pages using infobox example with conflicting parameters}}
| founders; founder
| headquarters; hq; location

Example 2

| above = {{{name|}}}

| label1 = Founder(s)
| data1 = {{{founders|{{{founder|}}}}}}

| label2 = Headquarters
| data2 = {{{headquarters|{{{hq|{{{location|}}}}}}}}}

  end infobox, start tracking
-->{{#invoke:Check for clobbered parameters|check
| nested = 1
| template = Infobox example
| cat = {{main other|Category:Pages using infobox example with conflicting parameters}}
| founders; founder
| headquarters; hq; location

See also

local p = {}

local function trim(s)
	return s:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')

local function isnotempty(s)
	return s and s:match('%S')

function p.check(frame)
	local args = frame.args
	local pargs = frame:getParent().args
	local checknested = isnotempty(args['nested'])
	local delimiter = isnotempty(args['delimiter']) and args['delimiter'] or ';'
	local cat = ''
	if args['cat'] and mw.ustring.match(args['cat'],'^[Cc][Aa][Tt][Ee][Gg][Oo][Rr][Yy]:') then
		cat = args['cat']
	local res = ''

	local argpairs = {}
	for k, v in pairs(args) do
		if type(k) == 'number' then
			local plist = mw.text.split(v, delimiter)
			local pfound = {}
			local count = 0
			for ii, vv in ipairs(plist) do
				vv = trim(vv)
				if checknested and pargs[vv] or isnotempty(pargs[vv]) then
					count = count + 1
					table.insert(pfound, vv)
			if count > 1 then
				table.insert(argpairs, pfound)
	local warnmsg = {}
	if #argpairs > 0 then
		for i, v in ipairs( argpairs ) do
			table.insert(warnmsg, 'Using more than one of the following parameters: <code>' ..
				table.concat(v, '</code>, <code>') .. '</code>')
			if cat ~= '' then
				res = res .. '[[' .. cat .. '|' .. (v[1] == '' and ' ' or '') .. v[1] .. ']]'
	if #warnmsg > 0 then
		if frame:preprocess( "{{REVISIONID}}" ) == "" then
			local ptxt = args['template'] and args['template'] .. ' warning' or 'Warning'
			res = '<div class="hatnote" style="color:red"><strong>' .. ptxt .. ':</strong> ' .. table.concat(warnmsg, '<br>') .. '</div>' .. res
	return res

return p