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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ConvertNumeric/testcases/doc
-- Unit tests for [[Module:ConvertNumeric]]. Click talk page to run tests.
local p = require('Module:UnitTests')
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local function get_error_text(wikitext)
local message = frame:preprocess(wikitext):match('<strong class="error"><[^>]+>(.-)<[^>]+></strong>')
message = message:match('at line %d+: (.+)%.$') or message
return message
function p:test_numeral_to_english()
self:preprocess_equals_many('{{#invoke:ConvertNumeric | numeral_to_english |', '}}', {
{'0', 'zero'},
{'1', 'one'},
{' 1 ', 'one'}, -- test whitespace around number
{'1 | case=u', 'One'},
{'1 | case=U', 'One'},
{'-1', 'negative one'},
{'-1 | negative=minus', 'minus one'},
{'70', 'seventy'},
{'42', 'forty-two'},
{'123', 'one hundred and twenty-three'},
{'123 | sp=us', 'one hundred twenty-three'},
{'123 | adj=on', 'one-hundred-and-twenty-three'},
{'1050', 'one thousand and fifty'},
{'1050 | sp=us', 'one thousand fifty'},
{'0.25', 'zero point two five'},
{'.25', 'zero point two five'},
{'0 | ord=on', 'zeroth'},
{'33 | ord=on', 'thirty-third'},
{'40 | ord=on', 'fortieth'},
{'5000000000 | ord=on', 'five billionth'},
{'0 | pl=on', 'zeros'},
{'76 | pl=on', 'seventy-sixes'},
{'1000000000000000000000000000001', 'one nonillion and one'},
{'1.23E3', 'one thousand two hundred and thirty'},
{'123E-4', 'zero point zero one two three'},
{'1001001001001000 | lk=on', 'one [[Orders_of_magnitude_(numbers)#1015|quadrillion]] one [[Orders_of_magnitude_(numbers)#1012|trillion]] one [[Orders_of_magnitude_(numbers)#109|billion]] one million one thousand'},
{'1001001001001000 | lk=billion,quadrillion', 'one [[Orders_of_magnitude_(numbers)#1015|quadrillion]] one trillion one [[Orders_of_magnitude_(numbers)#109|billion]] one million one thousand'},
{'5E30', 'five nonillion'},
{'-123456789.25', 'negative one hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine point two five'},
{'0 | zero=foo', 'foo'},
{'0 | ord=on | zero=none', 'none'},
{'1 | numerator=2 | denominator=3', 'one and two-thirds'},
{'| numerator=2 | denominator=3', 'two-thirds'},
{'1 | denominator=2', 'one and a half'},
{'1 | numerator=3 | denominator=2', 'one and three-halves'},
{'1 | numerator=1 | denominator=4', 'one and a quarter'},
{'1 | numerator=1 | denominator=4 | sp=us', 'one and a fourth'},
{'1 | numerator=1 | denominator=4 | one=one', 'one and one-quarter'},
{'1 | numerator=1 | denominator=4 | sp=us | one=one', 'one and one-fourth'},
{'9 | numerator=3 | denominator=4', 'nine and three-quarters'},
{'9 | numerator=3 | denominator=4 | sp=us', 'nine and three-fourths'},
{'23 | numerator=12 | denominator=16', 'twenty-three and twelve-sixteenths'},
function p:test_numeral_to_english_error()
local cases = {'', 'a', '.', 'e', 'E', 'E1', '.E1', '+', '-', '123a', 'a123', '0.1a', '-a123' }
local nowiki = mw.text.nowiki
for _, case in ipairs(cases) do
local wikitext = '{{#invoke:ConvertNumeric | numeral_to_english |' .. case .. '}}'
self:equals(nowiki(wikitext), get_error_text(wikitext), 'Invalid decimal numeral')
function p:test_numeral_to_english_round()
self:preprocess_equals_many('{{#invoke:ConvertNumeric | numeral_to_english |', '}}', {
{'1 | round=on', 'one'},
{'37 | round=on', 'thirty-seven'},
{'190 | round=on', 'two hundred'},
{'110 | round=up', 'two hundred'},
{'190 | round=down', 'one hundred'},
{'87654321 | round=on', 'ninety million'},
{'12345678 | round=on', 'twelve million'},
{'-190 | round=on', 'negative two hundred'},
{'-190 | round=up', 'negative one hundred'},
{'-110 | round=down', 'negative two hundred'},
{'0.25 | round=on', 'zero'},
{'0.5 | round=on', 'one'},
{'-0.25 | round=on', 'zero'},
{'-0.5 | round=on', 'negative one'},
{'0.01 | round=up', 'one'},
{'0.99 | round=down', 'zero'},
{'-0.01 | round=down', 'negative one'},
{'-0.99 | round=up', 'zero'},
function p:test_decToHex()
'{{#invoke:ConvertNumeric|decToHex|10 20 40 1024 78912345|minlength=4}}',
'000A 0014 0028 0400 4B41B59'
return p