Koha Test Wiki MW Canasta on Koha Portainer

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Module:Color contrast/colors

From Koha Test Wiki MW Canasta on Koha Portainer
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This module contains the relative luminance of HTML colors. It is used in Module:Color contrast.

return {
	aliceblue            = 0.92880068253475,
	antiquewhite         = 0.84646951707754,
	aqua                 = 0.7874,
	aquamarine           = 0.8078549208338,
	azure                = 0.97265264954166,
	beige                = 0.8988459998705,
	bisque               = 0.80732327372979,
	black                = 0,
	blanchedalmond       = 0.85084439608156,
	blue                 = 0.0722,
	blueviolet           = 0.12622014321946,
	brown                = 0.098224287876511,
	burlywood            = 0.51559844533893,
	cadetblue            = 0.29424681085422,
	chartreuse           = 0.76032025902623,
	chocolate            = 0.23898526114557,
	coral                = 0.37017930872924,
	cornflowerblue       = 0.30318641994179,
	cornsilk             = 0.93562110372965,
	crimson              = 0.16042199953026,
	cyan                 = 0.7874,
	darkblue             = 0.018640801980939,
	darkcyan             = 0.20329317839046,
	darkgoldenrod        = 0.27264703559993,
	darkgray             = 0.39675523072563,
	darkgreen            = 0.091143429047575,
	darkgrey             = 0.39675523072563,
	darkkhaki            = 0.45747326349994,
	darkmagenta          = 0.07353047651207,
	darkolivegreen       = 0.12651920884889,
	darkorange           = 0.40016167026524,
	darkorchid           = 0.13413142174857,
	darkred              = 0.054889674531132,
	darksalmon           = 0.40541471563381,
	darkseagreen         = 0.43789249325969,
	darkslateblue        = 0.065792846227988,
	darkslategray        = 0.067608151928044,
	darkslategrey        = 0.067608151928044,
	darkturquoise        = 0.4874606277449,
	darkviolet           = 0.10999048339343,
	deeppink             = 0.23866895828276,
	deepskyblue          = 0.44481603395575,
	dimgray              = 0.14126329114027,
	dimgrey              = 0.14126329114027,
	dodgerblue           = 0.27442536991456,
	firebrick            = 0.10724525535015,
	floralwhite          = 0.95922484825004,
	forestgreen          = 0.18920812076002,
	fuchsia              = 0.2848,
	gainsboro            = 0.71569350050648,
	ghostwhite           = 0.94311261886323,
	gold                 = 0.69860877428159,
	goldenrod            = 0.41919977809569,
	gray                 = 0.2158605001139,
	green                = 0.15438342968146,
	greenyellow          = 0.80609472611453,
	grey                 = 0.2158605001139,
	honeydew             = 0.96336535554782,
	hotpink              = 0.34658438169715,
	indianred            = 0.21406134963884,
	indigo               = 0.03107561486337,
	ivory                = 0.99071270600615,
	khaki                = 0.77012343394121,
	lavender             = 0.80318750514521,
	lavenderblush        = 0.90172748631046,
	lawngreen            = 0.73905893124963,
	lemonchiffon         = 0.94038992245622,
	lightblue            = 0.63709141280807,
	lightcoral           = 0.35522120733135,
	lightcyan            = 0.94587293494829,
	lightgoldenrodyellow = 0.93348351018297,
	lightgray            = 0.65140563741982,
	lightgreen           = 0.69091979956865,
	lightgrey            = 0.65140563741982,
	lightpink            = 0.58566152734898,
	lightsalmon          = 0.4780675225206,
	lightseagreen        = 0.35050145117042,
	lightskyblue         = 0.56195637618331,
	lightslategray       = 0.23830165007287,
	lightslategrey       = 0.23830165007287,
	lightsteelblue       = 0.53983888284666,
	lightyellow          = 0.98161818392882,
	lime                 = 0.7152,
	limegreen            = 0.44571042246098,
	linen                = 0.88357340984379,
	magenta              = 0.2848,
	maroon               = 0.045891942324215,
	mediumaquamarine     = 0.49389703310801,
	mediumblue           = 0.044077780212328,
	mediumorchid         = 0.21639251153773,
	mediumpurple         = 0.22905858091648,
	mediumseagreen       = 0.34393112338131,
	mediumslateblue      = 0.20284629471622,
	mediumspringgreen    = 0.70704308194184,
	mediumturquoise      = 0.5133827926448,
	mediumvioletred      = 0.14371899849357,
	midnightblue         = 0.02071786635086,
	mintcream            = 0.97834604947588,
	mistyrose            = 0.82183047859185,
	moccasin             = 0.80083000991567,
	navajowhite          = 0.76519682342785,
	navy                 = 0.015585128108224,
	oldlace              = 0.91900633405549,
	olive                = 0.20027537200568,
	olivedrab            = 0.22593150951929,
	orange               = 0.4817026703631,
	orangered            = 0.25516243753416,
	orchid               = 0.31348806761439,
	palegoldenrod        = 0.78792647887614,
	palegreen            = 0.77936759006353,
	paleturquoise        = 0.76436077921714,
	palevioletred        = 0.28754994117889,
	papayawhip           = 0.87797100199835,
	peachpuff            = 0.74905589878251,
	peru                 = 0.30113074877936,
	pink                 = 0.63271070702466,
	plum                 = 0.45734221587969,
	powderblue           = 0.68254586500605,
	purple               = 0.061477070432439,
	rebeccapurple        = 0.07492341159447,
	red                  = 0.2126,
	rosybrown            = 0.32319457649407,
	royalblue            = 0.16663210743188,
	saddlebrown          = 0.097922285020521,
	salmon               = 0.36977241527596,
	sandybrown           = 0.46628543696283,
	seagreen             = 0.19734199706275,
	seashell             = 0.92737862206922,
	sienna               = 0.13697631337098,
	silver               = 0.52711512570581,
	skyblue              = 0.55291668518184,
	slateblue            = 0.14784278062136,
	slategray            = 0.20896704076536,
	slategrey            = 0.20896704076536,
	snow                 = 0.96533341834849,
	springgreen          = 0.73052306068529,
	steelblue            = 0.20562642207625,
	tan                  = 0.48237604163921,
	teal                 = 0.16996855778968,
	thistle              = 0.56818401093733,
	tomato               = 0.30638612719415,
	turquoise            = 0.5895536427578,
	violet               = 0.40315452986676,
	wheat                = 0.74909702820482,
	white                = 1,
	whitesmoke           = 0.91309865179342,
	yellow               = 0.9278,
	yellowgreen          = 0.50762957208707,