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pybugz is a command line utility to interact with bugzilla. I was looking for a command line tool to retrieve information from bugzilla like status, comments, without having to go on the webpage (I didn't found equivalent with git-bz).
Get pybugz
Go where you want ($PATH), run:
cd $PATH git clone https://github.com/williamh/pybugz pybugz
To install it run:
python $PATH/pybugz/setup.py build sudo python $PATH/pybugz/setup.py install
Configure pybugz
Minimal configuration file $HOME/.bugzrc
[Koha] base: http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/ user: USER@EXAMPLE.COM password: PASSWORD
You can do an alias in your ~/.bashrc file for example:
alias bugzz='bugz --connection Koha'
Or without the configuration file:
alias bugzz='bugz -b http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/ -u $USER -p $PASSWORD '
source ~/.bashrc
Using pybugz
$ bugzz search datatable * Using http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/ * Searching for 'datatable' * Already logged in. 6836 julian.maurice jQuery plugin Datatables integration * 1 bug(s) found.
$ bugzz get 6836 ... Title : jQuery plugin Datatables integration Assignee : julian.maurice@biblibre.com Reported : 2011-09-02 10:31:00 +0000 Updated : 2011-10-31 09:48:59 +0000 Status : ASSIGNED Severity : enhancement Priority : PATCH-Sent ...
$ bugzz get 6836|egrep -i "(status|priority)" Status : ASSIGNED Priority : PATCH-Sent
$ bugzz search --assigned-to julian.maurice@biblibre.com --show-status => Find all bugs assigned to julian
- Read some documentation