Test major Koha Wiki changes or bug fixes here without fear of breaking the production wiki.
For the current Koha Wiki, visit https://wiki.koha-community.org .Set an email alias for Koha patches
WARNING! It's not longer necessary to send patches to the mailing list. Please upload them to Bugzilla instead.
See: Git bz configuration
With the recent move of the Koha mailing lists to http://lists.koha-community.org/, the full email address for submitting a patch is now koha-patches@lists.koha-community.org. Since that’s a bit long to type every time you submit a patch, here’s one way to save a few keystrokes.
First, create a text file file to define a short alias for the email address. I chose to call the file ~/.git_aliases. The file should contain a line like this:
alias kpatches koha-patches@lists.koha-community.org
Next, tell Git that you want to use this address book file:
$ git config --global sendemail.aliasesfile ~/.git_aliases $ git config --global sendemail.aliasfiletype mutt
Now, all you have to do is use kpatches in place of the full address. For example:
$ git send-email 0001-bug-4801-fix-paging-in-display-of-staged-bibs-and-im.patch Who should the emails appear to be from? [Galen Charlton ] Who should the emails be sent to? kpatches
$ git send-email -to kpatches 0001-bug-4801-fix-paging-in-display-of-staged-bibs-and-im.patch