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SQL Reports Library

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The following SQL statements have been written by Koha users world-wide. Keep in mind that not all reports have been tested and should be read thoroughly before applying them to your own system.

SQL Reports Holds | SQL Reports Patrons | SQL Reports Circulation

SQL Reports


Documentation on SQL tables and fields

Here is the Koha DB schema

A link to more specific schemas (Acquisitions only now)


If you want to put links to your report, you can use the SQL's CONCAT keyword in your SELECT clause.

for example, the following SQL Report will list all your biblio with a link to each of them.

  CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'\">',title,'</a>') AS Title 
FROM biblio 
ORDER BY biblionumber
Links by borrower
-- Patron information screen
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=', borrowernumber, '\">', borrowernumber, '</a>' ) AS borrowernumber,

-- Patron notices
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/notices.pl?borrowernumber=', borrowernumber, '\">', borrowernumber, '</a>' ) AS borrowernumber,

-- Patron files
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/files.pl?borrowernumber=', borrowernumber, '\">', borrowernumber, '</a>' ) AS borrowernumber,

-- Circulation
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/circ/circulation.pl?borrowernumber=',borrowernumber,'\">', borrowernumber, '</a>') as borrowernumber,

-- Patron accounts and fines
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',borrowernumber,'\">', borrowernumber, '</a>') as borrowernumber,

-- Patron invoice
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/maninvoice.pl?borrowernumber=',borrowernumber,'\" target="_blank">',borrowernumber,'</a>') AS borrowernumber,

-- Patron logs
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/tools/viewlog.pl?do_it=1&modules=CIRCULATION&object=', borrowernumber, '\">', 'Circulation log' , '</a>' ) as borrowernumber,

-- Call patron's phone number
CONCAT('<a href=\"tel:',phone,'\">',phone,'</a>') as phone,

-- Renew patron
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/setstatus.pl?borrowernumber=', b.borrowernumber, '&destination=&reregistration=y\" target=\"_blank\">', 'renew', '</a>' ) AS renewal_link,
Links by bib
-- Show bib record
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>' ) AS biblionumber,

-- MARC detail
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/MARCdetail.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>' ) AS biblionumber,

-- Add item
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>' ) AS biblionumber,

-- Place hold
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/reserve/request.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>' ) AS biblionumber,

-- Edit biblio record
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/addbiblio.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>' ) AS biblionumber,
Links by basket
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basketno=', basketno, '\">', basketno, '</a>' ) AS basketno
Links by branchcode

Circ rules:

CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/admin/smart-rules.pl?branch=', branchcode, '\">', branchcode, '</a>' ) AS branchcode
Links by item
-- Edit item
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?op=edititem&biblionumber=', biblionumber, '&itemnumber=', itemnumber, '#edititem', '\">', itemnumber, '</a>' ) AS itemnumber,

-- Edit item, 20.11 and later:
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?op=edititem&itemnumber=', itemnumber, '#edititem', '\">', itemnumber, '</a>' ) AS itemnumber,

-- Item detail
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/moredetail.pl?', 'biblionumber=', biblionumber, '&itemnumber=', itemnumber, '\">', itemnumber, '</a>' ) AS itemnumber,

-- Item detail, 20.11 and later:
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/moredetail.pl?','&itemnumber=', itemnumber, '\">', itemnumber, '</a>' ) AS itemnumber,

-- Circulation log
CONCAT( '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/tools/viewlog.pl?do_it=1&modules=CIRCULATION&info=', itemnumber, '\">', 'Circulation log' , '</a>' ) as itemnumber,
Links by subscription
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/serials/subscription-history.pl?subscriptionid=',subscriptionid,'\">', subscriptionid, '</a>') as subscriptionid
Links by syspref
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/admin/preferences.pl?op=search&searchfield=?variable=', variable, ' : ' ,value, '\">', variable, '</a>' ) AS 'Syspref',
Links by report ID
--- view the report
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/reports/guided_reports.pl?reports=' , id , '&phase=Show+SQL', '\">',id,'</a>') AS 'Report number',

--- edit the report
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/reports/guided_reports.pl?reports=', id, '&phase=Edit%20SQL">', id, '</a>' ) AS id
Links by Fund Code
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/admin/aqbudgets.pl?op=add_form&budget_id=', aqbudgets.budget_id, '&budget_period_id=', aqbudgetperiods.budget_period_id, '\">', aqbudgets.budget_id, '</a>' ) AS 'Fund Code',
Links by Accountlines_id
-- Details for fee
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/accountline-details.pl?accountlines_id=',accountlines_id,'\">', accountlines_id, '</a>') AS accountlines_id, 
-- Pay a fee
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/paycollect.pl?borrowernumber=',borrowernumber,'&pay_individual=1&debit_type_code=',debit_type_code,'&amount=',amount,'&amountoutstanding=',amountoutstanding,'&description=',description,'&title=&itemnumber=&accountlines_id=',accountlines_id,'&payment_note=&remote_user=change_given=','\">',accountlines_id,'</a>') AS accountlines_id,
-- Write off a fee
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/paycollect.pl?writeoff_individual=1&borrowernumber=',borrowernumber,'&debit_type_code=LOST&amount=',amount,'&amountoutstanding=',amountoutstanding,'&description=',description,'&itemnumber=&accountlines_id=',accountlines_id,'&payment_note=','\">',accountlines_id,'</a>') AS accountlines_id,

Query MARC

MySQL has some XML handling functions (since MySQL 5.1.5): http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/xml-functions.html

For version 17.05.x: the "marcxml" field of the "biblioitems" table changes to the "biblio_metadata" table and the "metadata" field

For example:

    SELECT metadata
    FROM biblio_metadata
      '//datafield[@tag="952"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS ITEM;

or the equivalent

  ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="952"]/*') AS ITEM
FROM biblio_metadata
WHERE biblionumber=14;

return the entire 952 data for all 952 fields for biblionumber 14 (without delimiting).

    SELECT metadata 
    FROM biblio_metadata 
    WHERE biblionumber=14),
      '//datafield[@tag="260"]/subfield[@code="b"]') AS PUBLISHER;

returns the 260$b data for biblionumber 14.

SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata, 'count(//datafield[@tag="505"])') AS count505 
FROM biblio_metadata
HAVING count505 > 1;

will give a list of biblionumbers along with the number of 505 fields (only when there is more than one 505 field)

SELECT biblionumber,  
       substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 8,4 ) AS 'PUB DATE', 
FROM biblio_metadata 
INNER JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber) 
WHERE biblionumber = 14

Control fields can be queried using ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), and Fixed fields may be extracted using the SQL SUBSTRING() function.

Note that ExtractValue concatenates multiple tags into a single field. These can be individually addressed using an array index after [@tag="856"]:

ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="856"][1]/subfield[@code="u"]' ) as '856$u'

The index is 1-based, [@tag="856"][1] is the first tag, [@tag="856"][2] is the second, etc.

Here's a bit of shell script that will generate the first 10 values of 650$a:

for i in {1..10}; do
echo "ExtractValue(metadata,"\
"/subfield[@code=\"a\"]') AS 'subjects $i',"

Here's the output:

ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][1]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 1',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][2]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 2',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][3]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 3',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][4]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 4',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][5]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 5',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][6]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 6',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][7]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 7',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][8]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 8',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][9]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 9',
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"][10]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'subjects 10',

If there happen to be 11 subjects rather than 10, you're out of luck. Also, note that there's a trailing comma after "AS 'subjects 10',", which will cause a syntax error if you have a WHERE clause directly after this list.

If you want to find all records with 7XX tags, you can do this:

    ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield/@tag') AS tags
    ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield/@tag') REGEXP '7[0-9][0-9]';
Getting records based on their subfield values

Here is how to get the records that have a subfield of 041 containing "spa"

SELECT biblionumber
  FROM biblio_metadata
 WHERE ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="041"]/*') LIKE '%spa%';

Here is how to get the records whose 041$a is "spa"

SELECT biblionumber
  FROM biblio_metadata
 WHERE ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="041"]/subfield[@code="a"]') = 'spa';

Using svc/barcode in reports

The barcode service provided by /cgi-bin/koha/svc/barcode can generate barcode images which will display in the report:

    CONCAT( p.firstname, ' ', p.surname, ' (', p.branchcode, ')' ) AS 'patron (homebranch)',
        '<img src="/cgi-bin/koha/svc/barcode?barcode=',
        <<Barcode type (Code39 UPCE UPCA QRcode NW7 Matrix2of5 ITF Industrial2of5 IATA2of5 EAN8 EAN13 COOP2of5)>>,
        '"></img>') AS cardnumber,
    cardnumber AS 'cardnumber text'
    borrowers p

Adding the following values in authorised_values with category 'BCTYPE' will be helpful:

authorised_value lib lib_opac
Code39 Code 39 Barcode must start and end with asterisks e.g. *000042*
UPCA UPC A 11 or 12 numeric characters
UPCE UPC E 6 or 7 numeric characters
QRcode QR Code
NW7 NW7 (Codabar) May contain 0-9 + - / . + A-Z
Matrix2of5 Matrix 2 of 5 Must be entirely numeric
ITF ITF (Interleaved 2 of 5) Must be entirely numeric
Industrial2of5 Industrial 2 of 5 Must be entirely numeric
IATA2of5 IATA 2 of 5 Must be entirely numeric
EAN8 EAN8 Barcode must be 7 or 8 numeric characters
EAN13 EAN13 Barcode must be 12 or 13 numeric characters
COOP2of5 COOP 2 of 5

This allows the report to be re-written as

    CONCAT( p.firstname, ' ', p.surname, ' (', p.branchcode, ')' ) AS 'patron (homebranch)',
        '<img src="/cgi-bin/koha/svc/barcode?barcode=',
        <<Barcode type|BCTYPE>>,
        '"></img>') AS cardnumber,
    cardnumber AS 'cardnumber text' 
    borrowers p

Using font-awesome fonts

Green checks and red Xs can be added using Font-awesome fonts and unicode characters:

     biblionumber % 2 = 0,
    '<i style= "color:green" class="fa fa-check">',
    '<i style="color:red">✖</i>'
    ) as even,


In the action_logs table, timestamp always indicates when the log entry was written, and user is either the borrowernumber of the staff member taking the action or 0 if the action was initiated by Koha itself (e.g. in the case of fines added or updated by fines.pl).

The values of action, object and info vary by module, and are shown below, along with the system preference that enables or disables the those logs.

syspref module action(s) object info
FinesLog FINES [blank], CREATE, MODIFY borrowernumber Data::Dumper output from accountlines
IssueLog, ReturnLog CIRCULATION ISSUE, RETURN borrowernumber (NULL for RETURN) itemnumber
BorrowersLog MEMBERS ADDCIRCMESSAGE, CHANGE PASS, CREATE, DELCIRCMESSAGE, DELETE, MODIFY, RENEW borrwernumber ADDCIRCMESSAGE, DELCIRCMESSAGE => message added or deleted; CHANGE PASS, CREATE, DELETE => blank; MODIFY => 'UPDATE (executed with arg: <borrowernumber>)', RENEW => 'Membership renewed'
SubscriptionLog SERIAL ADD, DELETE, MODIFY, RENEW subscription.subscriptionid [blank]
AuthoritiesLog AUTHORITIES ADD, DELETE, MODIFY links to auth_header.authid for ADD and DELETE, this simply says 'authority', for 'MODIFY', contains changes to the authority record.
[Always enabled] SYSTEMPREFERENCE MODIFY NULL systempreferences.value
ReportsLog REPORTS ADD, DELETE(?) saved_sql.id (i.e. the report number) saved_sql.savedsql (sql query)
CataloguingLog CATALOGUING ADD, DELETE, MODIFY itemnumber or biblionumber literal 'item' or 'biblio', followed by data dumper dump of modified data.
HoldsLog HOLDS CREATE, CANCEL, DELETE, MODIFY reserve_id Data dumper of reserves?
LetterLog ? ? ? ?
CronjobLog CRONJOBS RUN NULL cron script name with full path.

Runtime Parameters

If you feel that your report might be too resource intensive you might want to consider using runtime parameters to your query. Runtime parameters basically make a filter appear before the report is run to save your system resources.

<<Question to ask|authorized_value>>
  • The << and >> are just delimiters. You must put << at the beginning and >> at the end of your parameter
  • The 'Question to ask' will be displayed on the left of the string to enter.
  • Note that you can have more than one parameter in a given SQL
  • Note that entering nothing at run time won't probably work as you expect. It will be considered as "value empty" not as "ignore this parameter". For example entering nothing for : "title=<<Enter title>>" will display results with title='' (no title). If you want to have to have something not mandatory, use "title like <<Enter title>>" and enter a % at run time instead of nothing.
  • If you are using a predefined runtime parameter the "Question to ask" portion of the parameter is required.
Runtime parameter options
Parameter Syntax Usage
Custom input
<<Enter any text string>> Show an input field labeled with your custom text
[authorized value category], e.g. "CCODE"
CCODE>> Select any authorized value in the selected category
biblio_framework biblio_framework>> Select a bibliographic framework
branches branches>> Select a library
categorycode categorycode>> Select a patron category
cn_source cn_source>> Select a source of classification or shelving scheme
date date>> Creates a date input field with a datepicker widget
itemtypes itemtypes>> Select an item type
list list>> Allows input of a list of values to be passed to an "IN" clause in the SQL
SELECT surname,firstname 
FROM borrowers 
WHERE branchcode=<<Enter patrons library|branches>> AND surname LIKE <<Enter filter FOR patron surname (% IF none)>>
FROM items 
WHERE homebranch = <<Pick your branch|branches>> AND barcode LIKE <<Partial barcode value here>>


You have to put "%" in a text box to 'leave it blank'. Otherwise, it literally looks for "" (empty string) as the value for the field.

You can get around the necessity of having users enter '%' by constructing the LIKE statement as follows:

FROM items 
    homebranch = <<Pick your branch|branches>> 
    AND barcode LIKE CONCAT( '%', <<Partial barcode value here>>, '%')

Working with Headers

Sometimes you want your report to include headers. Simple example:

select 'borrower number', 'card number', 'last name'
union all
select borrowernumber, cardnumber, surname from borrowers;

However, if you have the report setup to recur via a cron job this will cause reports to always have data so you will get a report emailed to you even if there is nothing in the data query. You can address this by making the headers conditional. To do this you need to do two things.

1) You have to give it a single row source. If you don't you could end up with as many headers as rows in the source.

2) You need to set a condition to test under which it will supply the headers. In most cases that probably means taking the entirety of the second query and making a subquery of it to test so that it only supplies the headers if the data query would supply results.


select 'borrower number', 'card number', 'last name' from (select count(*) as c from borrowers) b where c > 0
union all
select borrowernumber, cardnumber, surname from borrowers;

If you are on MariaDB 10.2 or above you can simplify it with a CTE:

with patrons as (select * from borrowers),
patron_count as (select count(*) as c from patrons)
select 'borrower number', 'card number', 'last name' from patron_count where c > 0
union all
select borrowernumber, cardnumber, surname from patrons;

Adding Row Numbers to Output

Sometimes you want your report to include row numbers. To do so, add the following to the SELECT statement:


Including a Random Sample in Output

Sometimes you want your report to include a random sample from a results set. To do so, add the following to the bottom of your query:


Note for single branch libraries

Many of the reports below have a branch picker, which looks something like this:

    homebranch = <<Pick your branch|branches>>

If your library only has one branch, this is unnecessary -- every patron, item, hold, checkout (issue), etc. will always be in the same branch, so there's no point in forcing the person running the query to choose.


FROM items 
    homebranch = <<Pick your branch|branches>> 
    and barcode like CONCAT( '%', <<Partial barcode value here>>, '%')

can be changed to

FROM items 
    barcode like CONCAT( '%', <<Partial barcode value here>>, '%')

(Note that statements in the WHERE clause must be separated by AND or OR -- when removing the first statement, in a WHERE clause, you need to remove the following AND on the next line)

Runtime Variables

Note: in 18.05 forward, duplicated run time parameters will only have a single prompt; you don't have to use the '@VARIABLE:=' syntax.

If you have duplicate parameters you need during runtime, instead of asking users to enter multiple instances of the same information, you can use variables. Unlike typical MYSQL scripts, you can not set variables prior to the SELECT statement. However, you can set variables within other statement expressions. Variables typically start with '@' and must be set with ':='. Take the following example:

FROM items i
WHERE i.homebranch=<<Pick your branch|branches>>
FROM deleteditems di
WHERE di.homebranch=<<Pick your branch|branches>>

Instead of asking for the same library twice, you could ask for it on the first instance, and pass that value along in a variable, like this:

FROM items i
WHERE i.homebranch=@TargetBranch:=<<Pick your branch|branches>>
FROM deleteditems di
WHERE di.homebranch=@TargetBranch

If you run your query and find that your results are not as you expect, it's possible that the part of the query which contains the run-time variables may be getting eliminated by the mysql optimizer. To get around this, you can use a union with a subquery (which won't get optimized away -- one of the few times when the quirks of the mysql optimizer works in your favor)... this will be unioned with your regular query:

        ( @CallNumber := <<Call Number (USE % AS wildcard) >>) AS title,
        ( @StartDate := <<Start date|date>>) AS author,
        ( @EndDate := <<End date|date>>) AS publishercode,
        0 AS 'publication year',
        0 AS editionstatement,
        0 AS itemlost,
        0 AS withdrawn,
        0 AS 'item type',
        0 AS 'issue count',
        0 AS 'renewal count',
        0 AS 'local use count'
    ) AS set_variables
WHERE 0 = 1
    SUBSTR(ExtractValue(m.metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'),8,4)  AS 'publication year',
    i.itype AS 'item type',
    COUNT( IF( statistics.type = 'issue', statistics.itemnumber, NULL ) )  AS 'issue count',
    COUNT( IF( statistics.type = 'renew', statistics.itemnumber, NULL ) )  AS 'renewal count',
    COUNT( IF( statistics.type = 'localuse', statistics.itemnumber, NULL ) )  AS 'local use count'
    biblio b
    INNER JOIN biblioitems bi USING (biblionumber)
    INNER JOIN biblio_metadata m USING (biblionumber)
    INNER JOIN deleteditems i ON (
        b.biblionumber = i.biblionumber
        AND i.itemcallnumber LIKE @CallNumber
        AND i.dateaccessioned >= @StartDate
        AND date(i.timestamp) <=  @EndDate
    LEFT JOIN statistics USING ( itemnumber )
   date( statistics.datetime ) BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
GROUP BY itemnumber

The WHERE 0 = 1 in the where clause of the first query is used so that the rows where you are setting the variables don't display.

Custom Sort Order

The following approach uses a runtime parameter to set the sort order for a report.

Note that users will have to be prompted with the specific sort order options available to them. Better would be if the user could select from a list of options (as with authorized values), but that does not appear to be possible.

There may also be a way to move the sort order selection out of the SELECT statement so that it isn't repeated in the report output.

The ELSE clause sets the default sort order.

SELECT b.biblionumber, b.title, b.author, i.itemcallnumber, i.price, @SortOrder := << Sort ORDER (bib,title,author) >> AS c1
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
           WHEN @SortOrder= 'bib' THEN b.biblionumber
           WHEN @SortOrder= 'title' THEN b.title
           WHEN @SortOrder= 'author' THEN b.author
           ELSE i.itemcallnumber

How to avoid errors

Cast datetime or timestamp to date in BETWEEN tests

Without the cast, '2016-03-14 19:01:34' is not between '2016-03-12' and '2016-03-14':

select '2016-03-14 19:01:34' between '2016-03-12' and '2016-03-14' as `is between`;
| is between |
|          0 |

With the cast, '2016-03-14 19:01:34' is between '2016-03-12' and '2016-03-14':

select date ( '2016-03-14 19:01:34' ) between '2016-03-12' and '2016-03-14' as `is between`;
| is between |
|          1 |

Use DATEDIFF() to subtract dates

When selecting dates that are close to each other, it looks like the minus-operator ('-') does what it's supposed to:

select DATE('2016-12-21'), DATE('2016-12-21') - DATE('2016-12-20');
| DATE('2016-12-21') | DATE('2016-12-21') - DATE('2016-12-20') |
| 2016-12-21         |                                       1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

However, subtracting dates that are farther apart shows that this doesn't actually work:

select DATE('2016-12-21'), DATE('2016-12-21') - DATE('2016-05-13');
| DATE('2016-12-21') | DATE('2016-12-21') - DATE('2016-05-13') |
| 2016-12-21         |                                     708 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The real difference in days, as shown using DATEDIFF():

select DATE('2016-12-21'), DATEDIFF( DATE('2016-12-21'), DATE('2016-05-13') );
| DATE('2016-12-21') | DATEDIFF( DATE('2016-12-21'), DATE('2016-05-13') ) |
| 2016-12-21         |                                                222 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Course Reserves Reports

All course reserve items

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Course Reserves
  • Purpose: All titles on reserve

select b.title, i.itype, t.itype as 'course item type', i.ccode, t.ccode as 'course ccode', 
i.itemcallnumber, i.barcode, i.itemnotes, c.course_name 
from course_items t 
left join  items i using (itemnumber) 
left join biblio b using (biblionumber) 
left join course_reserves r using (ci_id) 
left join courses c using (course_id)

Course reserve items with circulation counts by term

  • Developer: Joe Sikowitz, Fenway Library Organizatoin
  • Module: Course Reserves
  • Purpose: To show items on course reserve during a given term and how often they have circulated.
  • Status: Completed
  • Works with: 18.05
  i.barcode AS 'Barcode',
  b.title AS 'Title',
  i.itemcallnumber AS 'Call #',
  i.itype AS 'Item Type',
  c.term AS 'Term',
  c.department AS 'Department',
  c.course_name AS 'Course Name',
  c.course_number AS 'Course Number',
  bo.surname AS 'Instructor',
  COUNT(st.datetime) AS 'Circ Total'
FROM course_items ci
    FROM statistics s
      s.datetime BETWEEN <<Circ start date|date>> AND
      <<Circ end date|date>> AND s.type='issue') AS st ON (st.itemnumber = ci.itemnumber)
  LEFT JOIN items i ON (i.itemnumber = ci.itemnumber)
  LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber = b.biblionumber)
  LEFT JOIN course_reserves cr ON (cr.ci_id = ci.ci_id)
  LEFT JOIN courses c ON (c.course_id = cr.course_id)
  LEFT JOIN course_instructors ins ON ( ins.course_id = c.course_id)
  LEFT JOIN borrowers bo ON (bo.borrowernumber = ins.borrowernumber)
  i.homebranch LIKE <<Select school|library_group>> AND c.term LIKE <<Select term|term>>

Catalog/Bibliographic Reports

Catalog Size

Record and Item Counts

Count of all items
  • Developer: Michael Hafen
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count of all items with barcodes
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT COUNT(barcode) AS Count FROM items WHERE barcode <> '' AND barcode IS NOT NULL
Count of all titles
  • Developer: Michael Hafen
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count of all titles
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT COUNT(biblio.title) AS Count FROM biblio
Total collection size
  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Total collection size
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT count(i.biblionumber) AS added, i.itype, i.homebranch, i.location 
  FROM items i 
  WHERE i.dateaccessioned < <<Acquired before (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>  
  GROUP BY i.homebranch,i.itype,i.location 
  ORDER BY i.homebranch,i.itype,i.location ASC
Total Collection Size by Date
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Total collection size by item type and branch by a specific date (for example first of the month)
  • Status: Complete
select COALESCE(homebranch,'*GRAND TOTAL*') as homebranch, 
       IFNULL(itype, "") as itype, count(itype) as count 
from items 
where dateaccessioned < <<Added before (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
group by homebranch, itype 
with rollup
Count of items in collection, select date range
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show collection by item type. Includes deleted bibs and items.
  • Status: Complete
    COALESCE( i.itype, di.itype ) as itype,
    (select biblionumber from biblio union select biblionumber from deletedbiblio ) b
    left join items i using (biblionumber)
    left join deleteditems di using (biblionumber)
    ( i.timestamp is not NULL OR  date(di.timestamp) >= <<item present between | date>> )
    AND date( COALESCE( i.dateaccessioned, di.dateaccessioned ) ) <= <<and | date>>

By Age

Age of collection by copyright date
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count number of Items in collection, grouped by copyright date range.
  • Status: Complete
        ( copyrightdate DIV 5 ) * 5,
        ' - ',
        ( copyrightdate DIV 5 ) * 5 + 4
    ) AS 'Copyright date range',
    COUNT(*) AS 'Count of items'
    INNER JOIN items USING (biblionumber)
WHERE copyrightdate IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY copyrightdate DIV 5
ORDER BY copyrightdate DIV 5
Average Age by Collection Code
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report averages the publication year of titles in your collection to get an age report
  • Status: Complete
select round(avg(b.copyrightdate)) as 'average year' 
from biblio b
left join items i 
using (biblionumber) 
where b.copyrightdate is not null and i.ccode = <<Collection|CCODE>>
Average age of collection by item type
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Average age of collection by item type uses the 008 date field
  • Status: Complete
SELECT itype, avg(mid(ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'),8,4))
FROM biblio_metadata
LEFT JOIN items USING (biblionumber)
WHERE SUBSTR(ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'),8,4) REGEXP '[0-9]{4}'
GROUP BY itype

By Location

Count by Call Number
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count by Call Number
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(items.itemcallnumber) as 'Number of Items', items.itemcallnumber 
FROM items 
GROUP BY items.itemcallnumber 
ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber asc
Count of all items: categorized by DDC
  • Developer: Abdullrahman Hegazy
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count of all items categorized by 1st grade of Dewey Decimal Classes
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING(itemcallnumber,1,1), '00') as "Call Number Code",COUNT(itemnumber) as "Books Count"
from biblio,items
WHERE biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber
AND SUBSTRING(itemcallnumber,1,1) regexp '^[0-9].*'
AND items.itemlost = '0' 
AND items.damaged ='0'
GROUP BY SUBSTRING(itemcallnumber,1,1)
ORDER BY SUBSTRING(itemcallnumber,1,1) ASC
Count of collection by Dewey 10s (tens) optional branch/itemtype limit
  • Developer: Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Counts number of items in a dewey 10s group, will ignore 1 prefix followed by space
  • Status: Complete
        itemcallnumber REGEXP '^[^0-9]+[[:space:]][0-9]{3}[^0-9]+.*', 
        LEFT(SUBSTR(itemcallnumber,LOCATE(' ',itemcallnumber)+1),2) ,
    ),'0') AS Dewey10,
FROM items
    itemcallnumber REGEXP'^[0-9]{3}[^0-9]+.*|^[0-9]{3}$|^[^0-9]+[[:space:]][0-9]{3}[^0-9]+.*|^[0-9]{3}$'
    AND IF(<<Limit by homebranch|YES_NO>>,homebranch=<<Branch|branches>>,1)
    AND IF(<<Limit by itemtype|YES_NO>>,itype=<<Itemtype|itemtypes>>,1)
GROUP BY Dewey10
Count of all Bibs and Items per Branch
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A count of all unique bibs and total items held at each branch
  • Status: Complete
SELECT homebranch, count(DISTINCT biblionumber) as bibs, 
       count(itemnumber) AS items 
FROM items 
GROUP BY homebranch 
ORDER BY homebranch ASC

Statistical Count of total number of items held by each branch
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Statistical Count of total number of items held by each branch all in one report
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT homebranch,count(itemnumber) as items 
  FROM items 
  GROUP BY homebranch 
  ORDER BY homebranch asc
Count of all items and broken down by branch
  • Developer: Zachary Spalding, SENYLRC
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count of all items by Item and broken down by branch
  • Status: Complete
SELECT items.homebranch,branches.branchname, count(items.itemnumber) AS items 
FROM items,branches where items.homebranch=branches.branchcode 
GROUP BY homebranch 
ORDER BY homebranch ASC
Count of items in a location
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This will count the items in a location showing locations that have 0 items in them
  • Status: Complete
select v.lib as loc, count(i.itemnumber) as items 
from authorised_values v 
left join items i  ON (i.location=v.authorised_value) 
where v.category='LOC' 
group by v.id

Other Breakdowns

Count of all Bibs and Items by item type
  • Developer: Agnes Rivers-Moore
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A count of titles and items by item type, with item type descriptions.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT items.itype, itemtypes.description, count(DISTINCT items.biblionumber) AS bibs, 
count(items.itemnumber) AS items 
FROM items, itemtypes
WHERE items.itype=itemtypes.itemtype AND items.barcode IS NOT NULL 
GROUP BY items.itype
ORDER BY itemtypes.description
Count of all items by Item Type
  • Developer: Michael Hafen
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count of all items by Item Type
  • Status: Complete
  itype AS 'Item Type',
  COUNT(barcode) AS Count
FROM items
WHERE barcode <> '' AND barcode IS NOT NULL 
GROUP BY itype
Count of items by branch, then by item type
SELECT homebranch, itype AS  'Item Type', COUNT( barcode ) AS Count
FROM items
WHERE barcode <>  '' AND barcode IS NOT NULL 
GROUP BY homebranch, itype
ORDER BY homebranch, itype ASC
Count of items on each OAI set
  oai_sets.name AS "Set",
  COUNT(oai_sets_biblios.biblionumber) AS "Count"
FROM oai_sets_biblios
LEFT JOIN oai_sets ON (oai_sets.id=oai_sets_biblios.set_id) 
GROUP BY oai_sets.name
ORDER BY oai_sets.name ASC
Number of items on each collection (952$8)
    i.ccode AS  "Collection code",
    av.lib AS  "Collection name",
    COUNT( i.barcode ) AS  "Count"
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN authorised_values av ON ( av.authorised_value = i.ccode ) 
    AND av.category =  'CCODE'
GROUP BY i.ccode
Percentage of collection by collection code
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Number of items per collection code with the percentage of the total collection
  • Status: Complete
   x.ccode as collection,
   x.allitems as 'items',
   (x.allitems * 100)/(
     SELECT COUNT(itemnumber) as 'total'
     FROM items
   ) as 'Percentage of total collection'
     COUNT(i.itemnumber) as 'allitems'
   FROM items i
   GROUP BY i.ccode) x
Count of URL's from 856
  • Developer: From listserv provided to David Schuster
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: count of URL's from 856
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(*) FROM biblioitems where biblioitems.url != 'null';
List of All Unique Items at a Branch
  • Developer: Christofer Zorn
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A listing of all titles where only one item exists in the system and at the specified branch, nowhere else in the system. Items unique to the chosen branch (excludes withdrawn and lost items).
  • Status: Complete
  biblio.title AS Title,
  biblio.author AS Author,
  items.barcode AS Barcode,
  items.dateaccessioned AS DateAccessioned,
  items.datelastborrowed AS DateLastBorrowed,
  items.homebranch AS HomeBranch,
  items.itype AS IType,
  items.ccode AS CollectionCode,
  items.location AS Location
FROM biblio
INNER JOIN items USING (biblionumber)
  items.withdrawn = 0
  AND items.itemlost = 0
GROUP BY biblio.biblionumber
  COUNT(1) = 1 
  AND items.homebranch = <<Branch|branches>>

Inventory/ Shelflists

Accession Register Sorted by Barcode Number Report
  • Developer: Ata ur Rehman (ata.rehman@gmail.com)
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: To create an Accession Register Sorted by Barcode Number Report
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumbers, 
       items.barcode, items.dateaccessioned, items.itemcallnumber, biblioitems.isbn, biblio.author, biblio.title, biblioitems.pages, 
       biblioitems.publishercode, biblioitems.place, biblio.copyrightdate 
FROM items 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
WHERE items.homebranch =<<Branch|branches>> 
ORDER BY LPAD(items.barcode,40,' ') asc
Updated Accession Register Sorted by Barcode Number Report
  • Developer: Ata ur Rehman (ata.rehman@gmail.com)
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: To create an Accession Register Sorted by Barcode Number Report
  • Status: Complete
  • Updated: Feb 13, 2021
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio_metadata.biblionumber,'\">',biblio_metadata.biblionumber,'</a>') 
AS biblionumber,
items.barcode as Barcode,
items.dateaccessioned as AccDate, 
items.itemcallnumber as CallNo, 

ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="020"]/subfield[@code="a"]') as ISBN,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="100"]/subfield[@code="a"]') as Author,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="700"]/subfield[@code="a"]') as OtherAuthors,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="710"]/subfield[@code="a"]') as CorporateAuthor,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="245"]/*') as Title,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="250"]/subfield[@code="a"]') as Ed,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="260"]/subfield[@code="c"]') as Year,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="260"]/subfield[@code="a"]') as Place,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="260"]/subfield[@code="b"]') as Pub,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="300"]/*') as PhysicalDesc,
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"]/*') as Subject

FROM biblio_metadata
LEFT JOIN items ON (biblio_metadata.biblionumber=items.biblionumber)
WHERE items.homebranch =<<Branch|branches>> 
ORDER BY LPAD(items.barcode,40,' '), biblio_metadata.biblionumber ASC
All Barcodes
  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: All Barcodes
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT items.barcode,items.location,biblio.title,items.itemcallnumber 
  FROM items 
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)  
  WHERE items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>>
Call Number Shelflist
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: list in call number order
  • Status: Completed
SELECT items.itemcallnumber,items.datelastborrowed,biblio.title,biblioitems.publicationyear 
FROM items 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
ORDER BY items.cn_sort asc
Complete Shelflist
  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Complete Shelf list
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT  items.price,items.replacementprice,biblio.title,biblio.author,items.itemcallnumber 
  FROM items 
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
  WHERE items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>> 
  ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber ASC
Inventory Report
  • Developer: Sher Afzal Khan (Kohapakistan@gmail.com)
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Subject wise list of books
  • Status: Complete
SELECT  items.itemnumber,items.biblionumber,items.barcode,items.price,items.holdingbranch,items.ccode,items.itype,
FROM items LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
Inventory Report
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Find all items that haven't been seen since a specific date
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.title, i.barcode, i.itemcallnumber, i.itemlost, i.damaged,
      IF(i.onloan IS NULL, '', 'checked out') as onloan
 FROM biblio b
 LEFT JOIN items i USING (biblionumber)
 WHERE datelastseen < <<Last seen before (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
                 and i.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>>
 ORDER BY datelastseen desc, i.itemcallnumber ASC
Inventory Report by Location
  • Developer: Jason O'Neil. Original by Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Find all items that haven't been seen since a specific date, filtered by shelving location, and with borrower details for items that are currently checked out.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.title, i.barcode, i.itemcallnumber, datelastseen, i.location,
      IF(i.onloan IS NULL, '', 'checked out') AS onloan,
      IF(p.cardnumber IS NULL, '', p.cardnumber) AS cardnumber,
      IF(p.firstname IS NULL, '', p.firstname) AS firstname,
      IF(p.surname IS NULL, '', p.surname) AS surname
 FROM biblio b
 LEFT JOIN items i USING (biblionumber)
 LEFT JOIN issues c ON (i.itemnumber=c.itemnumber) 
 LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON (p.borrowernumber=c.borrowernumber) 
 WHERE datelastseen < <<Last seen before (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
                 AND i.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>>
                 AND i.location=<<Location|LOC>>
 ORDER BY onloan DESC, datelastseen DESC, i.itemcallnumber ASC
Records with item count
  • Developer: Heather Braum and Paul A at the request of Satish MV
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Records with item count
  • Status: Complete
  • Note: Revised by Matthew Charlesworth to provide correct link to Staff Interface
 CONCAT('<a title="Search for all records sharing the title:',b.title,'" href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl?q=ti%3A',
 REPLACE(REPLACE (b.title, ' ', '+'),'?',''),'">Search</a>') AS "Search for Title",
 CONCAT('<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber,'">',b.title,'</a>') AS "Item Title",
 count(i.biblionumber) AS "Copies"
FROM biblio b LEFT JOIN biblioitems t USING(biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN items i USING(biblionumber)
GROUP BY b.biblionumber

Title/Subtitle List
  • Developer: Katrin Fischer
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of full titles (title and subtitle) with call numbers
  • Status: Completed
select concat(b.title, ' ', ExtractValue((
    SELECT marcxml 
    FROM biblioitems b2
    WHERE b.biblionumber = b2.biblionumber),
      '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]')) as title, 
    b.author, i.itemcallnumber from biblio b left join items i on (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
Titles without leading articles (by 245 second indicators)
  • Developer: Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Useful if you need a report alphabatized by title no including things like A, AN, THE etc.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT SUBSTRING(title,ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="245"]/@ind2')+1) AS Title
FROM biblio
LEFT JOIN biblioitems USING (biblionumber)
Catalog without withdrawn items
  • Developer: Asif Nawab
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Accession Register without withdraw items.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT items.barcode,items.dateaccessioned,items.itemcallnumber,biblioitems.isbn,biblio.author,biblio.title,biblioitems.pages,
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE items.withdrawn != 1
ORDER BY items.itype ASC
Accession Register Report by Branch
  • Developer: Mahesh Palamuttath
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Getting details of all books under a specific branch library.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT  items.barcode,items.itemcallnumber,items.itype,items.ccode,items.location,biblioitems.isbn,biblio.author,biblio.title,biblio.subtitle,biblioitems.editionstatement,biblioitems.place,biblioitems.publishercode,biblio.copyrightdate,biblioitems.pages,items.price,items.enumchron,items.dateaccessioned FROM items 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) where items.homebranch =<<Choose library|branches>>
New Arrivals by Branch
  • Developer: Mahesh Palamuttath
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Get the details of newly added books under a specific branch library (can also be used for OPAC Coverflow)
  • Status: Completed
SELECT b.biblionumber, SUBSTRING_INDEX(m.isbn, ' ', 1) AS isbn, b.title
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblioitems m USING (biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= i.dateaccessioned AND m.isbn IS NOT NULL AND m.isbn != ''
AND i.homebranch = <<Branch|branches>>
GROUP BY biblionumber
HAVING isbn != ""
ORDER BY rand()

Changes to the Catalog

New Records and Items

Bibs Marked On Order
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List all the bib records that have been marked as on order
  • Status: Complete
select b.title, b.author, i.barcode, 
       i.itemcallnumber, b.copyrightdate 
from biblio b
left join items i using (biblionumber)
where i.notforloan = '-1' 
order by b.title
Count by Call Number for items added last month
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count by Call Number for items added last month
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(items.itemcallnumber), items.itemcallnumber 
FROM items 
WHERE items.dateaccessioned >= concat(date_format(LAST_DAY(now() - interval 1 month),'%Y-%m-'),'01') AND items.dateaccessioned <= LAST_DAY(now() - interval 1 month) 
GROUP BY items.itemcallnumber 
ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber asc
Items added by Collection
  • Developer: Katrin Fischer and Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Count of items added by collection in a specific date range
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(ccode), ccode as collection
SELECT ccode, dateaccessioned FROM items
SELECT ccode, dateaccessioned FROM deleteditems
AS itemsadded
WHERE date(dateaccessioned) between
<<Added BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
group by ccode
Items Added in Date Range
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Items added in a time period (will ask for date range twice)
  • Status: Complete
SELECT sum(COUNT) AS added
  (SELECT count(*) AS COUNT
   FROM items
   WHERE date(dateaccessioned) BETWEEN <<Added BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<AND (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
   FROM deleteditems
   WHERE date(dateaccessioned) BETWEEN <<Added BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<AND (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> ) AS items
Items Deleted in Date Range at Branch
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Items deleted at a branch in a time period
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(*) AS "Items Deleted"
FROM deleteditems
WHERE timestamp between <<Deleted between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
      and homebranch=<<Owning branch|branches>>
List new items
  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List new items
  • Status: Complete
SELECT items.dateaccessioned,
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE DATE (items.dateaccessioned) BETWEEN <<BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<AND (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
  AND items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>>
ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber ASC
List of bibliographic record numbers of bibs with items On Order
  • Developer: Heather Hernandez
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List bib numbers of on order bib records to facilitate export of bib records
  • Status: Complete
   SELECT b.biblionumber
   FROM biblio b 
   LEFT JOIN items i using (biblionumber)where i.notforloan = '-1'
   ORDER BY b.biblionumber

List of Items added to catalog in last 30 days
  • Developer: Nora Blake
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of Items added to catalog in last 30 days (includes bibliographic info)
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT items.dateaccessioned,items.itemcallnumber,biblio.title,biblio.author 
  FROM items 
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
  WHERE items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>> and DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= items.dateaccessioned 
  ORDER BY biblio.title asc
List of biblio by item type
  • Developer: Jameela P; NRL Panini
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report lists the biblio items by its item type. (includes bibliographic info)
  • Status: Complete
    items.barcode, items.dateaccessioned, items.booksellerid, items.homebranch, items.price, items.replacementprice,  items.itemcallnumber,  items.holdingbranch,  biblio.title, biblio.author,  biblioitems.isbn

FROM items 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 

WHERE items.itype=<<Itemtype|itemtypes>>GROUP BY items.barcode ORDER BY items.barcode asc
List of new items added in a date & subject range
  • Developer: Furrukh Hussian Zai
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of new items added in a date & subject range
  • Status: Complete
select *
    (select ExtractValue(biblioitems.marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="650"]/subfield[@code>="a"]'))
  AS Subject
FROM items 
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)  
  LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>) as t
where  Subject like concat('%',<<Subject>>,'%')
ORDER BY dateaccessioned DESC
List of new items added in a date range
  • Developer: Furrukh Hussian Zai
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of new items added in a date range
  • Status: Complete
SELECT items.dateaccessioned,items.barcode,items.itemcallnumber,biblio.author,biblio.title,biblioitems.publishercode FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN
<<Between Date (2017-08-01)>> and <<and (2017-08-31)>>
ORDER BY items.barcode DESC
Another new items report
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List new items between specific dates
  • Status: Complete
select monthname(timestamp) as month, year(timestamp) as year, count(itemnumber) as count 
from items 
where timestamp between <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
group by year(timestamp), month(timestamp)
New Bib Records between dates (verbose)
  • Developer: Pablo Bianchi
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List new bibs in specific time frame but giving a lot of information. Remove AND al.action LIKE 'ADD' if you just want biblio log between dates.
  • Status: Complete
    al.user AS Borrowernumber,
    p.cardnumber AS 'CardNumber',
    p.userid AS 'Username',
    concat(p.surname, ', ', p.firstname) AS "Surname, Name",
    al.object AS "Biblionumber",
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber, '\">', b.title, '</a>' ) AS "Title",
    ExtractValue(bm.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]') AS "Subtitle",
    ExtractValue(bm.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="n"]') AS "Part name",
    ExtractValue(bm.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="p"]') AS "Part",
    b.author AS 'Author',
    b.copyrightdate AS 'Year',
FROM action_logs al
LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON  (al.user = p.borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (al.object = b.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN biblioitems bi ON (al.object = bi.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata bm ON (al.object = bm.biblionumber)
    AND al.timestamp BETWEEN <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
    AND al.info LIKE 'biblio%'
    AND al.action LIKE 'ADD'
ORDER BY al.action_id DESC
New Bib Records between dates
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List new bibs in specific time frame
  • Status: Complete
select monthname(datecreated) as month, year(datecreated) as year, count(biblionumber) as count 
from biblio 
where datecreated between <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
group by year(datecreated), month(datecreated)
Previous Month Items Created
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Previous Month Items Created
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(items.itemnumber) as ItemsCreated 
FROM items 
WHERE items.dateaccessioned >= concat(date_format(LAST_DAY(now() - interval 1 month),'%Y-%m-'),'01') AND items.dateaccessioned <= LAST_DAY(now() - interval 1 month)
Previous Month Items Created--by item type
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Previous Month Items Created--by item type (The total number of rows shown is misleading -- It matches the first item type total. An empty item type column means unknown item type. Add all the entries for the complete total.)
  • Status: Complete
SELECT items.itype as ItemType, count(items.itemnumber) as ItemsCreated 
FROM items 
WHERE (items.dateaccessioned >= concat(date_format(LAST_DAY(now() - interval 1 month),'%Y-%m-'),'01') AND items.dateaccessioned <= LAST_DAY(now() - interval 1 month))  
GROUP BY items.itype
Previous Month Items Deleted
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Previous Month Items Deleted
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(deleteditems.itemnumber) as ItemsDeleted 
FROM deleteditems 
WHERE deleteditems.timestamp like concat(date_format(LAST_DAY(now() - interval 1 month),'%Y-%m-%'))
Previous Month Items Deleted--by item type
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Previous Month Items Deleted--by item type (The total number of rows shown is misleading -- It matches the first item type total. An empty item type column means unknown item type. Add all the entries for the complete total.)
  • Status: Complete
SELECT deleteditems.itype as ItemType, count(deleteditems.itemnumber) as ItemsDeleted 
FROM deleteditems 
WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp like concat(date_format(LAST_DAY(now() - interval 1 month),'%Y-%m-%'))) 
GROUP BY deleteditems.itype
Titles added in date range using 005
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List titles added between a date range listed in the 005
  • Status: Complete
select b.title, m.isbn, b.biblionumber 
from biblio b l
left join bibioitems m using (biblionumber) 
where ExtractValue(m.marcxml,'//controlfield[@tag="005"]') between DATE_FORMAT(<<Added between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') 
      and DATE_FORMAT(<<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s')
7 Random new titles for coverflow plugin
  • Developer: Ed Veal and Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This will list 7 random new titles for the coverflow plugin
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.biblionumber, m.isbn, b.title
  FROM items i
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems m using (biblioitemnumber)
  LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
  WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= i.dateaccessioned and m.isbn is not null and m.isbn != ''
  ORDER BY rand()
New items added since selected date with cover images
  • Developer: Jason Robb
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Gathers items since a specific accession date, normalizes the ISBN and tries to render images from Amazon within the report results
  • Status: Complete
  • Version: 21.05
    concat(biblio.title, ' ', ExtractValue((
        SELECT metadata 
        FROM biblio_metadata
        WHERE biblio.biblionumber = biblio_metadata.biblionumber),
         '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]')) AS FullTitle,
    ExtractValue( biblio_metadata.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="650"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) AS 'lcsh',
    COALESCE(CONCAT('<img src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/P/',
  (LEFT(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 3) = '978',
    CONCAT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 4, 9),
        (CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 4, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*10 +
         CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 5, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*9 +
         CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 6, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*8 +
         CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 7, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*7 +
         CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 8, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*6 +
         CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 9, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*5 +
         CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 10, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*4 +
         CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 11, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*3 +
         CONVERT(SUBSTR(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 12, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER)*2, 11
	  ), 11), '10', 'X')
    LEFT(TRIM(biblioitems.isbn), 10)
     '.01.MZZZZZZZZZ.jpg">')) AS Render  
FROM biblio, items, biblioitems, biblio_metadata
WHERE biblio.biblionumber = items.biblionumber 
     AND biblio.biblionumber = biblio_metadata.biblionumber
     AND biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber
     AND items.dateaccessioned  >= <<Items added on or after (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
     AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Choose Library|branches>>
     AND biblio.copyrightdate >= <<Titles published on or after (YYYY), or a % symbol for no limit>>
GROUP BY FullTitle
ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber, biblio.copyrightdate DESC, items.itemcallnumber
LIMIT 10000

Deletions, Withdrawals, and Lost Items

All bibs where last item deleted
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: All bibs without items where the last item was deleted
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.biblionumber, b.title, b.author
FROM biblio b
LEFT JOIN items i using (biblionumber) 
WHERE i.itemnumber IS NULL 
      and b.biblionumber in (select biblionumber from deleteditems)
group by b.biblionumber
All bibs where last item deleted in time frame
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: All bibs without items where the last item was deleted in a specific timeframe (often used for notifying OCLC of holdings changes)
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.biblionumber, b.title, b.author
FROM biblio b
LEFT JOIN items i USING (biblionumber) 
WHERE i.biblionumber NOT IN (select biblionumber from items) AND 
      b.biblionumber IN (SELECT biblionumber FROM deleteditems where date(timestamp) = <<Deleted on (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>)
All bibs where last item withdrawn in time frame
  • Developer: Fridolin Somers, Biblibre
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: All bibs where the last item was withdrawn in a specific timeframe (consider deleting the record)
  • Status: Complete
  CONCAT('<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber,'">Notice</a>') AS 'Notice',
  b.title AS 'Titre',
  b.author AS 'Auteur',
  MIN(i.withdrawn_on) AS 'Pilon depuis',
  COUNT(i.itemnumber) AS 'Nb exemplaires'
FROM items i JOIN biblio b ON(i.biblionumber = b.biblionumber)
WHERE b.biblionumber IN (
  SELECT biblionumber FROM items GROUP BY biblionumber
  HAVING COUNT(itemnumber) > 0 AND COUNT(IF(withdrawn = 1,1,NULL)) = COUNT(itemnumber)
AND i.homebranch LIKE <<Site|branches:all>>
AND IF(i.withdrawn_on,DATE(i.withdrawn_on),'2000-01-01') BETWEEN <<Piloné entre|date>> AND <<et|date>>
GROUP BY i.biblionumber
ORDER BY i.withdrawn_on DESC
Bib records added/deleted in time frame
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Statistical (Catalog)
  • Purpose: This report will show the bibs added/deleted at a branch in a time period.
  • Status: Complete
  • IMPORTANT: Only works if you're logging cataloging actions.
SELECT l.action, count(l.timestamp) AS 'bibs'
FROM action_logs l
LEFT JOIN borrowers p on (p.borrowernumber=l.user)
WHERE module='CATALOGUING' AND p.branchcode=<<Branch|branches>>
      AND date(l.timestamp) between <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
      AND l.info!='item'
GROUP BY l.action

Bib records marked deleted with leader/05='d'
  • Developer: Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: See records marked deleted
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblionumber, title, author, ExtractValue(metadata,'//leader') AS "Leader Field", SUBSTRING(ExtractValue(metadata,'//leader'),6,1) AS "Position05"
FROM biblio
LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata USING (biblionumber)
WHERE SUBSTRING(ExtractValue(metadata,'//leader'),6,1) = 'd'
Bib records that contain only lost items
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Statistical (Catalog)
  • Purpose: Find
  • Status: Complete
            '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', 
        ) AS Title,
        lostitems.dateaccessioned as 'Accession date',
        lostitems.onloan as 'Checkout date'
        biblio bib
        left join items on (bib.biblionumber = items.biblionumber and items.itemlost = 0)
        left join items as lostitems on (bib.biblionumber = lostitems.biblionumber and lostitems.itemlost != 0)
group by bib.biblionumber
having count(items.itemnumber) = 0
Deleted Titles List to Send to OCLC
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Provides title, author, isbn and OCLC number of deleted titles at a branch in a specific time period for sending to OCLC to update your holdings in a batch.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT b.title, b.author, m.isbn, 
       ExtractValue(bm.metadata, '//controlfield[@tag="001"]') AS 'OCLC Number 001'
FROM biblio b
LEFT JOIN deleteditems i USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN biblioitems m USING (biblionumber)
INNER JOIN biblio_metadata bm on bm.biblionumber = b.biblionumber and bm.format = 'marcxml'
WHERE b.biblionumber not in (select biblionumber from items) 
      and i.homebranch=<<Branch|branches>> and 
      i.timestamp between <<Deleted between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
      and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
Item records added/deleted in time frame
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Statistical (Catalog)
  • Purpose: This report will show the items added/deleted at a branch in a time period.
  • Status: Complete
  • IMPORTANT: Only works if you're logging cataloging actions.
SELECT l.action, count(l.timestamp) AS 'items'
FROM action_logs l
LEFT JOIN borrowers p on (p.borrowernumber=l.user)
WHERE module='CATALOGUING' AND p.branchcode=<<Branch|branches>>
      AND date(l.timestamp) between <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
      AND l.info='item'
GROUP BY l.action

Deleted biblio data
  • Developer: Alex Buckley, Catalyst IT for Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Given a biblio title this report will list information the biblio if it has been deleted.
  • Status: Completed
  LEFT JOIN deletedbiblio_metadata ON deletedbiblio.biblionumber = deletedbiblio_metadata.biblionumber
  deletedbiblio.title = <<Enter a title>>
List of items associated with a deleted biblio
  • Developer: Alex Buckley, Catalyst IT for Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds all the item(s) associated with a deleted biblio.
  • Status: Completed
  deletedbiblioitems.biblioitemnumber AS itemnumber,
  deleteditems.ccode AS Collection,
  LEFT JOIN deletedbiblio_metadata ON deletedbiblio.biblionumber = deletedbiblio_metadata.biblionumber
  LEFT JOIN deleteditems ON deletedbiblio_metadata.biblionumber = deleteditems.biblionumber
  LEFT JOIN deletedbiblioitems ON deletedbiblio_metadata.biblionumber = deletedbiblioitems.biblionumber
  deletedbiblio.title = <<Enter a title>>
List of Items Marked Lost/Missing
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds all items that are marked as lost in some way.
  • Status: Completed
select i.itemnumber, b.title, b.author, i.itemcallnumber, 
       i.barcode, v.lib 
from items i
left join biblio b on (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber) 
left join authorised_values v on (i.itemlost=v.authorised_value) 
where i.itemlost != 0 and v.category='LOST'
List of Items Marked Lost/Missing with Hold Info
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds all items that are marked as lost in some way and shows if they're on hold.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT i.itemnumber, i.reserves, i.issues, i.datelastseen,
i.dateaccessioned, i.ccode, b.title, b.author,
i.itemcallnumber, i.barcode, v.lib, 
IF(h.reservedate IS NULL, '', 'on hold') as holds
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN authorised_values v ON (i.itemlost=v.authorised_value)
LEFT JOIN reserves h on (b.biblionumber=h.biblionumber)
WHERE i.itemlost != 0 AND v.category='LOST'
List of Items Marked Lost/Missing with Holds past 6 months
  • Developer: Agnes Rivers-Moore, Hanover Public Library
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds all items that are marked as lost/missing, since 6 months ago, with title link and shows if they're on hold. Uses the new lost_on date.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber,'\">',title,'</a>') AS Title, i.location, i.itemcallnumber,
i.barcode, i.itemlost_on, v.lib, i.issues, i.datelastseen, i.dateaccessioned,
IF(h.reservedate IS NULL, '', 'on hold') AS holds
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN authorised_values v ON (i.itemlost=v.authorised_value)
LEFT JOIN reserves h ON (b.biblionumber=h.biblionumber)
WHERE i.itemlost != 0 AND v.category='LOST' AND i.itemlost_on > DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 6 MONTH)
ORDER BY i.itemlost_on DESC
List of Items Marked Lost/Missing, Choose Lost Status
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Finds all items that are marked as lost/missing, choose lost status.
  • Status: Completed
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', title, '</a>' ) AS title,
    inner join biblio using (biblionumber)
    items.itemlost = <<Lost status|lost>>
Lost Items & Who Lost Them
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Statistical (Catalog)
  • Purpose: This report should show all items that are marked lost and who lost them. It's not fool proof, but it's the closest I can get.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT i.itemnumber, i.ccode, b.title, b.author, i.itemcallnumber, 
       i.enumchron, i.itemnotes, i.barcode, v.lib as 'lost', c.borrowernumber
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber) 
LEFT JOIN authorised_values v ON (i.itemlost=v.authorised_value)
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT itemnumber, borrowernumber, issuedate, timestamp, returndate
            FROM issues UNION SELECT itemnumber, borrowernumber, issuedate, timestamp,
            returndate FROM old_issues ) c 
     ON (c.itemnumber=i.itemnumber) 
left join statistics s on (s.itemnumber=i.itemnumber)
WHERE i.itemlost != 0 AND v.category='LOST' and
      date(s.datetime)=date(c.issuedate) and s.type='issue'
Withdrawn Items (with details)
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Withdrawn Items
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblio.title,biblio.author,items.itemcallnumber,items.barcode,items.datelastborrowed, items.withdrawn 
FROM items 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
WHERE items.withdrawn != 0 
ORDER BY biblio.title asc
Withdrawn Items 3.12- (barcodes only)
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Barcodes of items marked as withdrawn (best used for batch deleting)
  • Status: Complete
  • Version: 3.12-
SELECT barcode
FROM items
WHERE withdrawn != 0 
ORDER BY barcode ASC
Withdrawn Items 3.14+ (barcodes only)
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Barcodes of items marked as withdrawn (best used for batch deleting)
  • Status: Complete
  • Version: 3.14+
SELECT barcode
FROM items
WHERE withdrawn != 0 
ORDER BY barcode ASC
Withdrawn Titles List to Send to OCLC
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Provides title, author and OCLC number of withdrawn titles for sending to OCLC to update your holdings in a batch.
  • Status: Completed
select b.title, b.author, ExtractValue(m.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="035"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'OCLC Number' 
from biblio b 
left join items i using (biblionumber) 
left join biblioitems m using (biblionumber)
where i.withdrawn > 0

Lists of Records and Items

Records with Specific Attributes

Bibs with a specific MARC field
  • Developer: Cab Vinton
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report lists all biblionumbers for records containing a specific MARC field
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>' ) AS link
    ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield/@tag') REGEXP <<MARC field>>
Bibs with a specific MARC field II
  • Developer: Pablo López Liotti - UNMDP - (based in previous Cab Vinton's work)
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Lists biblionumbers with links to records containing a specific MARC field given and field content (first ocurrence and all subfields) extracted from XML Marc.
  • Status: Complete
  • Version: 17.xx to 20.xx
    CONCAT('<a target="_blank" title="Show record with THIS biblionumber" 
biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>' ) AS Record,
    ExtractValue(metadata, "//datafield[@tag=<<MARC Field>>]/*") AS Field_Content
    ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield/@tag') REGEXP <<MARC Field>>
All titles with 008 for Continuing Resource
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Statistical (Catalog)
  • Purpose: This report lists all titles that are coded as continuing resources in the 008
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.title, m.issn
FROM biblioitems m 
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING (biblionumber) 
WHERE SUBSTR(ExtractValue(m.marcxml,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'),22,1) in ('d','l','m','n','p','w')

SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumber, biblio.title, biblio.author, ExtractValue(metadata, "//datafield[@tag=<< Field (XXX)>>]/subfield[@code=<<Subfield(Y)>>]") AS 'Μεταβλητή'
FROM biblio_metadata
JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber)
WHERE ExtractValue(metadata, "//datafield[@tag=<< Field (XXX)>>]/subfield[@code=<<Subfield(Y)>>]")
LIKE <<Search Term (USE % AS wildcard)>>

Biblios Leader position 06 and 942 subfield c
  • Developer: Elaine Bradtke
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report displays the Biblionumber and contents of leader 06, selected by item type from 942$c, useful for finding mismatch in Leader and item type.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblio.biblionumber, SUBSTRING(ExtractValue(metadata,'//leader'),7,1) AS "Position06"
FROM biblio
LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata USING (biblionumber)
WHERE ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="942"]/subfield[@code="c"]' ) = <<Item Type|itemtypes>>
Bibs Suppressed in OPAC
  • Developer: Chris Hobbs, New Haven Unified School District
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds all bibs that have been flagged as Suppressed in 942$n
  • Status: Completed
  SELECT concat( '<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblio.biblionumber, '">', biblio.title, '</a>' ) AS title, biblio.author
  FROM biblio_metadata
  JOIN biblio ON ( biblio_metadata.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber )
  WHERE ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="942"]/subfield[@code="n"]' )
  IN ('Y', '1')
Bibs with Series info
  • Developer: Joy Nelson, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A list of bib records with series info
  • Status: Complete
SELECT i.biblionumber, i.itemnumber, i.barcode, i.itemcallnumber, i.location, i.itype, 
       b.title, b.author, i.enumchron, b.seriestitle, 
       ExtractValue(bi.marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="830"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS Series 
FROM items i 
LEFT JOIN biblio b using (biblionumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems bi on (b.biblionumber=bi.biblionumber)

Bibs with specific keyword in subjects
  • Developer: Chris Cormack & Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report shows all bib records with a subject that contains a specific keyword in the 650a
  • Status: Completed
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'\">',biblionumber,'</a>')
AS bibnumber, lcsh 
(SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="650"]/subfield[@code="a"]')
AS lcsh FROM biblioitems) 
AS subjects 
WHERE lcsh LIKE CONCAT( '%', <<Subject>>, '%' )
Find biblionumbers for marc records containing '�'
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Records imported with character-set mis-matches will often contain the unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER '�', represented in UTF-8 as 0xEFBFBD. This query can be used to find these characters.
  • Status: Complete
  • Notes: For some reason, this does not return records when run as a report. It works in koha-mysql however.
    hex(metadata) like '%EFBFBD%'
Find biblionumbers of marc records containing non-ascii characters
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Find marc records containing non-ascii characters.
  • Status: Complete
  • Notes: This will return biblionumbers for records that use the copyright symbol, so might not be as useful as it might otherwise be.
    metadata <> CONVERT(metadata USING ASCII)
Language Material Bibs
  • Developer: Chris Cormack, Catalyst and Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of biblionumbers where the leader says 'language material' and has a specific item type.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'\">',biblionumber,'</a>')
       AS biblionumber 
FROM biblioitems,
  (SELECT biblioitemnumber, SUBSTR(marcxml,INSTR(marcxml, "<leader>")+8+6,1) 
   AS leader6 FROM biblioitems) 
AS leaders 
WHERE biblioitems.biblioitemnumber=leaders.biblioitemnumber AND leaders.leader6 = 'a' 
      AND itemtype = <<Item Type|itemtypes>>

List all records with at least one subject
  • Developer: David Cook
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report creates a list of all records with at least one subject tag. It also lists those subject tags and the biblionumber for the record.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblionumber,ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[substring(@tag,1,1) = "6"]/@tag') as 'Subject Tags' -- ,marcxml
FROM biblioitems
WHERE ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[substring(@tag,1,1) = "6"]/@tag')
ORDER BY `Subject Tags`;

List of all normalized ISBNs
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A list of all ISBNs in your system normalized using the code from Nick Clemens.
  • Status: Complete
    LEFT(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn),'-',''),3) <> '978',
        +CONVERT(SUBSTR(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn),'-',''),9,1),UNSIGNED INTEGER))*3
  ) AS NormISBN 
FROM biblioitems i 
WHERE i.isbn IS NOT NULL AND i.isbn != ''
List records with notes by note tag
  • Developer: David Cook, Prosentient Systems
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List bibliographic records that have notes fields, and list those note fields by tag number
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblionumber,ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield/@tag/text()[substring(.,1,1) = "5"]') as 'notes'
FROM biblioitems
HAVING notes <> ''
List of URL's from 856
  • Developer: LibLime provided to David Schuster
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of URL's from 856
  • Status: Complete
  • Notes: Updated by Barton Chittenden (BWS).
SELECT biblio.biblionumber, SUBSTRING(biblio_metadata.metadata, LOCATE('<subfield code="u">',
       biblio_metadata.metadata, LOCATE('<datafield tag="856"', biblio_metadata.metadata)+19),
       LOCATE('</subfield>', biblio_metadata.metadata, LOCATE('<subfield code="u">',
       biblio_metadata.metadata, LOCATE('<datafield tag="856"',
       biblio_metadata.metadata)+19)) - LOCATE('<subfield code="u">', biblio_metadata.metadata,
       LOCATE('<datafield tag="856"', biblio_metadata.metadata)+19)) AS url
FROM biblioitems, biblio, biblio_metadata
       biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber
       AND biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio_metadata.biblionumber
       AND url IS NOT NULL

I *think* that this query is addressing the fact that ExtractValue concatenates multiple tags into a single fileld. These can be individually addressed using an array index after [@tag=856]:

ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag=856][1]/subfield[@code="u"]' ) as '856$u'

The index is 1-based, [@tag=856][1] is the first tag, [@tag=856][2] is the second, etc. It's probably possible to do something tricky here with a MySQL variable. Because I can't *exactly* tell what the original query is doing, I'm a bit loathe to dive in too deep, but I'd love to see this particular report get re-written more clearly.

URLs in Catalog
  • Developer: Lenora Oftedahl
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: URLs in Catalog
  • Status: Needs work as I only want the URLs, not all barcodes
  SELECT  items.barcode,biblioitems.url 
  FROM items LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)   
  WHERE items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>>
Bibs with 856s
  • Developer: Myka Kennedy Stephens, Lancaster Theological Seminary
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: list of all 856s, including all subfields, for each biblio that has at least one 856
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblionumber,
     ExtractValue(metadata,'count(//datafield[@tag="856"])') AS count856,
     ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="856"]/*') AS link 
FROM biblio_metadata
HAVING count856 > 0
Biblio records with 856 (url)
  • Developer: Caroline Cyr La Rose, inLibro
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: list of all biblionumbers of records that have a url in 856$u, to be used in match modification; Note: 856$u must be mapped to biblioitems.url in Administration > Koha to MARC mapping for this report to work
  • Status: Complete
    url IS NOT NULL
Materials based on item type from fixed fields
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions and Melia Meggs, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: count of the collection by bibliographic item type as cataloged in the fixed fields.
  • Status: Completed
CASE SUBSTR(marcxml,INSTR(marcxml, "<leader>")+8+6,2) 
      WHEN 'am' THEN 'Book'
      WHEN 'as' THEN 'Serial'
      WHEN 'cm' THEN 'Score'
      WHEN 'em' THEN 'Map'
      WHEN 'gm' THEN 'Video recording and motion pictures'
      WHEN 'im' THEN 'Non-music sound recording'
      WHEN 'jm' THEN 'Music sound recording'
      WHEN 'mm' THEN 'Computer file'
      WHEN 'rm' THEN 'Three Dimensional item'
      WHEN 'tm' THEN 'Manuscript'
      ElSE 'unknown' END
   AS bibtype, count(DISTINCT biblionumber) as bibs from biblioitems
GROUP BY bibtype
Titles by General Materials Designation (MARC 245$h)
  • Developer: Ian Walls, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Shows each distinct GMD value in the catalog, with a count of titles for that value. Good for profiling materials, and spotting minor spelling errors
  • Status: Completed
SELECT ExtractValue(metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="h"]') AS GMD, 
       count(*) AS COUNT
       From biblio_metadata 
List of Language Codes in 008 Positions 35-37 With Count of Bibs per Language
  • Developer: Andrew Fuerste-Henry, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Shows 008 positions 35-37 for use in determining Advanced Search languages
  • Status: Completed
SELECT Substring(ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag=008]'),36,3) as LANG, count(biblionumber) as BIBS
FROM biblio_metadata

Items with Specific Attributes

SuperWeeder 008
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A variation on SuperWeeder which uses the publication date in 008.
  • Status: Complete
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?biblionumber=',
        biblio.biblionumber, '\">', 
        items.barcode, '</a>' 
    ) AS 'Barcode',
    )  AS 008pubdate,
    items.dateaccessioned AS 'Accessioned',
    (IFNULL(items.issues, 0) + IFNULL(items.renewals, 0)) AS Total_Circ, 
    LEFT JOIN biblioitems USING (biblionumber) 
    LEFT JOIN biblio  USING (biblionumber) 
    LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata  USING (biblionumber) 
    items.itype= <<Item type code|itemtypes>>
    AND items.holdingbranch=<<Branch code|branches>> 
    AND items.itemcallnumber BETWEEN <<Call number between>> AND <<and>>
Items without proper itype, ccode or location
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: find count of items without corresponding entry in the itemtypes table or authorized values for location or ccode.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT 'itype' AS type, count(*), itype AS code 
FROM items LEFT JOIN itemtypes on (items.itype = itemtypes.itemtype) 
WHERE itemtypes.itemtype IS NULL 


SELECT 'ccode' AS type, count(*), ccode AS code 
FROM items LEFT JOIN authorised_values av on ( av.authorised_value = items.ccode AND av.category = 'CCODE') 
WHERE av.authorised_value IS NULL 


SELECT 'location' AS type , count(*), location AS code 
FROM items LEFT JOIN authorised_values av on ( av.authorised_value = items.location AND av.category = 'LOC') 
WHERE av.authorised_value IS NULL 
Weeding tool
  • Developer: Kathy Rippel
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Weeding tool, we call this the SuperWeeder because it includes all sorts of data to help in decision making
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT( '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?biblionumber=', biblio.biblionumber,'\">', 
       items.barcode, '</a>' ) AS 'Barcode', items.itemcallnumber, biblio.title, 
       biblio.copyrightdate AS 'Copyright', items.dateaccessioned AS 'Accessioned', items.itype, 
       items.issues, items.renewals, (IFNULL(items.issues, 0)+IFNULL(items.renewals, 0)) AS Total_Circ, 
       items.datelastborrowed, items.itemlost, items.onloan, items.damaged, items.itemnotes
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE items.itype= <<Item type code|itemtypes>> AND items.holdingbranch=<<Branch code|branches>> 
      AND items.itemcallnumber between <<Call number between>> and <<and>>
ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber
Titles on a particular branch and shelving location
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions (Posted by Rachel)
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Creates a list of titles (245a and 245b), authors, and call numbers along with home-branch and library location.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT concat(b.title, ' ', 
       ExtractValue(metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]')) AS title, b.author, i.itemcallnumber 
FROM biblio b 
LEFT JOIN items i using (biblionumber)
left join biblio_metadata m using (biblionumber)
WHERE i.homebranch=<<homebranch|branches>> AND i.location=<<Shelving Location|LOC>>
Action log entries of items damaged within the last day
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Items damaged within the last day
  • Status: Complete
    , b.author
    , i.itemnumber
    , i.barcode
    , i.timestamp
    , l.*
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING ( biblionumber )
LEFT JOIN action_logs l on (l.timestamp >= timestamp( SUBDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) ) and l.object = i.itemnumber )
    i.damaged = 1
    AND l.info like '%damaged%'
ORDER BY i.timestamp ASC

Author List by Branch
  • Developer: Nick Clemens, VOKAL
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A list of authors that match search criteria
  • Status: Complete
SELECT  ' ' as Checkbox, b.title, b.author, i.itemcallnumber, i.barcode
FROM items i
JOIN biblio b using (biblionumber)
WHERE i.homebranch=<<Branch|branches>> AND 
      b.author LIKE CONCAT(<<Author: Last Name, First Name>>,'%')
ORDER BY b.title
Barcode Search Report
  • Developer: Ata ur Rehman (ata.rehman@gmail.com)
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Barcode search report. To verify if a record available against provided barcode. Barcode can be searched with wild cards '%' or '_'
  • Status: Complete
  Concat('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblio.biblionumber, '\">', biblio.biblionumber, '</a>') AS biblionumbers,
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON items.biblioitemnumber = biblioitems.biblioitemnumber
  LEFT JOIN biblio ON biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber
  items.homebranch = <<Branch|branches>> AND
  items.barcode LIKE <<Enter Barcode>>
  LPad(items.barcode, 30, ' ')
Basic Item Information By Call Number Range
  • Developer: Jared Camins and Chris Nighswonger
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report returns a set of items limited by a range of call numbers. The data included in the result set are: Call Number, Title, Author. A link is provided for easy viewing of the item details.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT( '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblio.biblionumber, '\">View Details</a>' ) AS 'View Details',
FROM items 
LEFT JOIN biblio ON items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber 
WHERE items.itemcallnumber BETWEEN <<starting call number>> AND <<ending call number>>
Call Numbers
  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Call Numbers
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT items.itype,items.itemcallnumber,items.barcode,biblio.title,biblio.copyrightdate 
  FROM items 
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
  WHERE items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>> AND items.itemcallnumber LIKE concat(<<Call number like>>, '%')
  ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber ASC
Collection Evaluation Report
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Collection Evaluation report asks for branch, shelving location, data acquired range and date last borrowed range and returns titles
  • Status: Completed
select b.title, b.author, b.copyrightdate, i.itemcallnumber 
from biblio b 
left join items i 
using (biblionumber) 
where i.homebranch=<<Branch|branches>> and i.location=<<Shelving location|LOC>> 
          and i.dateaccessioned between <<Date acquired between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and 
         <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and i.datelastborrowed between 
         <<Date last checked out between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and 
         <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
order by i.itemcallnumber ASC
Collection Evaluation Report 2
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta and Ian Walls, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Shows entire collection with publication info pulled from the 008 (Tip: would be wise to add a filter of some sort to this)
  • Status: Completed
select b.title, b.author, i.dateaccessioned, i.location, i.itemcallnumber,
i.itype, i.datelastborrowed, i.issues, substring(ExtractValue((
    SELECT marcxml
    FROM biblioitems b2
    WHERE b.biblionumber = b2.biblionumber), 
'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'),8,4) as 'pub date'
from biblio b left join items i using (biblionumber)
Damaged Items with Title
  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Damaged Items with Title
  • Status: Complete
SELECT items.damaged, items.itemcallnumber, items.barcode, biblio.title, biblio.author 
FROM items 
INNER JOIN biblio ON items.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber 
WHERE items.damaged = True ORDER BY biblio.title asc
Items by Like Call Number, Branch and Item Type
  • Developer: Rebecca Crago, Systems and Teaching Librarian, Mercyhurst University
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Search items by like call number, by item type and branch location.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT itemcallnumber, biblio.title
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblio ON items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON items.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber
WHERE items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>>
AND biblioitems.itemtype = <<Item Type|itemtypes>>
AND items.itemcallnumber LIKE concat(<<Call number like>>, '%')
Items in a location with lists
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This will list all items in a specific location and the lists they are in (if any).
  • Status: Complete
select b.title, i.barcode, i.location, group_concat(l.shelfname, ' || ') 
from items i 
left join biblio b using (biblionumber) 
left join virtualshelfcontents c on (b.biblionumber=c.biblionumber) 
left join virtualshelves l using (shelfnumber) 
where i.location=<<Location|LOC>> 
group by i.itemnumber
Items not for loan
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber, '\">', b.title, '</a>' ) AS Title,
    ExtractValue(bi.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]') AS "Subtitle",
    ExtractValue(bi.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="n"]') AS "Part name",
    ExtractValue(bi.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="p"]') AS "Part",
    b.author AS 'Author',
    b.copyrightdate AS 'Year',
    i.barcode AS Barcode, 
    i.itemcallnumber AS 'Callnumber', 
    i.itype AS 'Item Type'
FROM biblio b
LEFT JOIN items i USING ( biblionumber ) 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems bi USING ( biblionumber ) 
WHERE i.notforloan <> '0'
ORDER BY b.title
List of Not for Loan Magazine items
  • Developer: Alex Buckley, Catalyst IT for Waitaki District Library NZ
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List magazine items (items with collection code of "MAG") which are set Not for Loan
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber, '\">', b.title, '</a>' ) AS Title,
    ExtractValue(bi.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]') AS "Subtitle",
    ExtractValue(bi.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="n"]') AS "Part name",
    ExtractValue(bi.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="p"]') AS "Part",
    b.author AS 'Author',
    b.copyrightdate AS 'Copyright year',
    i.barcode AS Barcode, 
    i.itemcallnumber AS 'Callnumber', 
    i.itype AS 'Item Type'
FROM biblio b
LEFT JOIN items i USING ( biblionumber ) 
LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata bi USING ( biblionumber ) 
WHERE i.notforloan = '1' AND i.ccode = "MAG" 
ORDER BY b.title
Items with "X" & "Y" ITypes
  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Items with "X" & "Y" ITypes
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT  items.dateaccessioned,items.itype,items.itemcallnumber,items.barcode,biblio.author,biblio.title, biblio.copyrightdate 
  FROM items 
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
  WHERE (items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>> AND items.itype=<<Item type|itemtypes>>) 
        OR (items.homebranch=<<Second home branch|branches>> AND items.itype=<<Second item type|itemtypes>>) 
  ORDER BY items.dateaccessioned DESC
Items with "X" CCode
  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Items with "X" CCode
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT  items.dateaccessioned,items.ccode,items.itemcallnumber,items.itype,biblio.author,biblio.title, biblio.copyrightdate 
  FROM items 
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)  
  WHERE items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>> AND items.ccode=<<Collection|CCODE>> 
  ORDER BY items.dateaccessioned DESC
Items with notes
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A list of bib records with either a public or nonpublic note
  • Status: Complete
select b.title, b.author, i.itemcallnumber, i.barcode, 
       i.itemnotes as 'public note',
       as 'nonpublic note' 
from items i 
left join biblio b using (biblionumber) 
where i.itemnotes is not null 
      or i.more_subfields_xml is not null

List items for Reading groups - Provide the number of copies needed
  • Developer: Brenda Turnbull, LiveWire CIC
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of items that can be used for reading groups - enter the number of copies needed for an item Looks for Item types Adult Fiction and Junior Fiction in various locations A
  • Status: Complete
      b.title AS   'Item                   Title          ',
      b.author as '       Author       ',
      i.itemcallnumber AS CallNo,  
      i.itype AS 'Item/ Type',  
      i.location ,   
      CONCAT( Extractvalue(bi.marcxml,  '//datafield[@tag="264"]/subfield[@code>="c"]'),  Extractvalue(bi.marcxml,  '//datafield[@tag="260"]/subfield[@code>="c"]') )AS PUBYR , 
             CONCAT( COUNT(i.barcode),   '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',i.biblionumber,'\">'," see more ",'</a>')   AS' Possible No. / of Copies',
 i.itemnotes AS 'Public Notes', abstract as Abstract
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING (biblionumber)   
LEFT JOIN biblioitems bi USING (biblionumber)               
WHERE    i.itype IN ('AF','JF')
 AND i.location IN ('A', 'G','SFG','H','X','LP','R','SF','Y','T','TC')
GROUP by i. biblionumber  HAVING COUNT(i.barcode) > <<How many copies needed? >>
ORDER BY b.title

List items which have data in the copy number field (952$t)
  • Developer: Heather Hernandez
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds all items with data in the copy number field, 952$t, retrieving that field plus location, call number, barcode, and item number, sorted by location and call number
  • Status: Complete
SELECT i.location, i.itemcallnumber, i.copynumber, i.barcode, i.itemnumber
FROM items i
WHERE i.copynumber IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY i.location, i.itemcallnumber

List of items by bibnumber with particular string in item type, with item location, call number, title and author
  • Developer: Heather Hernandez
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds all items with particular string in item type, with item location, call number, title and author, retrieving a hyperlinked bib number (sorted by this field), location, item call number, title and author. Replace 'music' with whatever string you want as the search string.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT concat('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">', biblio.biblionumber, '</a>') as 'bib',items.location,items.itemcallnumber,biblio.title,biblio.author
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE items.itype LIKE CONCAT( '%', 'music', '%' )
ORDER BY biblio.biblionumber ASC

Serial Enumeration Chronology containing c.2
  • Developer: Heather Hernandez
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds all items with c.2 in the serial enumeration chronology field 952$h (it should be in 952$t), retrieving that field plus location, call number, barcode, and item number, sorted by location and call number
  • Status: Complete
SELECT i.location, i.itemcallnumber, i.copynumber, i.barcode, i.itemnumber, i.enumchron
FROM items i
WHERE i.enumchron = 'C.2'
ORDER BY i.location, i.itemcallnumber

Quality Control


Authors not in the Authorities
  • Developer: MJ Ray, software.coop
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of author names found on biblio records but not authority records
  • Status: Production
  • Version: Will not work after upgrade to 17.05 or later
SELECT DISTINCT(author) AS heading
FROM biblio
   (SELECT ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="100"]/subfield[@code="a"]')
      AS heading
    FROM auth_header
    WHERE authtypecode='PERSO_NAME')
ORDER BY heading
Authors not in the Authorities, with Biblio numbers
  • Developer: E. Bradtke
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of author, corporate author and meeting names that are not linked to authority records. Lists Biblio numbers next to names.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT DISTINCT biblionumber, heading FROM (
 SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,
'//datafield[@tag="100"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS heading
 FROM biblio_metadata
'//datafield[@tag="100"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0 AND
'//datafield[@tag="100"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0
 SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,
'//datafield[@tag="110"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS heading
 FROM biblio_metadata
'//datafield[@tag="110"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0 AND
'//datafield[@tag="110"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0
 SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,
'//datafield[@tag="111"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS heading
 FROM biblio_metadata
'//datafield[@tag="111"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0 AND
'//datafield[@tag="111"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0
 SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,
'//datafield[@tag="130"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS heading
 FROM biblio_metadata
'//datafield[@tag="130"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0 AND
'//datafield[@tag="130"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0
) AS heads
ORDER BY heading
Classes of MARC fields missing authorities
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Bibs with personal name missing authority link
  • Status: Completed

This report is easily extended to

  • Bibs with corporate name missing authority link ( s/00/10/g )
  • Bibs with meeting name missing authority link ( s/00/11/g )

And with only slightly more tweaking,

  • Bibs with uniform title missing authority link ( tags 130, 630, 730 or 830 ),
  • Bibs with "Series Statement/Added Entry-Title" missing authority link (tag 440 )
  • Bibs with Subject or Genre missing authority link ( tags 650, 651, or 655 )
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',
    ) AS biblionumber,
    CONCAT_WS( '|',
        ExtractValue( marcxml, '//datafield[@tag=100]/subfield[@code="a"]' ),
        ExtractValue( marcxml, '//datafield[@tag=400]/subfield[@code="a"]' ),
        ExtractValue( marcxml, '//datafield[@tag=600]/subfield[@code="a"]' ),
        ExtractValue( marcxml, '//datafield[@tag=800]/subfield[@code="a"]' )
    ) AS 'personal name'
    ( length(ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="100"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0
      AND length(ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="100"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0 )
    OR ( length(ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="400"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0
      AND length(ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="400"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0 )
    OR ( length(ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="600"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0
      AND length(ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="600"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0 )
    OR ( length(ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="800"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0
      AND length(ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="800"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0 )
Searching 667 notes for particular authorities
  • Developer: By Mark Miller, ByWater Solutions for support ticket (contributed to Wiki by Heather Hernandez)
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of hyperlinked authority record number, 1XX field (all subfields), and text in 667 note, retrieved by searching for text string in 667
  • Status: Completed
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/authorities/detail.pl?authid=',a.authid,'\">',a.authid,'</a>') AS auth_record,
	ExtractValue(a.marcxml, '//datafield[contains(concat(" ",@tag)," 1")]/*') AS '1XX',
    ExtractValue(a.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="667"]/*') AS '667'
FROM auth_header a
WHERE ExtractValue(a.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="667"]/*') LIKE CONCAT('%',<<Enter search term>>,'%')
Terms not in the Authorities
  • Developer: Adapted from a report by Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: List of terms found on biblio records in 6XX fields that are not in Authorities, with associated biblio numbers.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="650"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS heading
FROM biblio_metadata
WHERE length(ExtractValue(metadata, '//datafield[@tag="650"]/subfield[@code="a"]')) != 0 
      AND length(ExtractValue(metadata, '//datafield[@tag="650"]/subfield[@code="9"]')) = 0
ORDER BY heading


Duplicate barcodes after removing leading zeros
  • Developer: Pablo Bianchi
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: After a big import of records trying to remove leading zeros from barcods result in duplicates.
  • Status: Complete
  • Notes: TODO: make biblionumber links to records.
       CAST(barcode AS UNSIGNED) AS "Barcodes duplicated without zeros",
       GROUP_CONCAT(biblionumber SEPARATOR ' ') AS "Biblionumbers"
FROM items
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 AND COUNT(CASE WHEN homebranch = <<Pick your branch|branches>> THEN 1 END) >= 1

Duplicate bibs using the 001
  • Developer: Katrin Fischer and Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show records with duplicate 001 fields
  • Status: Completed
  • Version: Will not work after upgrade to 17.05 or later
  GROUP_CONCAT(biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers,
  ExtractValue(marcxml,'//controlfield[@tag="001"]') AS id
FROM biblioitems
HAVING count(id) > 1
Duplicate ISBNs
  • Developer: Jared Camins-Esakov, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show records with duplicate ISBNs; download for full list (doesn't paginate)
  • Status: Completed
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, isbn 
FROM biblioitems 
GROUP BY isbn 

Duplicate ISBNs Alternative
  • Developer: Nick Clemens, VOKAL
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Building from the duplicate isbn report, but normalizing to 13-digits and adding a fast link to merge the highest and lowest bibnumbers. Long and maybe a bit clunky, but very effective.
  • Status: Completed
  GROUP_CONCAT(b.biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers,
  IF(LEFT(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 3) <> '978', CONCAT('978', LEFT(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 9), 
  (MOD(10 - MOD(
    (CONVERT(SUBSTR(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 1, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER) +
      CONVERT(SUBSTR(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 3, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER) +
      CONVERT(SUBSTR(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 5, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER) +
      CONVERT(SUBSTR(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 7, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER) +
      CONVERT(SUBSTR(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 9, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER))*3 +
    CONVERT(SUBSTR(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 8, 1), UNSIGNED INTEGER) + 38, 10), 10))),
  LEFT(REPLACE(TRIM(i.isbn), '-', ''), 13)) AS NormISBN,
  CONCAT('<a href=\"http://staff.kohavt.org/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/merge.pl?biblionumber=',
    '\">Merge</a>') AS FastMerge,
  GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT b.typelist SEPARATOR '::') AS TypeDiscrepCheck 
      COUNT(i2.barcode) AS itemcount,
      GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT i2.itype) AS typelist 
      biblio b2 
        items i2 
        ON i2.biblionumber = b2.biblionumber 
      itemcount > 0) b 
    biblioitems i 
    ON (i.biblionumber = b.biblionumber) 
  i.isbn IS NOT NULL 
  AND i.isbn <> '' 
  CONCAT(substr(b.title, 1, 9), " / ", NormISBN) 
  COUNT(CONCAT(substr(b.title, 1, 9), " / ", NormISBN)) > 1 
  COUNT(b.biblionumber) ASC
Duplicate ISBNs in Time Frame
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show records with duplicate ISBNs added within a specific time frame.
  • Status: Completed
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber,'\">',b.biblionumber,'</a>') 
       SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, b.title, b.author 
FROM biblio b
LEFT JOIN biblioitems i USING (biblionumber)
WHERE b.datecreated between <<Added between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
GROUP BY substring_index(i.isbn, ' ', 1) 
HAVING COUNT(substring_index(i.isbn, ' ', 1))>1
Duplicate ISBNs with Links to Bib Records
  • Developer: Zachary Spalding, SENYLRC
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show records with duplicate ISBNs; download for full list (doesn't paginate) and has links to bib records. Based on ISBN report written by Jared Camins-Esakov
  • Status: Completed
SELECT  GROUP_CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'\">',biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumbers, 
FROM biblioitems 
group by isbn, itemtype 
Duplicate ISBNs++ with Links to Bib Records and link to batch edit and combine
  • Developer: Pablo López Liotti, UNMDP
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show records with duplicate ISBNs; has links to individual bib records and link to duplicate records group to batch edit and combine.

Based on ISBN report written by Zachary Spalding, SENYLRC.

  • Status: Completed
  • Version: All
  • Notes: Click biblionumber -> show individual bib record. Click ISBN ->search and list all records with same ISBN for edit/combine them.
        GROUP_CONCAT('<a target="_blank" title="Show record with THIS biblionumber" 
        biblionumber,'\">',biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumbers, 
        CONCAT('<a target="_blank" title="List ALL records with same ISBN to edit/combine" 
href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl?q=', isbn,'\">',isbn,'</a>') AS ISBN 
FROM biblioitems 
GROUP BY isbn, itemtype 
Duplicate EAN/UPC (024$a)
  • Developer: Owen Leonard
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show records with duplicate EAN
  • Status: Completed
  • Version: All
  • Notes:
    GROUP_CONCAT(biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, 
    ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS `EAN` 
    (ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]') != '' 
    AND ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]') IS NOT NULL ) 
Duplicate titles (using author and title)
  • Developer: D Ruth Bavousett, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Checks for exact duplicates on author/title combo; download for full list (doesn't paginate)
  • Status: Completed
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, title, author 
FROM biblio 
GROUP BY CONCAT(title,"/",author) 
HAVING COUNT(CONCAT(title,"/",author))>1
Duplicate titles (using title and ISBN)
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show records with duplicate titles (using the first 9 characters) and duplicate ISBNs
  • Status: Completed
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(b.biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, b.title, 
       b.author, GROUP_CONCAT(i.isbn SEPARATOR ', ') AS isbns 
FROM biblio b 
left join biblioitems i 
on (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
GROUP BY CONCAT(substr(b.title,0,9),"/",i.isbn) 
HAVING COUNT(CONCAT(substr(b.title,0,9),"/",i.isbn))>1
Duplicate titles (using title and ISBN), multi-branch version
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions / Cab Vinton
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show records with duplicate titles (using the first 9 characters) and duplicate ISBNs, where at least one item is owned by a particular branch
  • Status: Completed
  • Works With: 17.11
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(b.biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, b.title, b.author, GROUP_CONCAT(i.isbn SEPARATOR ', ') AS isbns 
FROM biblio b 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems i ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
WHERE i.isbn IS NOT NULL AND i.isbn <> ' ' AND
     EXISTS( SELECT * from items where b.biblionumber = items.biblionumber and items.homebranch = <<Library|branches>> )
GROUP BY CONCAT(substr(b.title,0,9),"/",i.isbn) 
Duplicate titles (with same date)
  • Developer: Jared Camins-Esakov
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Based on druthb's report for duplicate titles, but considers date as well; download for full list (doesn't paginate)
  • Status: Completed
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, title, author,copyrightdate 
FROM biblio 
GROUP BY CONCAT(title,"/",author,"/",copyrightdate) HAVING COUNT(CONCAT(title,"/",author,"/",copyrightdate))>1

Duplicate titles having both DVD items and others
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Find pairs of titles, regardless of item type, having at least item of itype DVD and one item that does *not* have itype DVD. Used to exclude Kanopy downloads where the library already has a DVD of the title.
  • Status: Completed
        distinct CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>' )
        SEPARATOR ', ' 
    ) as biblionumbers,
    GROUP_CONCAT(distinct description SEPARATOR ', ' ) AS itemtypes    
    INNER JOIN items USING (biblionumber)
    LEFT JOIN itemtypes on (itype = itemtype)
    SUM(IF(itype = 'DVD', 1, 0 )) > 0
    AND SUM(IF(itype != 'DVD' OR itype IS NULL, 1, 0 )) > 0
Duplicate authorities
  • Developer: Sarah Cornell
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds multiple occurrences of main headings. Useful for manual cleanup after migrating from a system that stores separate name and topic authority files.
  • Status: Completed
  • Works with: 17.11
       CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/authorities/merge.pl?authid=',MAX(authid),'&authid=',MIN(authid),'\" target="_blank">Merge</a>') AS Merge,
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="100"]/*'), -- PERSO_NAME
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="110"]/*'), -- CORPO_NAME
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="111"]/*'), -- MEETI_NAME
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="130"]/*'), -- UNIF_TITLE
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="148"]/*'), -- CHRON_TERM
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="150"]/*'), -- TOPIC_TERM
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="151"]/*'), -- GEOGR_NAME
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="155"]/*')  -- GENRE/FORM
) AS heading,
       GROUP_CONCAT(Extractvalue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="035"]/subfield[@code="a"]') SEPARATOR ', ') AS controlnumbers,
FROM auth_header
GROUP BY heading
HAVING count(authid) > 1
ORDER BY heading
Duplicate 001 fields with OCLC prefixes removed
  • Developer: Sarah Cornell
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Removes OCLC prefixes from 001 field and then returns duplicates. Useful if OCLC records have been imported using a variety of rules. Includes tool for merging and normalized OCLC record number lookup. Added TRIM to remove leading zeroes.
  • Status: Completed
  • Works with: 20.05
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT biblio.biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers,
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl?idx=kw&q=',normOCLC,'\"target="_blank">oclc lookup</a>') AS 'lookup by oclc',
COUNT(DISTINCT biblio.biblionumber) AS count,
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/merge.pl?biblionumber=',MIN(biblio.biblionumber),'&biblionumber=',MAX(biblio.biblionumber),'\"target="_blank">Merge</a>') AS FastMerge,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT biblioitems.itemtype SEPARATOR '::') AS TypeDiscrepCheck


	TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM REGEXP_REPLACE(ExtractValue( metadata, '//controlfield[@tag=\"001\"]' ), '[ocmn ]', '')) AS normOCLC
		FROM biblio_metadata 
		WHERE ExtractValue( metadata, '//controlfield[@tag=\"001\"]' )  !=''


	LEFT JOIN biblio ON (OCLC.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
	LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (OCLC.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber)
	LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata ON (OCLC.biblionumber=biblio_metadata.biblionumber)
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT biblio.biblionumber) >1
Duplicate title and author combinations within an item type
  • Developer: Andrew Fuerste-Henry
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Finds bib records that share a title, author, and item type. Includes a link to a cataloging search to facilitate merging.
  • Status: Completed
  • Works with: 19.11
SELECT title,
    count(DISTINCT biblionumber) as count_of_bibs, 
    group_concat(ifnull(bib_info,concat('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>')) SEPARATOR '<br>') as bib_numbers, 
    concat('<a href=\"
/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/addbooks.pl?q=sn%3A', group_concat(biblionumber SEPARATOR '+OR+sn%3A'), '\">','Link to merge', '</a>') as merge_link
FROM biblio
	left join biblioitems USING (biblionumber)
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT biblionumber, concat(concat('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">', biblionumber, '</a>'),' - items at:',
    				group_concat(homebranch SEPARATOR ', ')) as bib_info
                FROM items
                GROUP BY biblionumber) i USING (biblionumber)
WHERE title is not null and author is not null
GROUP BY title, author, itemtype
HAVING count_of_bibs > 1


Bibs with diff item types attached
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A list of bib records that have items with different item types attached.
  • Status: Complete
select b.title, b.author, b.biblionumber, count(distinct i.itype) as 'item types', 
       count(i.itemnumber) as items 
from biblio b 
left join items i using (biblionumber) 
group by b.biblionumber 
having count(distinct i.itype) > 1
Bibs with Different Item Types
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A list of bib records that have multiple item types attached.
  • Status: Complete
select b.title, b.biblionumber, count(distinct itype) as types 
from biblio b 
left join items i using (biblionumber) 
group by i.biblionumber 
having count(distinct itype) > 1

Identify records with mismatched 008 vs Copyright/Publication date
  • Developer: Liz Rea, Catalyst IT, for New Zealand Educational Institute
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report shows records that have a mismatch between the 008 publication date and the catalogued biblio.copyrightdate. This report can help identify records that have incorrect 008 fields so that the sorting by publication date remains consistent.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT('<a target="new" href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.title,'</a>') AS Title,
FROM (SELECT biblionumber,
  SUBSTR(ExtractValue(biblioitems.marcxml,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'),8,4) AS 008pubdate
  FROM biblioitems) AS control008 
JOIN biblio USING(biblionumber)  
WHERE biblio.copyrightdate != control008.008pubdate 
AND control008.008pubdate != '';
Mismatched Callnumbers
  • Developer: Abdullrahman Hegazy, Hamada
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Cataloging quality control, it shows the mismatched items callnumber in the same record.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT concat('<a href=/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',item1.biblionumber,'>', item1.biblionumber,'</a>') as record,
FROM `items` as item1 ,`items` as item2
WHERE item1.biblionumber=item2.biblionumber and
GROUP BY item1.biblionumber
Mismatches between 2 fields and 2 subfields
  • Developer: Joseph Alway
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: This report displays the Biblionumber, Title, and Author of all Biblios that Do Not Match 2 sets of fields and subfields.
  • Status: Complete
  CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblio.biblionumber, '\">', biblio.biblionumber, '</a>') AS biblionumber,
    ON (biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber) 
  ExtractValue(marcxml, " // datafield[@tag =<<1st Set Field 1 (XXX)>> ] / subfield[@code =<<Subfield(Y)>> ]") AND
  ExtractValue(marcxml, " // datafield[@tag =<<1st Set Field 2 (XXX)>> ] / subfield[@code =<<Subfield(Y)>> ]") NOT LIKE
  ExtractValue(marcxml, " // datafield[@tag =<<2nd Set Field 1(XXX)>> ] / subfield[@code =<<Subfield(Y)>> ]") AND
  ExtractValue(marcxml, " // datafield[@tag =<<2nd Set Field 2(XXX)>> ] / subfield[@code =<<Subfield(Y)>> ]")

Null Island

Biblio Items without a Koha Item Type
  • Developer: Joseph Alway
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Displays the biblionumber, title, and author of biblioitems that do not have an associated Koha Item Type.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblio.biblionumber, biblio.title, biblio.author
FROM biblioitems
JOIN biblio ON ( biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber )
WHERE ExtractValue( marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="942"]/subfield[@code="c"]' ) = ""

Versions 17.05 and later:

SELECT biblio.biblionumber, biblio.title, biblio.author
FROM biblio
LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata USING (biblionumber)
WHERE ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="942"]/subfield[@code="c"]' ) = ""
Bibs without subjects
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Shows all bibs without subject headings
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'\">',biblionumber,'</a>')
AS bibnumber 
(SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="650"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub1, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="651"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub2, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="600"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub3, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="610"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub4, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="611"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub5, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="630"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub6, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="648"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub7, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="653"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub8, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="654"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub9, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="655"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub10, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="656"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub11, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="657"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub12, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="658"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub13, 
ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="662"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS sub14 
FROM biblioitems) AS subjects 
WHERE sub1 = "" 
AND sub2 = "" 
AND sub3 = "" 
AND sub4 = "" 
AND sub5 = "" 
AND sub6 = "" 
AND sub7 = "" 
AND sub8 = "" 
AND sub9 ="" 
AND sub10 = "" 
AND sub11 = "" 
AND sub12 = "" 
AND sub13 = "" 
AND sub14 =""
Items without Callnumber
  • Developer: Abdullrahman Hegazy
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Cataloging quality control
  • Status: Complete
SELECT concat('<a href=/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'>',biblio.title,'</a>') as Title,Barcode, itemcallnumber
FROM items,biblioitems,biblio
WHERE items.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber
AND items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
AND (items.itemcallnumber IS NULL OR items.itemcallnumber = '')
Null Barcodes
  • Developer: Rachel Hollis
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Null Barcodes
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT items.dateaccessioned,items.ccode,items.itemcallnumber,items.itype,biblio.author,biblio.title, biblio.copyrightdate FROM biblio
  JOIN items using(biblionumber)
  WHERE (items.barcode IS NULL OR items.barcode = '')
Null Item Type
  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Null Item Type
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT  items.dateaccessioned,items.ccode,items.itemcallnumber,items.itype,biblio.author,biblio.title, biblio.copyrightdate 
  FROM items 
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)  
  WHERE items.itype IS NULL AND items.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>>
Null Location
  • Developer: Georgia Katsarou
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Null Location in Item
  • Status: Complete
SELECT items.biblionumber,items.itemcallnumber,items.itype,biblio.author,biblio.title, biblio.copyrightdate, items.barcode, items.itemnumber FROM biblio 
JOIN items USING (biblionumber) 
WHERE (items.location IS NULL OR items.location = '')
Records without ISBN
  • Developer: Abdullrahman Hegazy
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Cataloging quality control
  • Status: Complete
SELECT itemcallnumber, isbn, concat('<a href=/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'>',biblio.title,'</a>') as Title
FROM biblioitems,biblio,items
WHERE biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber
AND items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
AND (isbn is NULL OR isbn ='')
GROUP BY biblio.biblionumber

Alternate from Fridolin Somers, using JOIN :

SELECT items.itemcallnumber, biblioitems.isbn, concat('<a href=/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'>',biblio.title,'</a>') AS Title
FROM biblio
JOIN biblioitems ON( biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber)
JOIN items ON (items.biblioitemnumber = biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
WHERE (biblioitems.isbn IS NULL OR biblioitems.isbn ='')
GROUP BY items.biblionumber
Records without items
  • Developer: Magnus Enger
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Records without items, with links to OPAC and Intranet
  • Status: Complete
  • Note: Revised by Jared Camins-Esakov to provide correct link to OPAC based on OPACBaseURL
SELECT b.title AS Title,
  CONCAT('<a href=\"', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(systempreferences.value),
  CONCAT(systempreferences.value), ''), '/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber,'\">',b.biblionumber,'</a>') AS OPAC,
  CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',b.biblionumber,'\">',b.biblionumber,'</a>') AS Edit  
FROM systempreferences, biblio AS b 
  LEFT JOIN items AS i ON b.biblionumber = i.biblionumber 
WHERE i.itemnumber IS NULL AND
All bibs without items
  • Developer: Frédéric Demians
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Get biblionumber of biblio records without items and which itemtype doesn't belongs to a list
  • Status: Complete
 biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber
 biblio.biblionumber = items.biblionumber
 items.biblionumber IS NULL
 itype NOT IN ('AGH', 'PER');
All bibs without items - Simple
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Bib records without items
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblionumber, title 
FROM biblio 
WHERE biblionumber NOT IN (SELECT biblionumber FROM items)
All bibs without items - With link to biblio
  • Developer: Tomás Cohen
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Get biblionumber of biblio records without items
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT('<a href="http://',
     (SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='staffClientBaseURL'),
     '</a>') AS 'biblionumber', title
FROM biblio
WHERE biblionumber NOT IN (SELECT biblionumber FROM items)
All bibs without items - With link to biblio's add items screen
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Quick access to add items screen for itemless bibs.
  • Status: Complete
         '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?biblionumber=',
         title, '</a>' 
    ) AS 'Add Item to'
FROM biblio 
WHERE biblionumber NOT IN (SELECT biblionumber FROM items)


Find unused sequential barcode ranges
  • Developer: Jared Camins-Esakov
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Find ranges of unused barcodes.
  • Status: Completed
  • Note: This query takes a *long* time. Minutes, not seconds. This query will only work on non-checksummed, sequential numeric barcodes
SELECT Convert(l.barcode, UNSIGNED) + 1 AS start, MIN(Convert(fr.barcode, UNSIGNED)) - 1 AS stop
FROM items AS l
    LEFT OUTER JOIN items AS r ON Convert(l.barcode, UNSIGNED) = Convert(r.barcode, UNSIGNED) - 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN items AS fr ON Convert(l.barcode, UNSIGNED) < Convert(fr.barcode, UNSIGNED)
WHERE r.barcode IS NULL AND fr.barcode IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY l.barcode, r.barcode
ORDER BY l.barcode
Missing barcode in a range
SELECT (i1.barcode + 1) as gap_starts_at, 
       (SELECT MIN(i3.barcode) -1 FROM items i3 WHERE i3.barcode > i1.barcode) as gap_ends_at
FROM items i1
# Range to check:
WHERE i1.barcode between 0 AND 10000 
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT i2.barcode FROM items i2 WHERE i2.barcode = i1.barcode + 1)
HAVING gap_ends_at IS NOT NULL
Invalid barcode length
  • Developer: Abdullrahman Hegazy
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Cataloging quality control "You have to enter the length used in your library"
  • Status: Complete
SELECT items.itemcallnumber,
  concat('<a href=/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'>',biblio.title,'</a>') as Title,
  CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(items.barcode, ' ', '')) as Length
FROM items
  LEFT JOIN biblio ON items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(barcode, ' ', '')) !=<<Length>> OR
  barcode is null
ORDER BY items.barcode,
  CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(barcode, ' ', ''))
Validate Codabar barcodes used by North American libraries
  • Developer: Jared Camins-Esakov
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Identifies barcodes that are invalid based on the rules at http://www.mecsw.com/specs/codabar.html
  • Status: Completed
  • Note: Change '8060' to the 4-digit code used by your library
  CONCAT_WS('; ', lengthproblem, typeproblem, libraryproblem, checksumproblem) 
    items.biblionumber AS biblionumber,
    items.barcode AS barcode,
    IF(CHAR_LENGTH(TRIM(items.barcode)) <> 14, 'Barcode wrong length', NULL) AS lengthproblem,
    IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 1, 1) <> '3', 'Not an item barcode', NULL) AS typeproblem,
    IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 2, 4) <> '8060', 'Wrong library code', NULL) AS libraryproblem,
    IF(MOD(10 - MOD((IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 1, 1) * 2 >= 10, 
    (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 1, 1) * 2) - 9,
    SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 1, 1) * 2)) + (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 2, 1)) + (IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 3, 1) * 2 >= 10, 
    (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 3, 1) * 2) - 9,
    SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 3, 1) * 2)) + (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 4, 1)) + (IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 5, 1) * 2 >= 10, 
    (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 5, 1) * 2) - 9,
    SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 5, 1) * 2)) + (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 6, 1)) + (IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 7, 1) * 2 >= 10, 
    (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 7, 1) * 2) - 9,
    SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 7, 1) * 2)) + (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 8, 1)) + (IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 9, 1) * 2 >= 10, 
    (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 9, 1) * 2) - 9,
    SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 9, 1) * 2)) + (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 10, 1)) + (IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 11, 1) * 2 >= 10, 
    (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 11, 1) * 2) - 9,
    SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 11, 1) * 2)) + (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 12, 1)) + (IF(SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 13, 1) * 2 >= 10, 
    (SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 13, 1) * 2) - 9,
    SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 13, 1) * 2)), 10), 10) <> SUBSTR(TRIM(items.barcode), 14, 1), 'Check digit bad', NULL) AS checksumproblem 
  FROM items) AS quer 
  lengthproblem IS NOT NULL 
  OR libraryproblem IS NOT NULL 
  OR checksumproblem IS NOT NULL
Items with orphaned Locations
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Find items whose location does not match any locations in authorized_values with category 'LOC'.
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?op=edititem&biblionumber=', biblionumber, '&itemnumber=', itemnumber, '#edititem', '\">', title, '</a>' ) AS title,
    INNER JOIN biblio using (biblionumber)
        SELECT * from authorised_values  
        WHERE items.location = authorised_values.authorised_value 
          AND authorised_values.category = 'LOC' 
Largest Records
  • Developer: Kyle M Hall, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Helps identify records that are too large for Zebra to handle
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT("<a href='/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=", biblionumber, "'>", title, "</a>" ) AS Record, 
       Length(marcxml)   AS "MARC XML Size", 
       Count(itemnumber) AS Items 
FROM   biblioitems 
       LEFT JOIN biblio USING ( biblionumber ) 
       LEFT JOIN items USING ( biblionumber ) 
GROUP  BY biblionumber 
ORDER  BY Length(marcxml) DESC, 
          Count(itemnumber) DESC 
Records with non-ascii characters in RDA copyright field
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Find records with non-ascii characters in 264$c
  • Status: Complete
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/MARCdetail.pl?biblionumber=', biblionumber, '\">',
        biblionumber, '</a>' 
    ) AS biblionumber,
    ExtractValue( marcxml, '//datafield[@tag=264]/subfield[@code="c"]' ) AS '264$c'
    INNER JOIN biblio using (biblionumber)
    ExtractValue( marcxml, '//datafield[@tag=264]/subfield[@code="c"]' ) <> CONVERT( ExtractValue( marcxml, '//datafield[@tag=264]/subfield[@code="c"]' )  USING ASCII)
Records without classification number
  • Developer: Abdullrahman Hegazy
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Cataloging quality control
  • Status: Complete
  Concat('<a href=/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblio.biblionumber, '>', biblio.biblionumber, '</a>') AS biblionumber,
  Concat('<a href=/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', biblio.biblionumber, '>', biblio.title, '</a>') AS Title,
  ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="082"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS ClassificationNumber
  biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber AND
  (ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="082"]/subfield[@code="a"]') = '' OR
    ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="082"]/subfield[@code="a"]') IS NULL)

Catalogers Gone Wild

Authorities records added in time frame, with headings
  • Developer: Stefano Bargioni 2017-03-09, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce
  • Module: Statistical (Catalog)
  • Purpose: This report will show the authorities added to Koha in a time period.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT authid, datecreated, authtypecode, concat(
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="100"]/*'), -- PERSO_NAME
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="110"]/*'), -- CORPO_NAME
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="111"]/*'), -- MEETI_NAME
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="130"]/*'), -- UNIF_TITLE
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="148"]/*'), -- CHRON_TERM
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="150"]/*'), -- TOPIC_TERM
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="151"]/*'), -- GEOGR_NAME
ExtractValue(`marcxml`,'//datafield[@tag="155"]/*')  -- GENRE/FORM
) main_heading
FROM `auth_header`
WHERE datecreated BETWEEN <<(from yyyy-mm-dd)>> AND <<(to yyyy-mm-dd)>>
ORDER BY datecreated, authtypecode, main_heading
Authorities records added/deleted in time frame
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Statistical (Catalog)
  • Purpose: This report will show the authorities added/deleted at a branch in a time period.
  • Status: Complete
  • IMPORTANT: Only works if you're logging authority actions (AuthoritiesLog system preference activated).
SELECT l.action, count(l.timestamp) AS 'authorities'
FROM action_logs l
LEFT JOIN borrowers p on (p.borrowernumber=l.user)
WHERE module='AUTHORITIES' AND p.branchcode=<<Branch|branches>>
      AND date(l.timestamp) between <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
GROUP BY l.action
Bibs marked as RDA
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A report to find bibs marked as RDA per Leader or 040$a
  • Status: Complete
    SUBSTRING(ExtractValue(metadata,'//leader'),18,1) != 'i' as 'Descriptive Cataloging Form',
    ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag=040]/subfield[@code="e"]' ) as 'Description conventions'
    SUBSTRING(ExtractValue(metadata,'//leader'),18,1) != 'i'
    AND  ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag=040]/subfield[@code="e"]' ) != 'rda'
Bibs without RDA specific fields
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: A report to find bibs that have RDA fields (336-339)
  • Status: Complete - Updated 2/21/19
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'\">',biblionumber,'</a>')
AS bibnumber
(SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="336"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS rda1, 
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="337"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS rda2, 
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="338"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS rda3, 
ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="339"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS rda4 
FROM biblio_metadata) AS rda 
WHERE rda1 != "" 
OR rda2 != "" 
OR rda3 != "" 
OR rda4 != ""
Count of bibs modified by cataloger
  • Developer: Ramiro Uviña
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Asks for date range and shows you them with a count of bibs they've modified. [Requires CataloguingLog to be on]
  • Status: Completed
SELECT user,count(user) AS 'bibs modified'
FROM action_logs WHERE module='CATALOGUING' AND info like '%BEFORE%' AND action='MODIFY'
AND (timestamp BETWEEN <<Modified BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>)
Count of items added by cataloger
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Asks for librarian's borrower number and shows them with a count of items they've added. [Requires CataloguingLog to be on]
  • Status: Completed
select count(timestamp) as 'items added' 
from action_logs 
where module='CATALOGUING' and user=<<Borrower number>> 
      and info='item' and action='ADD'

Count of items added by cataloger
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Counts the number of cataloging actions each cataloger performed in a date range. [Requires CataloguingLog to be on]
  • Status: Completed
SELECT concat(p.firstname, ' ', p.surname) as staff, concat(a.action, ' ', a.info) as action, count(a.timestamp) as count 
FROM action_logs a 
left join borrowers p on (a.user=p.borrowernumber)
WHERE a.module='CATALOGUING' and a.timestamp between <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
      and a.info in ('item','biblio')
group by p.borrowernumber, concat(a.action, ' ', a.info)
Find Approved User Tags for Adding to Bib Record
  • Developer: Rob Hilliker, Edsel Ford Memorial Library, and Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Identify approved tags that haven't already been added to a local index term field (690_4$a)
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/addbiblio.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'&frameworkcode=&op=#tab6XX">Edit Bib</a>') AS 'Bib Record', 
    GROUP_CONCAT(term) AS 'User Tag', 
    ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="690" AND @ind2="4"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS 'Indexed Tags'
FROM tags_all t
    LEFT JOIN biblioitems b USING (biblionumber)
    LEFT JOIN tags_approval ta USING (term)
    AND ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="690" AND @ind2="4"]/subfield[@code="a"]') NOT LIKE CONCAT('%',term,'%')
GROUP BY biblionumber
Find the import batch related to a title
  • Developer: Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: See the batches containing a given title
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/manage-marc-import.pl?import_batch_id=',import_batch_id,'">Link to import</a>') AS Linker,
    file_name, comments 
FROM import_biblios 
JOIN import_records USING (import_record_id) 
JOIN import_batches USING (import_batch_id) 
WHERE title LIKE CONCAT('%',<<Enter partial or full title>>,'%')
Records Cataloged with a Specific Framework
  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Provides a list of titles cataloged with a specific framework, handy for finding items added using Fast Add.
  • Status: Completed
Select title, author 
from biblio 
where frameworkcode=<<Enter Framework Code>>
Syntax-highlighted MARC XML
  • Developer: Eric Phetteplace, California College of the Arts
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: See a record's full XML with highlighting that makes it easier to read
  • Status: Complete
    '<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.5.0/styles/monokai-sublime.min.css">',
    '<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.5.0/highlight.min.js"></script>',
    '<pre><code class="xml">',
    REPLACE(REPLACE(marcxml, '<', '&lt;'), '>', '&gt;'), '</code></pre>') as MARCXML
FROM biblioitems
JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber)
WHERE biblionumber = <<biblionumber>>
List Item Types, Collection Codes and Locations
  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Show Item Types, Collection Codes and Locations by code and description.
  • Status: Complete
    '<b>item types</b>' as code,
    '' as description
    itemtype as code,
FROM itemtypes
    '<b>Collection Codes</b>' as code,
    '' as description
    authorised_value as code,
    lib as description
    category = 'CCODE'
    '<b>Location</b>' as code,
    '' as description
    authorised_value as code,
    lib as description
    category = 'LOC'

Find records with excessive whitespace in the call number
  • Developer: George H. Williams (Next Search Catalog / Northeast Kansas Library System)
  • Module: Catalog
  • Purpose: Find records with excessive whitespace in the call number. Shows whitespace with pipes.
  • Status: Complete
  Replace(items.itemcallnumber, ' ', '|') AS CALL_NUMBER_W_BREAKS,
  items.barcode AS ITEM_BARCODE,
  home_branches.branchname AS HOME_BRANCH,
  holding_branches.branchname AS HOLDING_BRANCH,
    perm_loc.lib = loc.lib, 
    Concat(perm_loc.lib, ' (', loc.lib, ')')
  itypes.description AS ITEM_TYPE,
  ccode.lib AS CCODE,
    items.copynumber IS NULL, 
    Concat(items.itemcallnumber, ' // Copy number: ', items.copynumber)
  cnlines.length AS SPINE_LABEL_LINES
  items LEFT JOIN
  biblio ON biblio.biblionumber = items.biblionumber LEFT JOIN
  biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblionumber LEFT JOIN
    ) home_branches 
    ON home_branches.branchcode = items.homebranch
      branches) holding_branches 
      ON holding_branches.branchcode = items.holdingbranch 
      authorised_values.category = 'LOC'
    ) perm_loc 
    ON perm_loc.authorised_value = items.permanent_location 
      authorised_values.category = 'LOC'
    ) loc ON loc.authorised_value = items.location 
    ) itypes ON itypes.itemtype = items.itype 
      authorised_values.category = 'CCODE'
    ) ccode 
    ON ccode.authorised_value = items.ccode JOIN
      (Length(items.itemcallnumber) - Length(Replace(items.itemcallnumber, ' ',
      '')) + 1) AS length,
      items.homebranch Like <<Choose your library|branches:all>> AND
      (Length(Replace(items.itemcallnumber, ' ', '-')) - Length(Replace(items.itemcallnumber, ' ', '')) + 1) > <<Greater than X lines on the spine label>>
    ) cnlines 
    ON cnlines.itemnumber = items.itemnumber AND
      cnlines.homebranch = items.homebranch
  items.homebranch Like <<Choose your library|branches:all>>

Collection Development

Turnover Rate by Collection in Date Range

  • Developer: Ronald Houk, Ottumwa Public Library
  • Module: Collection Development
  • Purpose: Lists turnover ratios by collection in a given date range
  • Status: Complete
SELECT av.lib as Collection, COUNT(stats.datetime) AS Issues, COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber)) AS NumItems, 
(COUNT(stats.datetime)/COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber))) AS Turnover
    SELECT datetime, itemnumber, ccode
    FROM statistics
    WHERE date(datetime) BETWEEN <<Start Date|date>> AND <<End Date|date>> AND type='issue') AS stats
RIGHT JOIN items i ON (i.itemnumber = stats.itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN (select * from authorised_values where category='ccode') av on (i.ccode=av.authorised_value)
WHERE i.dateaccessioned < <<End Date|date>> AND i.itype != 'ILL' #remove interlibrary loans
GROUP BY i.ccode, av.lib
ORDER BY av.lib

Turnover Rate for Call Number Range in Collection by Date Range

  • Developer: Ronald Houk, Ottumwa Public Library
  • Module: Collection Development
  • Purpose: Lists turnover ratios for a call number range within a collection and in a given date range
  • Status: Complete
SELECT COUNT(stats.datetime) AS Issues, COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber)) AS NumItems, 
(COUNT(stats.datetime)/COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber))) AS Turnover
    SELECT datetime, itemnumber, ccode
    FROM statistics
    WHERE date(datetime) BETWEEN <<Start Date|date>> AND <<End Date|date>> 
    AND ccode = <<Collection|ccode>> AND type='issue') AS stats
RIGHT JOIN items i ON (i.itemnumber = stats.itemnumber)
WHERE i.itemcallnumber BETWEEN <<Starting Call>> AND <<Ending Call (Exclusive)>> 
AND i.dateaccessioned < <<End Date|date>> AND i.ccode=<<Collection|ccode>>

Relative Use by Collection with Turnover

  • Developer: Ronald Houk, Ottumwa Public Library
  • Module: Collection Development
  • Purpose: Shows Relative Use (% of Issues/% of Total Collection) by Collection. Ideally relative use should be a 1:1 ratio.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT av.lib AS Collection, 
COUNT(stats.datetime) AS Issues, 
COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber)) AS NumItems, 
(COUNT(stats.datetime)*100/totalissues) as 'Percentage of Issues',
((COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber))*100)/totalcount) as 'Percentage of Total Collection', 
FORMAT((COUNT(stats.datetime)/totalissues)/(COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber))/totalcount),4) as 'Relative Use',
FORMAT((COUNT(stats.datetime)/COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber))),4) AS Turnover
    SELECT datetime, itemnumber, ccode
    FROM statistics
    WHERE date(datetime) BETWEEN <<Start Date|date>> AND <<End Date|date>> AND type='issue') AS stats
RIGHT JOIN items i ON (i.itemnumber = stats.itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT count(*) as totalcount from items) tct on (totalcount IS NOT NULL) 
LEFT JOIN (SELECT count(datetime) as totalissues from statistics WHERE date(datetime) 
BETWEEN <<Start Date|date>> AND <<End Date|date>> AND type='issue') ti on (totalissues IS NOT NULL)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM authorised_values WHERE category='ccode') av ON (i.ccode=av.authorised_value)
WHERE i.dateaccessioned < <<End Date|date>> AND i.itype != 'ILL' #remove interlibrary loans
GROUP BY i.ccode
ORDER by av.lib

Relative Use For Dewey Based Collections in Call Num Range with Turnover

  • Developer: Ronald Houk, Ottumwa Public Library
  • Module: Collection Development
  • Purpose: Shows Relative Use (% of Issues/% of Total Collection) within a Dewey based collection. Allows for fine grain examination of collection area. Ideally relative use should be a 1:1 ratio.
  • Status: Complete
	/*When the total number of digits is < 3 add zeros to pad */
	WHEN <<Max # Dewey Digits>>=1 THEN CONCAT(LEFT(REGEXP_SUBSTR(itemcallnumber,'[0-9]{3}[^a-zA-Z]*'),<<Max # Dewey Digits>>),'00')
    WHEN <<Max # Dewey Digits>>=2 THEN CONCAT(LEFT(REGEXP_SUBSTR(itemcallnumber,'[0-9]{3}[^a-zA-Z]*'),<<Max # Dewey Digits>>),'0')
    WHEN <<Max # Dewey Digits>>=3 THEN LEFT(REGEXP_SUBSTR(itemcallnumber,'[0-9]{3}[^a-zA-Z]*'),<<Max # Dewey Digits>>)
    /*If the total number of digits is > 3 then the decimal might be the 4th character if so add one more character*/
    WHEN <<Max # Dewey Digits>>=4 THEN LEFT(REGEXP_SUBSTR(itemcallnumber,'[0-9]{3}[^a-zA-Z]*'),<<Max # Dewey Digits>>+1)
    /*Else if total number of digits is > 4 then check for ending character as decimal and adjust for skipping decimal, if the ending character isn't a decimal
    Then just adjust for skipping the decimal*/
    ELSE IF(RIGHT(LEFT(REGEXP_SUBSTR(itemcallnumber,'[0-9]{3}[^a-zA-Z]*'),<<Max # Dewey Digits>>),1)='.',
	LEFT(REGEXP_SUBSTR(itemcallnumber,'[0-9]{3}[^a-zA-Z]*'),<<Max # Dewey Digits>>+2),
	LEFT(REGEXP_SUBSTR(itemcallnumber,'[0-9]{3}[^a-zA-Z]*'),<<Max # Dewey Digits>>+1))
    END AS DeweyNum,
COUNT(stats.datetime) AS Issues, 
COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber)) AS NumItems, 
totalissues as 'Collection Issues',
totalcount 'Collection NumItems',
ROUND(avg(copyrightdate),0) as 'AVG Pubdate',
(COUNT(stats.datetime)*100/totalissues) as 'Percentage of Issues',
((COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber))*100)/totalcount) as 'Percentage of Total Collection', 
FORMAT((COUNT(stats.datetime)/totalissues)/(COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber))/totalcount),4) as 'Relative Use',
FORMAT((COUNT(stats.datetime)/COUNT(DISTINCT(i.itemnumber))),4) AS Turnover,
FORMAT((totalissues/totalcount),4) AS 'Collection Turnover'
    SELECT datetime, itemnumber, ccode
    FROM statistics
    WHERE date(datetime) BETWEEN <<Start Date|date>> AND <<End Date|date>> AND type='issue') AS stats
RIGHT JOIN (SELECT * FROM items ) i ON (i.itemnumber = stats.itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio b on (b.biblionumber=i.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT count(*) as totalcount from items WHERE ccode=<<Dewey Based Collection|ccode>>) tct ON (totalcount IS NOT NULL) 
LEFT JOIN (SELECT count(datetime) as totalissues from statistics WHERE ccode=<<Dewey Based Collection|ccode>> AND
date(datetime) BETWEEN <<Start Date|date>> AND <<End Date|date>> AND type='issue') ti on (totalissues IS NOT NULL)
WHERE i.dateaccessioned < <<End Date|date>> AND i.ccode=<<Dewey Based Collection|ccode>>
 AND i.itemcallnumber BETWEEN <<Starting Call>> AND <<Ending Call (Exclusive)>>
ORDER by DeweyNum

CREW Friendly Weeding

  • Developer: Ronald Houk, Ottumwa Public Library
  • Module: Collection Development
  • Purpose: Generates list candidates for weeding based upon number of years since last cko and publication date within a call number range in a collection
  • Status: Complete
CONCAT( '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=', b.biblionumber, '\">View Details</a>' ) AS 'View Details',
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblioitems bi on (i.biblioitemnumber=bi.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio b on (bi.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)  
WHERE i.itemcallnumber BETWEEN <<'Starting Call'>> AND <<'Ending Call (Exclusive)'>> AND i.ccode=<<Collection|ccode>> 
AND i.onloan IS NULL AND i.damaged=0 AND i.itemlost=0 AND i.withdrawn=0 AND
  /*if the item has not circulated then see if it was added before num years since last cko
  if it was then use copyright date as criteria*/
  WHEN (datelastborrowed IS NULL AND dateaccessioned < <<Last CKO Date|date>>)
    THEN b.copyrightdate < <<Published Before (YYYY)>>
    /*as long as the item has circulated at least once then use combination of datelastborrowed and copyright date
    as criteria*/
  ELSE (i.datelastborrowed < <<Last CKO Date|date>> OR b.copyrightdate < <<Published Before (YYYY)>> )


SELECT '','zzz# Proposed to Weed: ',FOUND_ROWS(),'# in Range: ',count(itemnumber), 'Percent Proposed to Weed:',
CONCAT(FORMAT(IF(count(itemnumber)=0,0,(FOUND_ROWS()*100.0/count(itemnumber))),2),'%'),'Generated on: ',CURDATE(),'','','','',''
FROM items i
WHERE i.withdrawn=0 and i.damaged=0 AND i.itemcallnumber BETWEEN <<'Starting Call'>> 
AND <<'Ending Call (Exclusive)'>> AND i.ccode=<<Collection|ccode>>
ORDER BY itemcallnumber,author,title

A particular Title total number of times issued count in date range

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra
  • Module: Collection Development
  • Purpose: Report to generate total number of times a particular book/title is issued. It will be helpful in collection development/procurement.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.biblionumber 'Record No.', b.title 'Title',b.author 'Author',ExtractValue(bm.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="260"]/subfield[@code="b"]') 'Publisher', b.copyrightdate 'Year',SUM(i.issues)'Total Issued',count(i.biblioitemnumber)'Total Copy'

FROM biblio b

LEFT JOIN items i on (b.biblionumber = i.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata bm on (b.biblionumber = bm.biblionumber)

GROUP BY b.biblionumber
HAVING SUM(i.issues) > <<Issued More Than>>

Accounting Reports (Fines/Credits/Etc)

Fines with Patron & Item Info

  • Developer: Kyle M Hall
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: List of unpaid fines with patron and item information
  • Status: Complete - Updated 6/4/19
    b.surname, b.firstname, b.email, bib.title, i.barcode,
    a.amountoutstanding, ni.issuedate, ni.date_due, 
    IF ( ni.returndate IS NULL , " ", ni.returndate ) AS returndate 
FROM accountlines a 
  LEFT JOIN borrowers b ON ( b.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber ) 
  LEFT JOIN items i ON ( a.itemnumber = i.itemnumber ) 
  LEFT JOIN biblio bib ON ( i.biblionumber = bib.biblionumber ) 
  LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM issues UNION SELECT * FROM old_issues ) ni ON ( ni.itemnumber = i.itemnumber AND ni.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber ) 
    a.amountoutstanding > 0 
GROUP BY a.accountlines_id
ORDER BY b.surname, b.firstname, ni.timestamp DESC

List patrons detailed information of fine ( including title info for each item )

  • Developer: Pankaj Kumar Sharma
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Useful for library professionals who want to fetch fine against each line item in detail.
  • Status: Completed
  • Works/Tested with: Koha Version-, MySQL Version-14.14
SELECT FORMAT(accountlines.amountoutstanding,2) as fine, borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, borrowers.cardnumber, 
issues.date_due, (TO_DAYS( date_due)-TO_DAYS(curdate())) AS 'days overdue', items.itype, items.itemcallnumber, items.barcode,
 items.homebranch, biblio.title, biblio.author 
borrowers left JOIN accountlines ON (borrowers.borrowernumber=accountlines.borrowernumber) 
JOIN issues ON (borrowers.borrowernumber=issues.borrowernumber) 
LEFT JOIN items ON (issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber) LEFT JOIN biblio ON (items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
(TO_DAYS( date_due)-TO_DAYS(curdate())) <=0 
order by borrowers.borrowernumber

Patrons with Fines

  • Developer: Katrin Fischer
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: List patrons with their fine amounts
  • Status: Complete
    (SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',b.borrowernumber,'\">', b.surname,', ', b.firstname,'</a>') 
    FROM borrowers b WHERE b.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber) AS Patron, 
    format(sum(amountoutstanding),2) AS 'Outstanding',
    (SELECT count(i.itemnumber) FROM issues i WHERE b.borrowernumber = i.borrowernumber) AS 'Checkouts'
    accountlines a, borrowers b
    (SELECT sum(amountoutstanding) FROM accountlines a2 WHERE a2.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber)  > '0.00'
    AND a.borrowernumber = b.borrowernumber
    a.borrowernumber ORDER BY b.surname, b.firstname, Outstanding ASC

Patrons with Fines at Branch

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: List patrons with their fine amounts limited by branch
  • Status: Complete
select p.surname, p.firstname, p.borrowernumber, p.cardnumber,
format(sum(a.amountoutstanding),2) as owes
from borrowers p
left join accountlines a using (borrowernumber)
where a.amountoutstanding > 0 and p.branchcode=<<Branch|branches>>
group by a.borrowernumber

Patrons with More Than an Amount in Fines

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: List patrons with who owe greater than or equal to an amount entered when the report is run.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT p.cardnumber, p.surname, p.firstname, p.address, p.address2, p.city, p.state, p.phone, p.branchcode as 'patron branch',
       p.debarred , p.debarredcomment, p.dateexpiry, format(sum(a.amountoutstanding),2) as  'amount owed'
FROM borrowers p
left join accountlines a using (borrowernumber)
GROUP BY a.borrowernumber
HAVING sum(a.amountoutstanding) >= <<Owe more than>>
ORDER BY p.surname, p.firstname

Patrons with credits

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose:
  • Status: Complete
SELECT borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, borrowers.cardnumber, address, city, zipcode, round(Sum(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS 'total owed' 
FROM accountlines LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) WHERE amountoutstanding != 0 
GROUP BY accountlines.borrowernumber having sum(accountlines.amountoutstanding) < 0 
ORDER BY borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname

Collections Report for Unique Management

  • Developer: A team effort: Thatcher Rea - ByWater Solutions, Nicole Engard - ByWater Solutions, Katrin Fischer - BSZ, Liz Rea - NEKLS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Outputs patrons with fines in certain categories, with more than $X in fines, and no fine payments in the last 60 days.
  • Status: Completed
  • Note: Updated by Jared Camins-Esakov, C & P Bibliography Services on 16 May 2012. If you were using a previous version of this report, please update the report and contact Unique immediately to tell them to disregard previous reports. The logic was reversed.
  • Note: This report, with the NOT IN line, eliminates any patron who has *ever* paid on their account - it is too broad and we've removed it from our reports we use at NEKLS now (see the next report for an updated specific version).
  SELECT borrowers.cardnumber, borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, 
  borrowers.address, borrowers.city, borrowers.zipcode, borrowers.email, borrowers.phone,
  borrowers.dateofbirth, borrowers.debarred, FORMAT(SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS Due 
  FROM borrowers, accountlines 
  WHERE borrowers.categorycode IN ('BONN-CITY', 'OTT-CITY') 
  AND borrowers.borrowernumber 
  NOT IN (SELECT distinct borrowernumber FROM accountlines WHERE accountlines.date < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 60 DAY) AND (accountlines.accounttype IN ('PAY', 'C') ) )
  AND borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber 
  GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber 
  HAVING SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding) >= 25.00 
  ORDER BY borrowers.surname ASC;
  • Developer: A team effort: Thatcher Rea - ByWater Solutions, Nicole Engard - ByWater Solutions, Katrin Fischer - BSZ, Liz Rea - NEKLS and Robin Hastings - NEKLS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Produces report of patrons in particular branch codes with more than $25 in fines that were incurred more than 60 but less than 365 days ago
  • Status: Completed
  • Note: New Delinquent Report - first report sent to Unique, sent weekly after that
  • Note: Changed WHERE clause: borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' => ( borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' OR borrower.sort1 IS NULL ) -- Barton Chittenden - Bywater
SELECT borrowers.cardnumber,
  borrowers.phonepro AS "Alt Ph 1",
  borrowers.B_phone AS "Alt Ph 2",
  categories.category_type AS "Adult or Child",
  borrowers.dateofbirth, MAX(accountlines.date) AS "Most recent charge",
  FORMAT(SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS Due 
FROM accountlines 
  LEFT JOIN borrowers USING(borrowernumber) 
  LEFT JOIN categories USING(categorycode) 
  ( borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' OR borrower.sort1 IS NULL ) AND
  accountlines.date > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 year)  AND
  accountlines.date < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 60 day) 
GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber 
HAVING Due >=25.00 
ORDER BY borrowers.surname ASC

  • Developer: A team effort: Thatcher Rea - ByWater Solutions, Nicole Engard - ByWater Solutions, Katrin Fischer - BSZ, Liz Rea - NEKLS and Robin Hastings - NEKLS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Produces report of patrons in particular branch codes with their sort1 field set to "yes" and fines of more than $25.
  • Status: Completed
  • Note: Update report - weekly report sent to Unique
SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber, borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, FORMAT(SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS Due 
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING(borrowernumber) 
LEFT JOIN categories USING(categorycode) 
AND borrowers.sort1 = 'yes'
GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber 
ORDER BY borrowers.surname ASC
  • Developer: A team effort: Thatcher Rea - ByWater Solutions, Nicole Engard - ByWater Solutions, Katrin Fischer - BSZ, Liz Rea - NEKLS and Robin Hastings - NEKLS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Produces report of patrons in particular branch codes with more than $25 in fines that were incurred more than 60 but less than 365 days ago
  • Status: Completed
  • Note: New Delinquent Report Linked - used to easily add the $10 fee and set the sort1 field to "yes" for new delinquent accounts
  • Note: Changed WHERE clause: borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' => ( borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' OR borrower.sort1 IS NULL ) -- Barton Chittenden - Bywater
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/maninvoice.pl?borrowernumber=', borrowers.borrowernumber, '\" target="_blank">', borrowers.cardnumber, '</a>') AS "Link to Fines",
  borrowers.phonepro AS "Alt Ph 1",
  borrowers.B_phone AS "Alt Ph 2",
  categories.category_type AS "Adult or Child",
  MAX(accountlines.date) AS "Most recent charge",
  FORMAT(SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS Due 
FROM accountlines 
  LEFT JOIN borrowers USING(borrowernumber) 
  LEFT JOIN categories USING(categorycode) 
  ( borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' OR borrowers.sort1 IS NULL ) AND
  accountlines.date > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 year)  AND
  accountlines.date < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 60 day) 
GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber 
HAVING Due >=25.00 
ORDER BY borrowers.surname ASC

No checkouts since accruing a fine

  • Developer: Ian Bays (PTFS Europe) on behalf of BASE Library
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: This report can help to show what effect fines have and whether readers return after accruing.
  • Status: One Example
   CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',borrowers.borrowernumber,'\" target="_blank">', borrowers.borrowernumber, '</a>') AS borrowernumber,
   FROM issues
   WHERE borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
   'latest issue',
   FROM old_issues
   WHERE borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
   'latest old iss',
   FROM accountlines
   WHERE (accounttype = 'F'
   OR accounttype = 'FU'
   OR accounttype = 'O')
   AND borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
   'latest fine'
 FROM borrowers
 FROM issues
 WHERE borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
 FROM accountlines
 WHERE (accounttype = 'F'
 OR accounttype = 'FU'
 OR accounttype = 'O')
 AND borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
 FROM old_issues
 WHERE borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
 FROM accountlines
 WHERE (accounttype = 'F'
 OR accounttype = 'FU'
 OR accounttype = 'O')
 AND borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)

Incremental Fines with Patron & Item Info

  • Developer: Ramprasad Joshi
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: List of unpaid fines with patron and item information, with an incremental charge: $1 per day the first fortnight overdue, $2 for the next, $5 daily after that; it can be tailored by patron category.
  • Status: One Example
    (TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due)) AS daysoverdue,
    items.barcode AS 'Accession Number',
    IF((TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due))<=15,(TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due)),
      IF((TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due))<=30,2*(TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due))-15,5*(TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due))-105))
     AS fine
  FROM borrowers
  LEFT JOIN issues ON (borrowers.borrowernumber=issues.borrowernumber)
  LEFT JOIN items ON (issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber)
  LEFT JOIN biblio ON (items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
  WHERE (borrowers.categorycode=<<Patron Category|categorycode>>) AND (TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS(date_due)) > '0'
  ORDER BY borrowers.cardnumber ASC

Total Forgiven Fines Today

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Total amount forgiven in fines today
  • Status: Complete

SELECT SUM(amount) 
  FROM accountlines 
  WHERE DATE(timestamp)=CURDATE() AND (accounttype='FOR' OR accounttype='W')

Total Fines Paid (Date Range)

  • Developer: Dr Vimal Kumar V., Mahatma Gandhi University Library
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Generate list of overdue paid in a period. Applicable to Koha version since 19.11.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.cardnumber AS 'Card Number',b.surname AS 'Name',FORMAT(ABS(a.amount), 2) AS 'Amount'
FROM borrowers b
JOIN accountlines a
WHERE b.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber AND a.credit_type_code = 'payment' AND a.date 
BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-DD |date>> 
AND b.branchcode=<<Enter patrons library|branches>> AND categorycode LIKE <<Enter Category borrowers|categorycode>>

Total Fines Paid Today

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Total amount paid in fines today
  • Status: Complete

SELECT SUM(amount) 
  FROM accountlines 
  WHERE DATE(timestamp)=CURDATE() AND (accounttype='PAY' OR accounttype='C')

Yesterday's Fines by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Fines charged yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

  round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Fines Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'F' or accounttype = 'FU' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Yesterday's Fines

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Fines charged yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Fines Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'F' or accounttype = 'FU' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Yesterday's Lost Item Charges by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: lost items charged yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

  round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Yesterday's Lost Item Charges

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: lost items charged yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Yesterday's Account Management Fees by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: acct mgt charged yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

 round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Yesterday's Account Management Fees

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: acct mgt fees charged yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Yesterday's Forgiven Charges by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: forgiven charges yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

  round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Yesterday's Forgiven Charges (entire system)

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: forgiven charges yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Yesterday's Sundry Fees by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: sundry fees yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

  round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Sundry Fees Yesterday'
FROM accountlines LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'M') and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Yesterday's Sundry Fees (entire system)

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: sundry fees charged yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Sundry Fees Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'M') and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Yesterday's Credits by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: credits yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

  round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Credits Yesterday'
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'C') and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Yesterday's Credits (entire system)

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: credits yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Credits Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'C') and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Yesterday's New Card Fees by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: new card fees yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

  round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'New Card Fees Yesterday'
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'N') and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Yesterday's New Card Fees (entire system)

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: new card fees yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'New Card Fees Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'N') and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Yesterday's Payments by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: payments yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

  round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Payments Yesterday'
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'PAY') and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Yesterday's Payments (entire system)

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: payments yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Payments Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'PAY') and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Year to Date Fines by branch

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: year to date fines charged for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
  • Status: Complete

  round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Fines Charged YTD' 
FROM accountlines 
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) 
WHERE (accounttype = 'F' or accounttype = 'FU' ) and YEAR(date) = YEAR(NOW()) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'

Year to Date Fines (entire system)

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: year to date fines charged (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Fines Charged YTD' 
FROM accountlines 
WHERE (accounttype = 'F' or accounttype = 'FU' ) and YEAR(date) = YEAR(NOW())

Total Fines Owed

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: total amount of fines owed (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT FORMAT(Sum(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) FROM accountlines

Writeoff fine (Date Range wise)

  • Developer: Nikunj Tyagi, DPL
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: writeoff Amount (Date range wise) with patron details (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber,
FROM accountlines, borrowers
WHERE borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber AND
  accounttype = 'W'
   AND date BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-DD>>

Write-off Fines in Date Range (with Circulation Note, Payment Notes, Timestamps, and Manager Name)

  • Developer: Alex Chen, Butte County Library
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Provide a list of write-off fines in a date range with Circulation Note, Timestamps, Payment Notes, and staff who performed the actions for Accounting and Auditing purposes.
  • Status: Complete

	CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/circ/circulation.pl?borrowernumber=', patrons.borrowernumber, '\" target=/"_blank\">', patrons.cardnumber, '</a>' ) AS 'Card Number',
	CONCAT(patrons.firstname, ' ', patrons.surname) AS 'Patron Name',
	patrons.borrowernotes AS 'Circulation Note',
	patrons.opacnote AS 'OPAC Note',
	patrons.categorycode AS 'Patron Category',
	accountlines.amount AS 'Amount',
	accountlines.timestamp AS 'Transaction Timestamp',
	accountlines.description AS 'Description',
	accountlines.note AS 'Payment Notes',
	CONCAT(managers.firstname, ' ', managers.surname) AS 'Manager Name'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers patrons ON (accountlines.borrowernumber = patrons.borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers managers ON (accountlines.manager_id = managers.borrowernumber)
	(accountlines.date BETWEEN <<Fine Waived Between |date>> AND <<and |date>>)
	AND accountlines.accounttype = 'W'
	AND patrons.categorycode = <<Patron Category |categorycode>>

Sum of Total Write-off Amount by Patron Category in a Date Range

  • Developer: Alex Chen, Butte County Library
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Provide a sum of total write-off amount by patron categorycode in a date range
  • Status: Complete

	patrons.categorycode AS 'Patron Category',
	SUM(ABS(accountlines.amount)) AS 'Total Write-Off Amount'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers patrons ON (accountlines.borrowernumber = patrons.borrowernumber)
	(accountlines.date BETWEEN <<Fine Waived Between |date>> AND <<and |date>>)
	AND accountlines.accounttype = 'W'
GROUP BY patrons.categorycode

Payment (fine) detail (Date Range)

  • Developer: Nikunj Tyagi, DPL
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Payment (Date range wise) with patron details (entire system)
  • Status: Complete
SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber,
FROM accountlines, borrowers
WHERE borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber AND
  accounttype = 'pay' AND
  date BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-DD>>

Yesterday's Amount Collected (entire system)

  • Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: amount actually collected yesterday (entire system)
  • Status: Complete

SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Paid Yesterday' 
FROM accountlines
WHERE (accounttype = 'PAY' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)

Amount Collected in specific Date Range (entire system)

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Asks you to enter the date range for which you would like to see all of the money collected at all branches.
  • Status: Complete
select FORMAT(abs(sum(amount)),2) as 'Total Collected' 
from accountlines 
where (accounttype='C' or accounttype='PAY') and 
      timestamp between <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>

Accounting for date range

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: List of all accounting details in date range
  • Status: Complete
CASE accounttype 
      WHEN 'A' THEN 'Account management fee'
      WHEN 'C' THEN 'Credit'
      WHEN 'F' THEN 'Overdue Fine'
      WHEN 'FOR' THEN 'Forgiven'
      WHEN 'FU' THEN 'Overdue Fine Still Accruing'
      WHEN 'L' THEN 'Lost Item'
      WHEN 'LR' THEN 'Lost and Returned'
      WHEN 'M' THEN 'Sundry'
      WHEN 'N' THEN 'New Card'
      WHEN 'PAY' THEN 'Payment'
      WHEN 'W' THEN 'Writeoff'
      ELSE accounttype END  
 AS transaction, SUM(amount)
 FROM accountlines
 WHERE DATE(timestamp) between <<Collected between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
 GROUP BY accounttype

Payments collected at a branch in a date range

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Fines collected at a branch in a date range (uses the logged in user's branch)
  • Status: Complete
SELECT FORMAT(abs(sum(a.amount)),2) AS 'Total Collected' 
FROM accountlines a
LEFT JOIN borrowers p on (a.manager_id=p.borrowernumber)
WHERE a.accounttype in ('C','PAY') AND 
      a.timestamp BETWEEN <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and

Amount due on lost items (deleted and current)

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Amount due on lost items (deleted and current)
  • Status: Complete
    FORMAT( SUM( amountoutstanding ), 2) as 'Amount Due'
    items i
    left join deleteditems di using ( itemnumber )
    left join accountlines a on ( a.itemnumber =  COALESCE (i.itemnumber, di.itemnumber) )
    COALESCE ( i.itemlost, di.itemlost  ) != 0

Forgiven fines for items checked in during a date range (Fines amnesty week check)

  • Developer: Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Fines forgiven on books checked in during a date range
  • Status: Complete
SELECT surname, firstname, cardnumber, description, amountoutstanding, itemcallnumber, holdingbranch,barcode, datetime AS CheckInDate, a.timestamp AS FineDate  FROM statistics 
LEFT JOIN accountlines a USING (borrowernumber,itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN items USING (itemnumber)
WHERE type='return' AND accounttype='FFOR' AND datetime BETWEEN <<Start date|date>> AND <<End date|date>>

Fines outstanding for items checked in during a date range (Fines amnesty week check)

  • Developer: Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Fines outstanding on books checked in during a date range
  • Status: Complete
SELECT surname, firstname, cardnumber, description, amountoutstanding, itemcallnumber, holdingbranch,barcode, datetime AS CheckInDate, a.timestamp AS FineDate  FROM statistics 
LEFT JOIN accountlines a USING (borrowernumber,itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN items USING (itemnumber)
WHERE type='return' AND amountoutstanding > 0 AND datetime BETWEEN <<Start date|date>> AND <<End date|date>>

All accounts offsets for a given borrrower

  • Developer: Andrew Fuerste-Henry, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Show history of credits and debits for a borrower using the account_offsets table added in 17.11
  • Status: Complete
select o.id, o.credit_id, o.debit_id, o.type, o.amount, o.created_on, a.borrowernumber, a.description 
from account_offsets o left join accountlines a on (o.debit_id=a.accountlines_id)
where a.borrowernumber=<<Borrower Number>>
order by o.created_on desc

PayPal payments collected in a date range

  • Developer: Myka Kennedy Stephens, Lancaster Theological Seminary
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: For Koha libraries utilizing the PayPal integration; Displays fine/fee transactions for a date range with note = "PayPal"
  • Status: Complete
    '<a target="_blank" href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',
  ) AS Link,
  borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber AND
  accounttype = 'pay' AND
  accountlines.note = 'PayPal' AND
  date BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>>

Duplicate Fines

  • Developer: Ian Bays, PTFS Europe wrote this report for BASE Library
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Shows patrons that have been erroneously fined more than once on the same day for the same issue id
  • Status: Complete

select concat(date,', ',issue_id) iss_dt, 
 (select branchcode from borrowers where borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber) branch, 
   CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',accountlines.borrowernumber,'\" target="_blank">', accountlines.borrowernumber, '</a>') AS borrowernumber, count(*) cnt, 
group_concat(timestamp separator ', ') stamps from accountlines 
where accounttype = 'F' and issue_id is not NULL group by iss_dt having cnt >1
order by branch, stamps DESC

PayPal Transactions Sorted by Branch

  • Developer: Lisette Scheer, Latah County Library District/Valnet Consortium
  • Module: Accounting
  • Purpose: Shows paypal payments in the last month, sorted by owning library.
  • Status: Complete

  Format(ABS(credits.amount), 2) AS AMT_COLLECTED,
  Format(ABS(account_offsets.amount), 2) AS FEE_AMOUNT,
    Format((debits.amount + account_offsets.amount), 2) = 0,
    "-", Format((debits.amount + account_offsets.amount), 2)
  Format(debits.amountoutstanding, 2) AS FEE_STILL_OWED,
  borrowerinfo.cardnumber AS FROM_PATRON,
  credits.note AS PAYMENT_NOTES,
  credits.date AS PAYMENT_DATE,
  If(items.barcode IS NULL, "DELETED", Upper(items.barcode)) AS FOR_ITEM,
  If(items.homebranch IS NOT NULL, items.homebranch, manualinvoiceinfo.branchcode) AS OWNED_BY,
  debits.date AS FEE_DATE,
  debits.description AS FEE_DESCRIPTION,
  debits.note AS FEE_NOTE
  accountlines credits
  JOIN account_offsets ON account_offsets.credit_id = credits.accountlines_id
  JOIN accountlines debits ON account_offsets.debit_id = debits.accountlines_id
  LEFT JOIN old_issues ON debits.issue_id = old_issues.issue_id
  LEFT JOIN items ON debits.itemnumber = items.itemnumber
  JOIN borrowers borrowerinfo ON borrowerinfo.borrowernumber = credits.borrowernumber
  LEFT JOIN borrowers manualinvoiceinfo ON manualinvoiceinfo.borrowernumber = debits.manager_id
  Month(credits.date) = Month(Now() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND
  Year(credits.date) = Year(Now() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND

Reserves reports

Customizable Holds Queue

  • Developer: Christopher Brannon, Couer d'Alene Public Library/Cooperative Information Network
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Recreate Holds Queue results that can be customized to your needs. This example adds statuses and report date, as well as tweaks the CART location. This serves as an example to how the report can be beefed up.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ',avl.lib,avd.lib,IF(i.location="CART","Recently Returned","")) AS 'Status',r.reservenotes AS Notes,concat(b.title, ' ',ExtractValue(bi.metadata, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]')) AS 'Title',b.author AS 'Author',(SELECT lib FROM authorised_values WHERE category="LOC" AND authorised_value=i.permanent_location) AS 'Location',i.itemcallnumber AS 'Call Number',i.barcode AS 'Barcode',CONCAT_WS(', ',p.surname,p.firstname) AS 'Patron',r.branchcode AS 'Send To',r.reservedate AS 'Date',if(r.itemnumber IS NULL,'Next Available','Item Level') AS 'Type',Date(Now()) AS 'Report Date'
FROM reserves r
LEFT JOIN hold_fill_targets hft ON r.biblionumber = hft.biblionumber AND r.borrowernumber = hft.borrowernumber
LEFT JOIN items i ON i.itemnumber = hft.itemnumber
LEFT JOIN authorised_values avl ON i.itemlost = avl.authorised_value
LEFT JOIN authorised_values avd ON i.damaged = avd.authorised_value
LEFT JOIN biblio b ON b.biblionumber = i.biblionumber
LEFT JOIN biblio_metadata bi ON b.biblionumber = bi.biblionumber
LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON p.borrowernumber = r.borrowernumber
WHERE i.holdingbranch = <<Library|branches>> AND hft.itemnumber IS NOT NULL AND avl.category = "LOST" AND avd.category = "DAMAGED"
GROUP BY Barcode, Patron
ORDER BY Location, i.itemcallnumber, i.enumchron, b.author, b.title ASC

Statistical reports

Shows the total number of items circulated from a branch other than the owning branch

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Statistical (Circulation)
  • Purpose: Shows the total number of items circulated from a branch other than the owning branch
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT count(*) as total 
  FROM statistics 
  LEFT JOIN items on (statistics.itemnumber = items.itemnumber) 
  WHERE statistics.branch != items.homebranch AND statistics.datetime BETWEEN <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>

Patrons with most checkouts in date range

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Statistical (Circulation)
  • Purpose: This report will show the top 20 patrons who have checked out the most in a specific time period.
  • Status: Complete
select concat(b.surname,', ',b.firstname) as name, 
       count(s.borrowernumber) as checkouts 
from statistics s 
left join borrowers b 
using (borrowernumber) 
where s.datetime between <<Top checkouts between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
group by s.borrowernumber 
order by count(s.borrowernumber) desc 
limit 20

New materials added

  • Developer: Sharon Moreland
  • Module: Statistical (Circulation)
  • Purpose: New materials added
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT count(i.biblionumber) as added, i.itype, i.homebranch, i.location from items i 
  WHERE YEAR(i.dateaccessioned) = <<Year accessioned (yyyy)>> AND MONTH(i.dateaccessioned) = <<Month accessioned (mm)>> 
  GROUP BY i.homebranch,i.itype,i.location 
  ORDER BY i.homebranch,i.itype,i.location ASC

Inactive Borrowers

  • Developer: Jonathan Field
  • Module: Statistical (Circulation, Reports)
  • Purpose: List of Borrowers who have not used the library within a given period
  • Status: Complete
SELECT DISTINCT borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, borrowers.cardnumber, borrowers.email 
FROM borrowers
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT borrowernumber FROM statistics WHERE borrowers.borrowernumber = borrowernumber AND statistics.datetime >= 'YYYY-MM-DD')

Number of links clicked in the last month

  • Developer: Liz Rea, Catalyst IT for Albany Senior High School, New Zealand
  • Module: Statistical
  • Purpose: Count of links clicked in the last month
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(*) FROM linktracker WHERE timeclicked > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)

List of links clicked in the last month

  • Developer: Liz Rea, Catalyst IT for Albany Senior High School, New Zealand
  • Module: Statistical
  • Purpose: List of links clicked in the last month
  • Status: Complete
SELECT count(url) AS 'times', url FROM linktracker WHERE timeclicked > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) GROUP BY url

Statistic for daily catalogers achievement in date range for bib records

  • Developer: Karam Qubsi
  • Module: Cataloging
  • Purpose: Statistic for daily catalogers achievement in date range for bib records (you can change the date range I make it for the whole 2014 year in this example )
  • Status: Complete
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(I.timestamp, '%d-%c-%Y') AS Date,
B.userid AS Staff,
count(I.timestamp) AS Count
FROM action_logs I
LEFT JOIN borrowers B
ON I.user=B.borrowernumber
WHERE I.module='CATALOGUING' AND I.action='ADD' AND date(I.timestamp) BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2014-12-31' 
 AND I.info='biblio'
GROUP BY Date,B.userid

Statistic for daily catalogers achievement in date range for Item records

  • Developer: Karam Qubsi
  • Module: Cataloging
  • Purpose: Statistic for daily catalogers achievement in date range for item records (you can change the date range I make it for the whole 2014 year in this example )
  • Status: Complete
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(I.timestamp, '%d-%c-%Y') AS Date,
B.userid AS Staff,
count(I.timestamp) AS Count
FROM action_logs I
LEFT JOIN borrowers B
ON I.user=B.borrowernumber
WHERE I.module='CATALOGUING' AND I.action='ADD' AND date(I.timestamp) BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2014-12-31' 
 AND I.info='item'
GROUP BY Date,B.userid

Percentage lost broken down by homebranch

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Cataloging
  • Purpose: Find out if certain branches are losing more items
  • Status: Complete
  sum( IF(itemlost=0,0,1) ) as 'Number Lost',
  (sum( IF(itemlost=0,0,1) ) * 100 / count(homebranch)) as 'Percentage lost'
from items
group by homebranch
having count(homebranch) > 0
order by (sum( IF(itemlost=0,0,1) ) * 100 / count(homebranch))

Statistics for college loans

  • Developer: Jussef Martínez
  • Module: Statistical
  • Purpose: Count the number of loans made by users of a faculty.
  • Status: Complete
  u.sort1 AS 'Department',
  COUNT(lg.object) AS 'No. Loans'
FROM action_logs lg

  LEFT JOIN borrowers u ON (lg.object = u.borrowernumber)
  LEFT JOIN categories k ON (u.categorycode = k.categorycode )
  lg.module = 'circulation' and action = 'issue' AND
  DATE(lg.timestamp) BETWEEN <<fecha inicial|date>> AND <<fecha final|date>>

GROUP BY u.sort1
ORDER BY u.sort2 ASC

Librarians activity

  • Developer: Josef Moravec
  • Module: Statistical
  • Purpose: Count the actions performed by librarians in particular modules of Koha
  • Status: Complete
  CONCAT_WS(" ", b.firstname, b.surname) AS name, 
  COUNT(*) AS count

FROM action_logs al
  JOIN borrowers b ON al.user = b.borrowernumber

  timestamp >= <<From|date>> 
  AND timestamp <= DATE_ADD(<<To|date>>, INTERVAL 1 DAY)  
  AND user != 0

GROUP BY al.user, al.module

Shows details of statistics for a given shelving location in a date range

  • Developer: Andrew Fuerste-Henry, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Statistical (Circulation)
  • Purpose: Shows details of statistics for a given shelving location in a date range
  • Status: Complete
SELECT i.barcode, b.title, s.type, s.location, s.datetime
FROM statistics s left join items i using (itemnumber) left join biblio b using (biblionumber)
WHERE s.location=<<Shelving Location|loc>> and s.datetime between <<Start Date|date>> and <<End Date|date>>
ORDER BY s.datetime desc

List count of 'genderwise statistical data' of patrons who are enrolled to library

  • Developer: Pankaj Kumar Sharma
  • Module: Statistical (Patron)
  • Purpose: List count of 'genderwise statistical data' of patrons who are enrolled to library
  • Status: Completed
  • Works/Tesed with: Koha Version-, MySQL Version-14.14
Select count(borrowernumber) as 'Genderwise Enrollment',sex as Gender from borrowers
where borrowernumber!=1 
group by Gender

List count of 'citywise gender statistical data' of patrons who are enrolled to library

  • Developer: Pankaj Kumar Sharma
  • Module: Statistical (Patron)
  • Purpose: List count of 'citywise gender statistical data' of patrons who are enrolled to library
  • Status: Completed
  • Works/Tesed with: Koha Version-, MySQL Version-14.14
Select count(borrowernumber) as 'Genderwise Enrollment',city,sex as Gender from borrowers
where borrowernumber!=1 
group by city,Gender order by city

Notices Reports

Overdue Notices

Notices Sent

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Count of overdue notices sent in a specific time frame (by type). Uses the following codes for overdue messages: ODUE, ODUE2, ODUE3. Edit notice names as necessary. See Notices Available below.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT monthname(message_queue.time_queued) AS month, year(message_queue.time_queued) AS year, 
       message_queue.letter_code AS notice, count(message_queue.borrowernumber) AS count 
FROM message_queue 
WHERE message_queue.time_queued between <<Sent between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
      AND message_queue.letter_code in ('ODUE', 'ODUE2', 'ODUE3' )
      AND status = 'sent' 
GROUP BY year(message_queue.time_queued), month(message_queue.time_queued), message_queue.letter_code

Overdue Notices Available

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Print a list of letter codes used in trigger table.
  • Status: Complete
    distinct code 
   inner join (
             select distinct letter1 as code from overduerules 
       UNION select distinct letter2 as code from overduerules 
       UNION select distinct letter3 as code from overduerules
   ) as overdue_trigger using (code)

Patrons ordered by days overdue

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Print a list of patrons with overdue items, ordered by days overdue.
  • Status: Complete

I would like to highlight rows where 'days overdue' matches (delay1, delay2, delay3) from overduerules.

    datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due) AS 'days overdue',
    count(*) as 'count',
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/notices.pl?borrowernumber=',
        ' ',
    ) AS borrowernumber
    INNER JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
WHERE datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due) > 1
GROUP BY datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due), borrowernumber
ORDER BY datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due) asc, count(*) desc

Patrons with overdue notices triggered today

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Print a list of patrons with overdue notices triggered today.
  • Status: Complete
    datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due) AS 'days overdue',
    count(*) AS 'count',
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/notices.pl?borrowernumber=',
        ' ',
    ) AS borrowernumber
              SELECT DISTINCT delay1 AS delay FROM overduerules
        UNION SELECT DISTINCT delay2 AS delay FROM overduerules
        UNION SELECT DISTINCT delay3 AS delay FROM overduerules
    ) AS odr ON ( datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due) = odr.delay )
    INNER JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
WHERE datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due) > 1
GROUP BY datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due), borrowernumber
ORDER BY datediff(CURRENT_DATE, date_due) ASC, count(*) DESC

Patrons ordered by count of items with third notices

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Print a list patrons with a count of items which would trigger a third notice.
  • Status: Complete
    count(*) AS 'count',   
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/notices.pl?borrowernumber=',
        ' ',
    ) AS borrowernumber
    INNER JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
    date_add( date_due, INTERVAL (select max(delay3) from overduerules) DAY ) < CURRENT_DATE
    borrowernumber order BY count(*)

Notices and slips, select content

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Find Notices and Slips with selected content.
  • Status: Complete
    module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, message_transport_type
    content like '<<Text in notice (use % as wildcard)>>'

Overduerules in a single column

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Show Overduerules in a single column
  • Status: Complete
  • Comments: This query is probably a useful base for more complex queries.
                '1' as letter_number, branchcode, categorycode,
                delay1 as delay, letter1 as letter_code,
                debarred1 as debarred
            FROM overduerules
                '2' as letter_number, branchcode, categorycode,
                delay2 as delay, letter2 as letter_code,
                debarred2 as debarred
            FROM overduerules
                '3' as letter_number, branchcode, categorycode,
                delay3 as delay, letter3 as letter_code,
                debarred3 as debarred
            FROM overduerules
   ) as odr

Show overdue notices in message queue

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Show counts of overdue notices by letter code, message transport type and status, ordered by date.
  • Status: Complete
    message_transport_type as mtt,
                SELECT letter1 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci AS letter_code FROM overduerules
                SELECT letter2 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci AS letter_code FROM overduerules
                SELECT letter3 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci AS letter_code FROM overduerules
       ) AS odr using (letter_code)
    date(time_queued), letter_code, mtt,status
    date(time_queued), letter_code, mtt,status

Acquisition Reports

Orders in Date Range

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Show order information for a specific date period.
  • Status: Complete. Broken in Koha 3.16. aqorders.notes field was replaced with aqorders.order_internalnote and aqorders.order_vendornote
SELECT v.name AS vendor, b.title AS 'book title', 
       format(o.listprice,2) AS 'list price', 
       format(o.unitprice,2) AS 'actual price',
       ba.basketname, o.notes 
FROM aqorders o 
LEFT JOIN aqbasket ba USING (basketno) 
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers v ON (v.id = ba.booksellerid) 
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING (biblionumber) 
WHERE o.entrydate BETWEEN <<Ordered BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>

All Orders

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Show the information for every order in the system.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT v.name AS Vendor, concat(c.basketname, ' (', c.basketno, ')') AS Basket,
       c.creationdate AS Ordered,  concat(p.firstname, ' ', 
       p.surname) AS 'Managed by', b.title, 
       ExtractValue(bi.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]') AS subtitle, 
       b.author, bi.isbn, bi.publishercode, 
       o.rrp AS RRP, o.ecost AS EST, o.quantity AS Qty,
       format(o.listprice*o.quantity,2) AS Total, f.budget_name AS Fund 
FROM aqorders o 
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets f USING (budget_id) 
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING (biblionumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems bi USING (biblionumber) 
LEFT JOIN aqbasket c USING (basketno) 
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers v ON (c.booksellerid=v.id) 
LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON (c.authorisedby=p.borrowernumber) 
ORDER BY v.name, c.basketno ASC

Items ordered vs. received

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Show the number of items ordered vs. received for a given vendor.
  • Status: Complete
    sum(aqorders.quantity) AS 'Items ordered', 
    sum(aqorders.quantityreceived) AS 'Items received',
    sum(aqorders.quantity) - sum(aqorders.quantityreceived) AS difference
    INNER JOIN aqbasket ON (aqbooksellers.id = aqbasket.booksellerid) 
    INNER JOIN aqorders USING (basketno) 
    aqbooksellers.id = 91
    AND aqbasket.creationdate BETWEEN <<Ordered BETWEEN|date>> AND <<and|date>>
GROUP BY basketno
ORDER BY aqbasket.creationdate


  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Show's a ledger of all items ordered
  • Status: Complete. Works on Koha 3.16. Changed biblioitemnumber to biblionumber in the join on items.
SELECT b.name AS vendor, i.itype, p.budget_branchcode AS branch, k.basketno,  
       o.entrydate AS 'order date', format(o.listprice,2) AS 'list price', 
       format(o.unitprice,2) AS 'unit price', o.quantity, 
       format(o.totalamount,2) AS 'total amount', o.datereceived AS 'date received' 
FROM aqbasket k 
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers b ON (k.booksellerid=b.id) 
LEFT JOIN aqorders o USING (basketno)
LEFT JOIN items i USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets p USING (budget_id)

Titles ordered in a Fund

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Titles ordered in a specific fund (will search for any part of the fund code)
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.title, b.author 
FROM biblio b 
LEFT JOIN aqorders a 
USING (biblionumber) 
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets aq 
USING (budget_id) 
WHERE a.datereceived BETWEEN <<Date received BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
          AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND
          aq.budget_code LIKE concat(<<Budget code>>,'%')

Amount Encumbered

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Total encumbered against each budget
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.budget_name, format(sum(b.budget_amount),2) AS 'amount budgeted',
          format(sum(o.listprice*o.quantity),2) AS 'amount encumbered' 
FROM aqorders o 
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets b USING (budget_id)
WHERE o.datereceived IS NULL 
GROUP BY b.budget_name

Amount Spent

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Total spent against each budget
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.budget_name, format(sum(b.budget_amount),2) AS 'amount budgeted',
          format(sum(o.listprice*o.quantity),2) AS 'amount spent' 
FROM aqorders o 
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets b USING (budget_id)
WHERE o.datereceived IS NOT NULL 
GROUP BY b.budget_name

Tax Receipt

  • Developer: Paul A., Naval Marine Archive
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: To allow a Charity to produce an "inventory" for Tax Receipting purposes; selection by Donor and Accession date.
  • Status: Complete
items.barcode AS Barcode,items.dateaccessioned AS 'Acc Date', 
biblio.title AS Title, biblio.author AS Author,biblioitems.publishercode AS Publisher,biblioitems.publicationyear AS Year, 
biblioitems.editionstatement AS Edition,
items.price AS FMV,
'/collection/record/datafield[\@tag=\"999\"]/subfield[\@code=\"x\"]') AS 'Condition'
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
items.booksellerid = <<Pick your donor>>
AND DATE(items.dateaccessioned) BETWEEN <<Accessioned BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
ORDER BY biblio.author ASC

List of Biblio Numbers on an Invoice

  • Developer: Joseph Alway
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: This report will give a list of the biblionumbers on an invoice. Which we can then use to export the records from Koha using the export data tool.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblionumber AS 'Biblio Number'
FROM aqorders
LEFT JOIN aqinvoices USING (invoiceid)
WHERE invoicenumber=<<Invoice Number>>

Orders with like data in a subfield of a field

  • Developer: Joseph Alway
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Displays the Biblionumber, Title, Author, Basket Name, List Price, Budget Code, and Vendor of All Orders with a like value in a subfield of a field.
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumber, biblio.title,
    biblio.author, aqbasket.basketname AS PO, format(aqorders.listprice,2) AS 'List Price', aqbudgets.budget_code AS Fund, aqbooksellers.name AS Vendor
    JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber)
    JOIN biblio_metadata ON (biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio_metadata.biblionumber)
    LEFT JOIN aqorders ON (biblioitems.biblionumber = aqorders.biblionumber)
    LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON (aqorders.basketno = aqbasket.basketno)
    LEFT JOIN aqbudgets ON (aqorders.budget_id = aqbudgets.budget_id)
    LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON (aqbasket.booksellerid = aqbooksellers.id)
    ExtractValue(metadata, "//datafield[@tag=<< Field (XXX)>>]/subfield[@code=<<Subfield(Y)>>]")
        LIKE <<Search Term (USE % AS wildcard)>>
    AND biblio.biblionumber = aqorders.biblionumber

Orders received in a date range

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Orders received in a date range
  • Status: Complete
SELECT t.title, b.name AS vendor, p.budget_name AS fund, format(o.listprice,2) AS 'list price',
format(o.unitprice,2) AS 'unit price', o.quantity,
format((o.totalamount*o.quantity),2) AS 'total amount', o.datereceived AS 'date received', o.sort1
FROM aqbasket k
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers b ON (k.booksellerid=b.id)
LEFT JOIN aqorders o USING (basketno)
LEFT JOIN items i USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets p USING (budget_id)
LEFT JOIN biblio t USING (biblionumber)
WHERE o.datereceived BETWEEN <<Received BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>

Orders not received

  • Developer: Joseph Alway
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: List orders that haven't been received.
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basketno=',basketno,'\">',basketno,'</a>') AS Basket,
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/neworderempty.pl?ordernumber=',a.ordernumber,'\">',a.ordernumber,'</a>') AS 'Order',
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',a.biblionumber,'\">',a.biblionumber,'</a>') AS Biblio,
    b.title AS Title, b.author AS Author, format(a.listprice,2) AS 'List Price', format(a.discount,2) AS 'Discount', format(a.ecost,2) AS 'Estimated Cost',
    u.budget_code AS 'Fund Code', u.budget_name AS 'Fund Name', a.order_internalnote AS 'Order Notes', a.entrydate AS 'Date Ordered'
    aqorders a
    LEFT JOIN biblio b
        USING (biblionumber) 
    LEFT JOIN aqinvoices i
        USING (invoiceid)
    LEFT JOIN aqbudgets u
        USING (budget_id)
    a.ordernumber IS NOT NULL
    AND a.datecancellationprinted IS NULL
    AND a.datereceived IS NULL
ORDER BY u.budget_name ASC

List of Order given to specific Vendor during current active budget

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: It gives detail about all the titles and order given to specific vendor during current active financial year.
  • Status: Complete tested on Koha 16.11.07
SELECT bb.name AS 'Vendor Name',b.basketname AS 'Basket Name', b.creationdate AS 'Basket Creation Date',
r.currency AS 'Currency', r.listprice AS 'Price', r.quantity AS 'Quantity', r.rrp AS 'Unit Price',
r.ecost AS 'Discounted Price',  format(r.ecost*r.quantity,2) AS 'Total Price',
r.orderstatus AS 'Status', bbb.budget_code AS 'Fund Code'
FROM aqorders r
LEFT JOIN aqbasket b ON b.basketno=r.basketno
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers bb ON bb.id=b.booksellerid
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets bbb ON bbb.budget_id=r.budget_id
LEFT JOIN aqbudgetperiods bbbb ON bbbb.budget_period_id=bbb.budget_period_id
WHERE bb.id = <<Koha Vendor Code>> AND bbbb.budget_period_active LIKE '1'

List of Pending Books Requested/Suggested for purchase

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: This will provide list of books which is suggested by various users and not yet approved. It contains information about suggester name, His ID, Status, Author, Title, Year, Publisher, ISBN, Quantity, Currency, Price, Total price and Budget head.
  • Status: Complete tested on Koha 16.11.07
  • Note: You may replace 'ASKED' with Available, Ordered etc. status from last line (WHERE STATUS LIKE 'ASKED') of this query to get the report accordingly.
SELECT bb.surname 'Suggested By', bb.cardnumber 'Member ID', r.STATUS, r.author 'Author',
r.title 'Title', r.copyrightdate 'Year', r.publishercode 'Publisher', r.isbn 'ISBN',
r.quantity 'Quantity',r.currency 'Currency', r.price 'Price', r.total 'Total Price',
b.budget_code 'Department'
FROM suggestions r
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets b ON r.budgetid=b.budget_id
LEFT JOIN borrowers bb ON r.suggestedby=bb.borrowernumber

Single Basket Order List

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra Got help from Mr. Monirul Purkait
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Provide much details of the title entered in a particular basket like requester, fund, vendor etc.
  • Status: Complete tested on Koha 16.11.07
    v.name AS Vendor,
    concat(c.basketname, ' (', c.basketno, ')') AS Basket,
    c.creationdate AS Ordered,
    concat(pp.firstname, ' ',pp.surname, ' (', pp.cardnumber, ')') AS 'Requested By',
    concat(p.firstname, ' ',  p.surname) AS 'Managed by', 
    b.title AS 'Title', 
    ExtractValue(bi.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="245"]/subfield[@code="b"]') AS 'Subtitle', 
    b.author AS 'Author/Editor', bi.isbn AS 'ISBN', bi.publishercode AS 'Publisher', 
    o.currency AS 'Currency',o.listprice AS 'Original Price', o.rrp AS 'Price (INR)',o.discount AS 'Discount %', o.ecost AS 'Discounted Price', o.quantity AS 'Copies',
    format(o.ecost*o.quantity,2) AS Total, f.budget_name AS 'Fund/Dept. Name' 
FROM aqorders o
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets f USING (budget_id) 
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING (biblionumber) 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems bi USING (biblionumber) 
LEFT JOIN aqbasket c USING (basketno) 
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers v ON (c.booksellerid=v.id) 
LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON (c.authorisedby=p.borrowernumber) 
LEFT JOIN suggestions s ON (b.biblionumber = s.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers pp ON (s.suggestedby=pp.borrowernumber)
    b.biblionumber IS NOT NULL                
    AND c.basketname LIKE CONCAT( '%', <<Basketname>>, '%')
ORDER BY v.name, c.basketno ASC

List of all Active Vendors

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra , Andrew Fuerste-Henry, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Provide list of all active Vendors in Koha along with contact details and Koha ID.
  • Status: Updated to work on 20.05
SELECT r.id 'Koha ID', r.name'Firm Name',i.name 'Contact Person',i.phone 'Phone/Mobile', i.email 'Email',r.postal 'Postal Address',r.fax 'Fax'
FROM aqbooksellers  r
LEFT JOIN aqcontacts i ON (i.booksellerid=r.id)
WHERE r.active=1

Items list by accession number range and sorted by call number

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Display/Print of New Arrivals list Sorted by call number (Subject wise) may be useful for cover flow and public reports.
  • Status: Complete tested on Koha 16.11.07
  • Note: Replace 'XXXX' with your range of barcode
SELECT biblio.author,biblio.title,items.itemcallnumber,items.barcode,isbn
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE cast(items.barcode AS UNSIGNED) BETWEEN 'XXXX' AND 'XXXX' ORDER BY items.itemcallnumber ASC

Total amount of order given to each Vendor in active budget year

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: This report gives you data about the total amount of order given to a particular vendor in active budget year. It will help in proper distribution of orders among the vendors.
  • Status: Complete tested on Koha 16.11.07
SELECT  b.booksellerid 'Vendor ID', bb.name AS 'Vendor Name', SUM(r.ecost * r.quantity) AS 'Total Amount'
FROM aqorders r
LEFT JOIN aqbasket b ON b.basketno=r.basketno
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers bb ON bb.id=b.booksellerid
LEFT JOIN aqbudgets bbb ON bbb.budget_id=r.budget_id
LEFT JOIN aqbudgetperiods bbbb ON bbbb.budget_period_id=bbb.budget_period_id
WHERE NOT r.orderstatus='cancelled' AND bbbb.budget_period_active LIKE '1'
GROUP BY bb.id

Detail Accession Register Report/Format

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: This report will help all Libraries to print the accession record of a book and maintain the register especially as per Indian GFR2017 prescribed accession register format.
  • Status: Complete tested on Koha 16.11.11
SELECT oo.dateaccessioned AS 'Date',
  oo.barcode AS 'Acc. No.',
  ooo.title AS 'Title',
  ooo.author AS 'Author/Editor',
  concat_ws(' , ', o.editionstatement, oo.enumchron) AS 'Ed./Vol.',
  concat_ws(' ', o.place, o.publishercode) AS 'Place & Publisher',
  ooo.copyrightdate AS 'Year', o.pages AS 'Page(s)',
  ooooooo.name AS 'Source',
  oo.itemcallnumber AS 'Class No./Book No.',
  concat_ws(', ₹', concat(' ', ooooo.symbol, oooo.listprice), oooo.rrp_tax_included) AS 'Cost',
  concat_ws(' , ', oooooo.invoicenumber, oooooo.shipmentdate) AS 'Bill No. & Date',
  '' AS 'Withdrawn Date',
  '' AS 'Remarks'
FROM biblioitems o
  LEFT JOIN items oo ON oo.biblioitemnumber=o.biblioitemnumber
  LEFT JOIN biblio ooo ON ooo.biblionumber=o.biblionumber
  LEFT JOIN aqorders oooo ON oooo.biblionumber=o.biblionumber
  LEFT JOIN currency ooooo ON ooooo.currency=oooo.currency
  LEFT JOIN aqinvoices oooooo ON oooooo.booksellerid=oo.booksellerid
  LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ooooooo ON ooooooo.id=oo.booksellerid
WHERE cast(oo.barcode AS UNSIGNED) BETWEEN <<Accession Number>> AND <<To Accession Number>>
GROUP BY oo.barcode
ORDER BY oo.barcode ASC

All Invoice details received in particular financial/budget year

  • Developer: Vinod Kumar Mishra
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: This report will help Libraries to print all Invoice details received in a particular financial/budget year. It provides number of unique titles as well as total items received along with other invoice details.
  • Status: Complete tested on Koha 16.11.07
SELECT rrr.name 'Vendor/Firm Name', r.basketname 'Basket/Order Number',rrrr.invoicenumber 'Invoice Number',rrrr.billingdate 'Bill Date',
 round(SUM(case when rrrr.shipmentcost IS NOT NULL THEN rr.unitprice_tax_included*rr.quantityreceived+rrrr.shipmentcost
 ELSE rr.unitprice_tax_included*rr.quantityreceived END),2)'Total Invoice Amount',rrrr.closedate 'Invoice Close Date',
 COUNT(DISTINCT rr.biblionumber)'Unique Title',SUM(rr.quantityreceived) 'Quantity Received'

FROM aqbasket r

left join aqorders rr on rr.basketno=r.basketno
left join aqbooksellers rrr on rrr.id=r.booksellerid
left join aqinvoices rrrr on rrrr.invoiceid=rr.invoiceid
left join aqbudgets rrrrr on rrrrr.budget_id=rr.budget_id

where rr.orderstatus LIKE 'complete' AND rrrrr.budget_period_id=<<Koha Budget Period ID>>

group by rr.basketno

order by rrr.name ASC

Summary of invoices paid on [date] to [vendor]

  • Developer: Sarah Cornell and Bywater staff
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Summarizes invoice activity on a date. Enter % for all vendors.
  • Status: Completed
  • Works with: 17.11
CONCAT('<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/invoice.pl?invoiceid=',invoiceid,'">view</a>') AS 'view invoice',
CAST((sub2.items_total+sub2.shipment_cost) AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS 'invoice total'

SELECT  invoiceid,
     CAST(SUM(sub1.ordertotal_hide) AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS 'items_total',

SELECT  invoiceid, 
     aqbooksellers.name AS 'vendor',  
     aqinvoices.billingdate AS 'invoice_date',
     aqinvoices.closedate AS 'date_paid',
     (unitprice*quantityreceived) AS 'ordertotal_hide',
     CAST(IFNULL(aqinvoices.shipmentcost,0) AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS 'shipment_cost'
FROM aqorders
LEFT JOIN aqinvoices USING (invoiceid)
LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON booksellerid=aqbooksellers.id
) AS sub1

GROUP BY invoiceid
) AS sub2

LEFT JOIN aqinvoices USING (invoiceid)
WHERE DATE(aqinvoices.closedate)=<<Date closed|date>>
AND sub2.vendor LIKE CONCAT( '%', <<Enter part of vendor name>>, '%')

List of invoices in date range in a fund

  • Developer: Caroline Cyr La Rose, inLibro
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Gives a list of all invoices with total for a particular fund
  • Status: Completed
  • Works with: developped on 19.05
    budget_name AS "Fund",
    invoicenumber AS "Invoice number",
    aqbooksellers.name AS "Vendor",
    ROUND(SUM((unitprice*quantityreceived)), 2) AS "Total"
    LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON (aqinvoices.booksellerid = aqbooksellers.id)
    LEFT JOIN aqorders USING (invoiceid)
    LEFT JOIN aqbudgets USING (budget_id)
WHERE budget_code = <<Fund code>>
    AND datereceived IS NOT NULL
    AND billingdate BETWEEN <<Between|date>> AND <<and|date>>
GROUP BY invoiceid

Avg days from receipt to available

  • Developer: Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Acquisitions
  • Purpose: Specify the time period the item was first available.Accession date variant
  • Status: Completed
  • Works with: 19.05
SELECT 'Average',SUM(days_from_receipt)/COUNT(*) AS Average_days,"" AS "First activity","" AS "Accessioned"
SELECT DATEDIFF(date(MIN(datetime)),dateaccessioned)  AS days_from_receipt
FROM items 
JOIN statistics USING (itemnumber) 
WHERE dateaccessioned IS NOT NULL AND statistics.type IN ( 'return','localuse','issue')   AND dateaccessioned > '2016-04-04'
GROUP BY itemnumber
HAVING date(min(datetime)) BETWEEN <<Start date|date>> AND <<End date|date>>
) foo
SELECT itemnumber,DATEDIFF(date(MIN(datetime)),dateaccessioned), min(date(datetime)), dateaccessioned AS days_from_receipt
FROM items 
JOIN statistics USING (itemnumber) 
WHERE dateaccessioned IS NOT NULL AND statistics.type IN ( 'return','localuse','issue')   AND dateaccessioned > '2016-04-04'
GROUP BY itemnumber
HAVING date(min(datetime)) BETWEEN <<Start date|date>> AND <<End date|date>>

Serial reports

Shows the total serial received during the month

  • Developer: Nikunj Tyagi, DPL
  • Module: Serial
  • Purpose: Shows the total serials received with Title, Frequency, latest issue detail
  • Status: Complete
  SELECT serial.subscriptionid,serial.biblionumber,serial.serialid,biblio.title,serial.serialseq,serial.planneddate,serial.publisheddate,
IF( LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml) = 0 OR LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) = 0 OR LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) > LOCATE('</datafield>', biblioitems.marcxml, LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)), '',
SUBSTRING( biblioitems.marcxml,
LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml, LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) + 19,
LOCATE('</subfield>', biblioitems.marcxml, LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) + 19) -(LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) + 19)))
AS FREQUENCY  FROM serial, biblio,biblioitems
WHERE serial.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber AND serial.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber AND  MONTH(planneddate) = 03 AND YEAR(planneddate)= 2011 AND (status)=2
ORDER BY serial.subscriptionid ASC

missing/late/claimed serial during the month

  • Developer: Nikunj Tyagi, DPL
  • Module: Serial
  • Purpose: Shows the total serials missing/late/claimed with Title, Frequency, latest issue detail status 3=late,4=missing,5=claimed
  • Status: Complete
  IF(LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml) = 0 
    OR LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
      LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) = 0 
    OR LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
      LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) >
        LOCATE('</datafield>', biblioitems.marcxml,
          LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)),
    SUBSTRING( biblioitems.marcxml,
      LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
        LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) + 19,
      LOCATE('</subfield>', biblioitems.marcxml,
        LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
          LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) + 19) -
      (LOCATE('<subfield code="a">', biblioitems.marcxml,
        LOCATE('<datafield tag="310"', biblioitems.marcxml)) + 19))
  serial.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber AND
  serial.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber AND
  MONTH(planneddate) = XX AND
  YEAR(planneddate) = XXXX AND
  (status) BETWEEN '3' AND '5' 
  serial.subscriptionid ASC

Late Issues

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Serials
  • Purpose: A list of items that should have arrived by now
  • Status: Complete
select b.title, s.serialseq, s.planneddate 
from serial s 
left join biblio b using (biblionumber) 
where s.planneddate < CURDATE() and s.status not in ('1','2')

Latest Issues

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Serials
  • Purpose: A list of the latest issue received for each subscription
  • Status: Complete
select b.title, b.biblionumber, MAX(CONCAT(s.publisheddate, ' / ',s.serialseq)) as 'date and enumeration' 
from serial s 
left join biblio b using (biblionumber) 
where s.status=2 
group by b.biblionumber 
order by s.publisheddate desc

Issues Received in a Range

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions with MJ Ray
  • Module: Serials
  • Purpose: A list of your serials and the year range you have received
  • Status: Complete
SELECT b.title, i.issn, 
      CONCAT(YEAR(MIN(s.publisheddate)), ' to ', YEAR(MAX(s.publisheddate))) AS 'range' 
FROM serial s
LEFT JOIN biblio b USING (biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN biblioitems i USING (biblionumber)
GROUP BY b.biblionumber
ORDER BY b.title ASC

Year range of serials holdings

  • Developer: Paul Landers
  • Module: Serials
  • Purpose: Year range of all serial subscription titles by holding branch
  • Status: Complete
SELECT s.biblionumber,
c.issn AS ISSN,i.holdingbranch,b.title AS Title,
ExtractValue(c.marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="222"]/subfield[@code>="a"]') AS 'MARC
222 Title',
YEAR(MIN(s.publisheddate)) AS 'begin',
YEAR(MAX(s.publisheddate)) AS 'end' 
FROM serial s,items i,biblio b, biblioitems c
WHERE s.itemnumber=i.itemnumber  
AND i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber 
AND b.biblionumber=c.biblionumber 
AND i.holdingbranch = <<Branch|branches>>
GROUP BY b.biblionumber
ORDER BY b.title

Fix Subscriptions without Subscription Start Dates

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden
  • Module: Serials
  • Purpose: Fix serials that generate the following error message: Software error: Date::Calc::Add_Delta_YM(): not a valid date at /var/lib/koha/aarome/kohaclone/C4/Serials.pm line 2651.
  • Status: Complete
        '<a href="http://',
        (SELECT value 
         FROM systempreferences 
         WHERE variable='staffClientBaseURL'),
        '">', title, '</a>'
    ) as 'Edit Subscription for',
    inner join biblio using (biblionumber)
    left join subscriptionhistory using (subscriptionid) 
    left join serial using (subscriptionid) 
    startdate is NULL
    or histstartdate is NULL
group by subscriptionid

List of Current Periodicals and their holdings

  • Developer: Joseph Alway
  • Module: Serials
  • Purpose: List current subscriptions.
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumber,
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/serials/subscription-detail.pl?subscriptionid=',subscription.subscriptionid,'\">',subscription.subscriptionid,'</a>') AS subscriptionid,
    biblio.title, ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="022"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) as ISSN, GROUP_CONCAT(serial.serialseq SEPARATOR '; ') AS Holdings
    JOIN biblio ON ( subscription.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber )
    JOIN biblio_metadata ON ( subscription.biblionumber = biblio_metadata.biblionumber )
    LEFT JOIN serial ON ( subscription.subscriptionid = serial.subscriptionid )
    (subscription.closed = 0)
GROUP BY biblio.biblionumber
ORDER BY biblio.title

List of Non Current Periodicals and their holdings

  • Developer: Joseph Alway
  • Module: Serials
  • Purpose: List closed subscriptions.
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumber,
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/serials/subscription-detail.pl?subscriptionid=',subscription.subscriptionid,'\">',subscription.subscriptionid,'</a>') AS subscriptionid,
    biblio.title, ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="022"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) as ISSN, GROUP_CONCAT(serial.serialseq SEPARATOR '; ') AS Holdings
    JOIN biblio ON ( subscription.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber )
    JOIN biblio_metadata ON ( subscription.biblionumber = biblio_metadata.biblionumber )
    LEFT JOIN serial ON ( subscription.subscriptionid = serial.subscriptionid )
    (subscription.closed != 0)
GROUP BY biblio.biblionumber
ORDER BY biblio.title

List of Non Current Periodicals and their holdings *Special Case*

  • Developer: Joseph Alway
  • Module: Serials
  • Purpose: List Holdings information from Marc Record and closed subscriptions. Combines two reports into one.
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumber,
    NULL AS subscriptionid, biblio.title, ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="022"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) as ISSN,
    ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="966"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) as Holdings, NULL AS 'S. Holdings'
    JOIN biblio ON (biblio_metadata.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber)
    (ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="942"]/subfield[@code="c"]' ) LIKE "CR")
    AND (ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="966"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) NOT LIKE "%See%Subscriptions%for%More%Details%")
    AND (ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="966"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) NOT LIKE "%Current%issues%")
    AND (ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="966"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) NOT LIKE "")
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.biblionumber,'</a>') AS biblionumber,
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/serials/subscription-detail.pl?subscriptionid=',subscription.subscriptionid,'\">',subscription.subscriptionid,'</a>') AS subscriptionid,
    biblio.title as title, ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="022"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) as ISSN, ExtractValue( metadata, '//datafield[@tag="966"]/subfield[@code="a"]' ) as Holdings,
    GROUP_CONCAT(serial.serialseq SEPARATOR '; ') AS 'S. Holdings'
    JOIN biblio ON (subscription.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber)
    JOIN biblio_metadata ON (subscription.biblionumber = biblio_metadata.biblionumber)
    LEFT JOIN serial ON (subscription.subscriptionid = serial.subscriptionid)
    (subscription.closed != 0)
GROUP BY biblio.biblionumber
ORDER BY title

Troubleshooting Reports

Find data which will trigger bugs or cause unexpected behavior

Barcodes with leading spaces

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Show items where barcodes have leading spaces -- these will give 'Barcode not found' message when scanned.
  • Status: Complete
  • Note:
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?',
        biblionumber, '&itemnumber=', itemnumber, 
        '#edititem', '\">', itemnumber, '</a>' 
    ) AS itemnumber,
    concat( "'", barcode, "'" ) AS barcode
    INNER JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber)
    barcode like ' %'

Call number sorting issues

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Cataloging
  • Purpose: Show cn_sort, cn_source for the purpose of trouble-shooting shelf sort issues.
  • Status: Complete
  • Note:
    inner join biblio using (biblionumber)
    itemcallnumber like <<Callnumber (use % for wildcard, e.g. B1%)>>
order by cn_sort;

Codes differ in case

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Find codes in borrower_attributes and borrower_attribute_types which differ by case.
  • Status: Complete
  • Note: MySQL is case-insensitive by default, but in the case of codes like borrower_attributes.code or borrower_attribute_types.code, the data is used in a case sensitive way inside Koha. The statement COLLATE utf8_bin can be appended after a field name to force case sensitivity in MySQL:
    borrower_attributes ba
    inner join borrower_attribute_types bat using (code)
    ba.code COLLATE utf8_bin != bat.code COLLATE utf8_bin

items.onloan does not match issues.date_due

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Find items and issues where items.onloan does not match issues.date_due
  • Status: Complete
  • Note: Koha stores the due date for an item in two locations: items.onloan and issues.date_due. These fields *should* match, but they have been known to get out of sync, which may cause an item to show as both avialable and checked out in search results.
FROM issues join items using (itemnumber)
WHERE onloan is null

Sort borrower card numbers numerically

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Find borrower card numbers which are out of sequence.
  • Status: Complete
  • Note: When populating borrower card number, Koha will choose the next card number in sequence, numerically. If a card number has been saved to the borrowers table which creates a gap in the borrower numbers, (e.g. 1000, 1001, 1002, 10031003), Koha will populate the next card number based on the highest numerical card number. This query can be used to trouble-shoot that situation.

SELECT cardnumber, 
FROM borrowers 

Direct links to systemprefrences

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Administration
  • Purpose: Trouble-shooting sysprefs
  • Status: Complete
  • Note: Sometimes it's nice to have a link to a specific system prefrence. This generates all of them:
    CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/admin/preferences.pl?op=search&searchfield=?variable=', variable, '\">', variable, '</a>' ) AS 'Syspref'
from systempreferences

Show last queued message in message_queue by letter code

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Lets you see if a particular letter_code stopped queueing -- could tell you if advanced notices or overdue notices is borked.
  • Status: Complete
    max(date(time_queued)) as 'last sent',
from message_queue
group by letter_code
order by max(time_queued)

Search for saved report by partial report name

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Reports
  • Purpose: Look up report number and name by partial report name
  • Status: Complete
    report_name like CONCAT('%' , <<Part of report name>> , '%')

Search for saved report by part of query

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Reports
  • Purpose: Look up report number and name by part of the sql
  • Status: Complete
    savedsql like CONCAT('%' , <<Part of saved SQL>> , '%')

Misc Reports

Plugin configuration page links

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Koha Administration
  • Purpose: Quick links to plugin configuration pages.
  • Status: Complete
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/plugins/run.pl?class=', plugin_class, '&method=configure' '\">',
        SUBSTRING_INDEX( plugin_data.plugin_class, ':', -1 ), '</a>'
    ) AS plugin

Most Popular Searches

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Search
  • Purpose: Find popular search terms
  • Status: Complete
SELECT COUNT(*) as Count,
              Length(query_desc) - Instr(query_desc, ':')
       ) AS 'Search string'
FROM   search_history
GROUP  BY RIGHT(query_desc, Length(query_desc) - Instr(query_desc, ':'))

Most Popular Searches II

  • Developer: Steffi (with minor help)
  • Module: Search
  • Purpose: Find popular search terms
  • Status: Complete
SELECT search_history.sessionid,
FROM search_history
JOIN borrowers ON (search_history.userid=borrowers.borrowernumber)
JOIN branches ON (borrowers.branchcode=branches.branchcode)
WHERE borrowers.branchcode=<<
  SELECT Library|branches>>
  AND search_history.time BETWEEN <<SEARCH history TIMESTAMP BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<AND (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>

Show number of items available

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Show counts of available items
  • Status: Incomplete
  • Notes: This is roughly the same logic used in search results.
  • is the item in transit? => not available
  • is it lost? => not available
  • is it damaged? => not available
  • is it withdrawn? => not available
  • is it on hold?
    • Is the item waiting?
      • yes => not avaliable
      • no
        • Is the syspref AllowItemsOnHoldCheckout set?
        • no => not available
  • is it set as 'not for loan'?
    • is the syspref AllowNotForLoanOverride set?
      • no => not available

The AllowItemsOnHoldCheckout logic is too complicated to capture in SQL. The AllowNotForLoanOverride should be fairly straightforward, that still needs to be added.

                onloan is not null
                OR itemlost > 0
                OR damaged > 0
                OR withdrawn > 0
                OR EXISTS (
                    SELECT *
                    FROM branchtransfers
                        items.itemnumber = branchtransfers.itemnumber
                        AND branchtransfers.datearrived IS NULL
                OR EXISTS (
                    SELECT *
                    FROM reserves
                        items.itemnumber = reserves.itemnumber
                        AND reserves.found IN ( 'W', 'T' )
    ) as 'Copies available',
    count(*) as 'Total copies'
    INNER JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber)
    LEFT JOIN reserves USING (itemnumber)
    LEFT JOIN branchtransfers USING (itemnumber)
GROUP BY biblio.biblionumber

Circulation statistics about serial items based on the title of biblio record

  • Developer: Alex Buckley, Catalyst IT for Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: List circulation statistics for all items of a serial biblio record. This report accepts up to 10 biblio serial titles at a time.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT biblio.title AS Title, 
  items.holdingbranch AS Current_Location, 
  items.location AS Location, 
  items.ccode AS Collection, 
  items.enumchron AS Item_Info, 
  (SELECT count(*)
    FROM statistics
    WHERE type="issue" AND
    statistics.itemnumber=items.itemnumber) AS Number_of_issues
FROM biblio 
LEFT JOIN items ON biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber
WHERE items.itype="SERIAL" AND
  biblio.title IN (<<Enter first title>>,
    <<Enter second title>>,
    <<Enter third title>>,
    <<Enter fourth title>>,
    <<Enter fifth title>>,
    <<Enter sixth title>>,
    <<Enter seventh title>>,
    <<Enter eigth title>>,
    <<Enter ninth title>>,
    <<Enter tenth title>>)  
  Current_Location ASC

List of Lists

  • Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Lists
  • Purpose: Show all lists with their creator
  • Status: Complete
select b.borrowernumber, b.surname, b.firstname, 
from virtualshelves s 
left join borrowers b 
on (b.borrowernumber=s.owner)

List's content

  • Developer: Abdullrahman Hegazy
  • Module: Lists
  • Purpose: Show the content of One list, 'You can find the shelf number in the address bar after viewshelf='NUM'.
  • Status: Complete
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblio.biblionumber,'\">',biblio.title,'</a>') AS Title,author
FROM biblio,virtualshelfcontents
Where biblio.biblionumber=virtualshelfcontents.biblionumber
AND shelfnumber=<<Enter Shelf number>>

Backup/Share OPAC Layout from system preferences

  • Developer: Liz Rea, NEKLS
  • Module: Administration
  • Purpose: Dump the contents of all of the OPAC Interface user input customization preferences, for backup or sharing of layout/CSS
  • Status: Complete
SELECT variable, value 
FROM systempreferences 
WHERE variable IN (
     'OPACUserCSS', 'opacuserjs', 'OPACResultsSidebar', 'OPACNoResultsFound',
     'OpacNav', 'opaccredits','opacheader', 'OpacMainUserBlock'

OCLC Number Lookup

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Cataloging
  • Purpose: Look up OCLC Number by barcode.
  • Status: Complete

This report assumes that OCLC Numbers are stored in MARC 001 field.

  , ExtractValue( marcxml, '//controlfield[@tag=\"001\"]' ) as 'OCLC Number'
  , title 
from biblioitems 
inner join biblio using (biblionumber) 
inner join items using (biblionumber) 
where barcode=<<barcode>>

Get list of OCLC numbers in catalog

  • Developer: Aleisha Amohia, Catalyst IT
  • Module: Cataloging
  • Purpose: Get list of OCLC numbers to upload holdings. Note: this query excludes items that have been checked out in the past or have a reference itemtype.
  • Status: Complete
SUBSTRING_INDEX(ExtractValue(m.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="035"]/subfield[@code="a"]'), '(OCoLC)', -1)
,' ', 1)
) 'OCLC Number'
FROM biblio b  
LEFT JOIN items i USING (biblionumber)  
LEFT JOIN biblioitems m USING (biblionumber)
OR i.itype = 'WG_REF')
AND ExtractValue(m.marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="035"]/subfield[@code="a"]') LIKE '%(OCoLC)%';

Troubleshoot accidental checkout when action logs are disabled

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Notices
  • Purpose: Troubleshoot accidental checkouts
  • Status: Complete

This report takes a date range of notice queue times, and prints CHECKIN, CHECKOUT and RENEWAL notices ordered by borrowernumber and time queued. If you see cclusters of CHECKOUT, RENEWAL and CHECKIN notices within the same minute for the same borrower, this is an indication of accidental check-out.

Circulation action logs are a better way to monitor this, but they are often disabled for performance reasons.

from message_queue 
date(time_queued) BETWEEN <<Notice Queued BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
and letter_code in ('CHECKIN', 'RENEWAL', 'CHECKOUT') 
order by borrowernumber, time_queued

Find all character encodings in MARCXML records

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Cataloging
  • Purpose: List all character encodings
  • Status: Complete
    CASE Mid( 
        ExtractValue(marcxml, '//leader'), 
    WHEN ' ' THEN 'MARC8'
    WHEN 'a' THEN 'UTF8'
        'Unknown encoding type: ', 
            ExtractValue(marcxml, '//leader'),
    END AS encoding
from biblioitems 
where Mid(
                ExtractValue(marcxml, '//leader'),
        ) is not NULL
group by Mid(
                ExtractValue(marcxml, '//leader'),

According to the MARC21 standard, the 'Leader' character position 9 determines character encoding: '#' for MARC8, 'a' for UTF8. Koha uses ' ' instead of '#' for MARC8.


  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Misc
  • Purpose: Show URLs for OAI-PMH testing
  • Status: Complete
    ) as 'OAI-PMH URL',
    biblio, systempreferences as opacbaseurl, systempreferences as archiveID
    opacbaseurl.variable = 'opacbaseurl'
    AND archiveID.variable = 'OAI-PMH:archiveID'

Titles with changes still pending in zebraqueue

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Cataloging, Circulation
  • Purpose: Show which titles have changes that have not yet been picked up by zebra
  • Status: Complete
    biblio_auth_number as biblionumber,
    time as 'time queued'
    inner join biblio on (zebraqueue.biblio_auth_number = biblio.biblionumber)
    and server='biblioserver'
    and operation = CONCAT( 'specialU', 'pdate' )
order by

In the where clause, operation = CONCAT( 'specialU', 'pdate' ) is necessary because the keyword 'Update' is rejected in reports.

Circulation logs by borrower, select item barcode

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Scan a barcode, and get links to the circulation logs for all borrowers who have checked that item out.
  • Status: Complete
        firstname, ' ', surname, 
        ' (', 
        '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/tools/viewlog.pl?do_it=1&modules=CIRCULATION&object=', 
        '\">', 'Circulation log' , '</a>', 
    ) AS Patron
    INNER JOIN statistics USING (borrowernumber)
    INNER JOIN items USING (itemnumber)
    barcode = <<Item barcode>>
    and statistics.type='issue'

Show how borrowers were deleted (select date range)

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Misc
  • Purpose: Find out who deleted borrowers, and when.
  • Status: Complete
    CONCAT( staff.firstname, ' ', staff.surname ) as 'Staff', 
    CONCAT( db.firstname, ' ', db.surname ) as 'Patron', 
    deletedborrowers db 
    INNER JOIN action_logs on db.borrowernumber = action_logs.object 
    LEFT JOIN borrowers as staff on action_logs.user = staff.borrowernumber
    DATE( action_logs.timestamp ) BETWEEN <<patron deleted between|date>> AND <<and|date>>
    AND action_logs.module = 'MEMBERS'
    AND action_logs.action = concat( 'DEL', 'ETE' )
ORDER BY action_logs.timestamp

Workaround for Bug 18611

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Misc
  • Purpose: Find valid barcodes in import records batch
  • Status: Complete
    INNER JOIN import_records using (import_batch_id) 
    INNER JOIN import_items using (import_record_id) 
    INNER JOIN items using (itemnumber)
    import_batch_id = <<Batch number>>

Show thumbnails of local cover images

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Misc
  • Purpose: Show thumbnails of local cover images
  • Status: Complete
    b.title AS Title,
        '<img src=\"',
        b.biblionumber, '/">'
    ) AS Image
FROM systempreferences, biblio AS b inner join biblioimages using (biblionumber)
WHERE systempreferences.variable='OPACBaseURL'

Show action logs for holds

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Misc
  • Purpose: Show action logs for holds, select borrower cardnumber
  • Status: Complete
    concat( librarian.firstname, ' ', librarian.surname, ' (', librarian.cardnumber, ')' ) AS Librarian,
    borrowers patron
        SELECT borrowernumber, reserve_id FROM reserves
        SELECT borrowernumber, reserve_id  FROM old_reserves
    ) AS hold using (borrowernumber)
    INNER JOIN action_logs log on log.object = hold.reserve_id AND log.module='HOLDS'
    LEFT JOIN borrowers librarian on log.user = librarian.borrowernumber
    patron.cardnumber = <<borrower cardnumber>>
ORDER BY log.timestamp

Dump label creator templates

  • Developer: Barton Chittenden, Bywater Solutions
  • Module: Misc
  • Purpose: Dump label creator templates (ie. page formats)
  • Status: Complete
    template_id as 'Template ID',
    template_code as 'Template code',
    template_desc as 'Template description',
    units as 'Units',
    page_height as 'Page height',
    page_width as 'Page width',
    label_width as 'Label width',
    label_height as 'Label height',
    top_margin as 'Top page margin',
    left_margin as 'Left page margin',
    top_text_margin as 'Top text margin',
    left_text_margin as 'Left text margin',
    cols as 'Number of columns',
    rows as 'Number of rows',
    col_gap as 'Gap between columns',
    row_gap as 'Gap between rows'

Library Books Investment by Collection Code

  • Developer: Satisha MV, Govt.Engineering College, Hassan
  • Module: Misc
  • Purpose: To know No. of Titles(Records), No. of Volumes(Items) and Total investment by Collection Code
  • Status: Complete
ccode AS 'Collection Code', 
COUNT(DISTINCT items.biblionumber) AS 'No of Titles',
COUNT(itemnumber) AS 'No of Volumes',
SUM(price) AS 'Investment or Total Expenditure'
FROM items 
GROUP BY ccode

Items Added/Accessioned between date range and its investment by Collection Code

  • Developer: Satisha MV, Govt.Engineering College, Hassan
  • Module: Misc
  • Purpose: To know No. of Titles(Records), No. of Volumes(Items) added/accessioned between date range and its investment by Collection Code. Here collection code refers to

departments or Subjects or Branches or Programmes

  • Status: Complete
ccode AS 'Collection Code', 
COUNT(DISTINCT items.biblionumber) AS 'No of Titles',
COUNT(itemnumber) AS 'No of Volumes',
SUM(price) AS 'Investment or Total Expenditure'
FROM items
WHERE date(dateaccessioned) BETWEEN <<Added BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> 
GROUP BY ccode

Zero Results Searches

  • Developer: Spencer Smith
  • Module: Search
  • Purpose: This returns a list of search queries in a selected date range that returned ZERO results at the time they were run. This can help us spot blind spots in our collection development practices.
  • Status: Completed
              Length(query_desc) - Instr(query_desc, ':')
       ) AS 'Search string', total
FROM   search_history
WHERE Total= 0
AND time BETWEEN <<Deleted BETWEEN (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
GROUP  BY RIGHT(query_desc, Length(query_desc) - Instr(query_desc, ':'))

PayPal Transactions (revised for 19.11)

  • Developer: Kelly McElligott, ByWater Solutions
  • Module: Circulation
  • Purpose: Tracking Paypal accounts
  • Status: Completed
  • Works with: 19.11
'<a target="_blank" href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',
) AS Link,
accountlines.credit_type_code, accountlines.status,
LEFT JOIN borrowers using (borrowernumber)
WHERE accountlines.credit_type_code is not null AND
accountlines.note = 'PayPal' AND
date BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>>


Requester Module Purpose of request SQL Request Notes
Barton Chittenden Cataloging Item availability I often get requests for reports that show whether an item is available or not. As far as I can tell, this is determined by:
  • is the item in transit? => not available
  • is it lost? => not available
  • is it damaged? => not available
  • is it withdrawn? => not available
  • is it on hold?
    • Is the item waiting?
      • yes => not avaliable
        • no
          • Is the syspref AllowItemsOnHoldCheckout set?
            • no => not available
  • is it set as 'not for loan'?
    • is the syspref AllowNotForLoanOverride set?
      • no => not available
Barton Chittenden Cataloging Get the combined MARCXML data for biblio and item records. Knowing the *size* of the combined record is probably just as important; there are implicit and explicit limits to MARC data size.
Sunil Acquisitions To Eliminate duplicate orders. I want to write a Sql Query to eliminate duplicate orders from selected vender. Please help me in this query.
Sunil Acquisitions List All Late Orders I want to write a Sql Query to List All Late Orders, vendor-wise. Please help me in this query.
Arron Birch Catalog To create a report that pulls individual fields of a MARC record I am trying to run reports of specific fields of a MARC record. Preferable I would like a general report that lets me change what field I would like to run a report for. For the current assignment I am wanting to run a report with the 300 field of the MARC record. (Have a look at the report "Biblios with like data in a subfield of a field". Is that what you want?)
Rachel Hollis Catalog Mismatches between biblioitem 942 and item 952 We think there is value in a report that identifies (by title, call number and biblio ID) records that have item mismatches, specific to our situation are 942 subfields 2 & c and 952 subfields 2 & y. Our Koha 3.01 biblio item loans are controlled by the 942. Additionally we have libraries that use Dewey, LC and locally developed classification schemes. Administration and System Preferences allow for static and variable data that can get mismatched.

Check the following report to see, if that is what you need. Mismatches between 2 fields and 2 subfields: This report displays the Biblionumber, Title, and Author of all Biblios that Do Not Match 2 sets of fields and subfields.

      '<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.plbiblionumber=',
    ) AS biblionumber,
    JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber)
    ExtractValue(marcxml, "//datafield[@tag=<<1st Set Field 1 (XXX)>>]/subfield[@code=<<Subfield(Y)>>]")
    AND ExtractValue(marcxml, "//datafield[@tag=<<1st Set Field 2 (XXX)>>]/subfield[@code=<<Subfield(Y)>>]")
        NOT LIKE ExtractValue(marcxml, "//datafield[@tag=<<2nd Set Field 1(XXX)>>]/subfield[@code=<<Subfield(Y)>>]")
    AND ExtractValue(marcxml, "//datafield[@tag=<<2nd Set Field 2(XXX)>>]/subfield[@code=<<Subfield(Y)>>]")
Joe Tholen Circulation List items not circulated in last year, by shelf location, using old_issues and issues For migrated libraries to weed with.
Scotty Zollars Cataloging List all records with NULL in the source of acquistion field in the item record within a date range.
    barcode, homebranch, title, dateaccessioned, booksellerid
FROM items, biblio
    items.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber
    AND items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN  <<Enter date from>> AND  <<Enter date to>>
    AND booksellerid IS NULL
ORDER BY barcode
Scotty Zollars Circulation List interlibrary loan materials check out to other libraries, by day. For ILL record keeping
Susan Bennett Catalog I need to eliminate materials that are on the holds shelf waiting for patron pick up from the following SQL. What is the flag in the record?
SELECT items.barcode, items.homebranch, items.itemcallnumber, items.holdingbranch, 
items.location, items.ccode, items.onloan, biblio.author, biblio.title 
FROM items 
LEFT JOIN biblioitems on (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio on (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) 
    AND items.homebranch<>items.holdingbranch
    AND items.onloan IS NULL 
ORDER BY items.holdingbranch asc
Scotty Zollars Circulation We are only one branch. Our interlibrary loan patrons are community patrons. They have the last name of ILL and the first name of the library, for example Erie Public Library. I need a list of interlibrary loan materials check out to other libraries, by month. i have the following donated so far.
SELECT  monthname(datesent) month,COUNT(*) 
FROM branchtransfers where frombranch="MMM" and YEAR(datesent)=YEAR(NOW())-1 
GROUP BY month 
ORDER by month(datesent)
Rachel Hollis Circulation Compare number of items owned by library with number circulating Count of items currently checked out
SELECT COUNT( itemnumber ) 
FROM  issues
Charlotte Stock Catalog List all DVD records with Standard Number at 024 #a Data needed for export I can't find a way to export a list of DVDs showing only their identifier (ie. Standard number at 024 #a). The List tool doesn't allow me to specify the identifier needed, so I presume a report is the way forward?
Séverine Queune Acquisitions Informations about orders linked to a suggestion I'd like have informations about an order linked to a suggestion, especially the different dates existing in the different tables (suggestions - aqorders - aqbasket) to calculate the DATEDIFF between suggestions.suggesteddate, aqorders.entrydate, aqbasket.closedate and aqorders.datereceived but I can't found out how to link these datas ! All I found is to link them using biblionumber but it's not reliable when there are several orders. Is there someone to help me ?
Séverine Queune - 2019-10-11 Saved reports Allow resqust on a list of barcode I'd like to open my "where" condition to allow people to request on several barcodes, so they won't have to edit the request itself and save the list in it. I tried several things, like
WHERE barcode IN (REPLACE(,' ', '\',\''))
for a liste of barcode separated by a space but none of them worked. Does someone have an idea if I can do it ?