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Module:Template test case/config

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This module provides configuration data for Module:Template test case.

--                    Module:Template test case/config
-- This module holds configuration data for [[Module:Template test case]].

return {

-- Options

-- The magic word used in place of the template name when making nowiki
-- invocations.
templateNameMagicWord = '__TEMPLATENAME__',

-- The subpage that sandboxes are typically stored on. Used when loading
-- wrapper template config and when guessing the sandbox template name.
sandboxSubpage = 'sandbox',

-- Messages

msg = {

-- The default header for test cases rendered in columns.
['columns-header'] = 'Side by side comparison',

-- The error message to use if a templaten option is missing.
-- $1 - the number of the missing template option.
['missing-template-option-error'] = "one or more options ending in '$1' " ..
	"were detected, but no 'template$1' option was found",

-- The error message to use if a nowiki invocation is used but the template
-- name magic word is not found.
-- $1 - the value of the template name magic word
['nowiki-magic-word-error'] = "the template invocation must include '$1' in " ..
	"place of the template name",


-- Wrapper template config.
-- The wrapper template config is a table with wrapper template names as keys,
-- and subtables containing two fields:
--   func - the function name to be used with that template. This must be a
--       function exported by the main module. This is optional: the default
--       value is "table".
--   args - a table of default arguments to be used with that template. This is
--       is optional.

wrappers = {
	['Template:Test case'] = {},
	['Template:Testcase table'] = {
		args = {_format = 'columns'}
	['Template:Testcase rows'] = {
		args = {_format = 'rows'}
	['Template:Test case nowiki'] = {
		func = 'nowiki'
	['Template:Nowiki template demo'] = {
		func = 'nowiki',
		args = {showheader = false, showtemplate2 = false}
	['Template:Collapsible test case'] = {
		args = {_collapsible = true}
	['Template:Collapsible 2 test case'] = {
		args = {_collapsible = true, _wantdiff = true}
	['Template:Inline test case'] = {
		args = {_format = 'inline', _showcode = true}

-- End config
