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Solr deployment

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OUTDATED, see Bug 12538

Using Koha with Solr

Solr setup

This page is a Work in progress, if you have feedback, ask @clrh

Setup java

$ apt-get install openjdk-jre

On some systems (debian unstable) you need to

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

Validation step

$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_18"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8.13) (6b18-1.8.13-0+squeeze1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

Setup Solr


<PATH> can be something like /home/you/dev/apps

git clone git://github.com/clrh/solrinstall.git <PATH>/solr

# Move into
cd <PATH>/solr
# Create the logs directory
mkdir logs

# Create the webapps directory
mkdir webapps

Feel free to get another Solr version and test it (the current is 3.6 solr and lucene versions) - get the solr archive (download link and choose a mirror) http://lucene.apache.org/solr/mirrors-solr-latest-redir.html - unzip or untar it - find the war in <solr_archive>/dist/apache-solr-x.x.x.war

# Example
koha@xxx-dev:/tmp$ wget http://www.eu.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/3.6.2/apache-solr-3.6.2.tgz
koha@xxx-dev:/tmp$ tar -xvzf apache-solr-3.6.2.tgz
koha@xxx-dev:~/solr/webapps$ cp /tmp/apache-solr-3.6.2/dist/apache-solr-3.6.2.war solr.war
  • The war must be names "solr.war"
git clone git://github.com/clrh/solrconf.git <PATH>/solrconf
mkdir <PATH>/solrconf/multicore/koha/data
chmod 777  <PATH>/solrconf/multicore/koha/data
  • Change <PATH> in <PATH>/solrconf/multicore/solr.xml
  • Change SOLR_HOME and SOLR_CONF_HOME in <PATH>/solrconf/launch_solr.sh file
  • Launch it: ./launch_solr.sh
Validation step

Install perl libs

This part needs to be reviewed...

  • You need to install some libraries
# I used cpanm but you can do with cpan
cpanm Data::SearchEngine::Solr
cpanm Data::Pagination
cpanm Moose
cpanm MooseX::Types
  • At the end you should have (install pmtools package):
# cat test_vers.sh 

echo "Data::Paginator"
pmvers Data::Paginator
echo "Data::Pagination"
pmvers Data::Pagination
echo "MooseX::Storage"
pmvers MooseX::Storage
echo "MooseX::Type"
pmvers MooseX::Types
echo "Data::SearchEngine"
pmvers Data::SearchEngine
echo "Data::SearchEngine::Solr"
pmvers Data::SearchEngine::Solr
echo "WebService::Solr"
pmvers WebService::Solr
# ./test_vers.sh 

Data::Paginator 0.05 Data::Pagination 0.44 MooseX::Storage 0.32 MooseX::Type 0.35 Data::SearchEngine 0.33 Data::SearchEngine::Solr 0.18 WebService::Solr 0.21

  • You need will their dependencies:
    • Data::SearchEngine
    • Data::SearchEngine::Solr
    • WebService::Solr

Setup Koha

Source code

bug 8233 has been pushed.


2/ Launch updatedatabase (SearchEngine syspref) - Change it in Solr for example ;)

mysql> UPDATE systempreferences SET value='Solr' where variable='SearchEngine';
# or via syspref UI
Config file

Be carefull, your koha-conf.xml file must contains a line with "installdir" like that (same level than opacdir directive): You might need to add this line.

# Example

It should point to Koha source installation directory, in which you have etc/searchengine directory describe below.

3/ Setup config file (solr api etc.)

$ mkdir -p ~/<PATH_KOHA_INSTALL>/etc/searchengine/solr
$ cp etc/searchengine/solr/config.yaml ~/<PATH_KOHA_INSTALL>/etc/searchengine/solr/config.yaml
$ cp etc/searchengine/solr/indexes.yaml ~/<PATH_KOHA_INSTALL>/etc/searchengine/solr/indexes.yaml
$ chown you:www-data ~/<PATH_KOHA_INSTALL>/etc/searchengine/solr/indexes.yaml
$ chmod g+w  ~/<PATH_KOHA_INSTALL>/etc/searchengine/solr/indexes.yaml

Change SolrAPI in config.yaml if you setup the solr core like describe before

SolrAPI: 'http://localhost:8983/solr/koha'

The indexes setup in indexes.yaml will me modifiables by web interface, you don't need to edit the file :)

Validation step
  • If you add a mapping and you save it, it will be recorded in indexes.yaml file:
  • Another validation step:

"-i" option gives you information about your setup, very usefull to check the good SolrAPI ;)

$ ./misc/migration_tools/rebuild_solr.pl -i
SolrAPI = http://localhost:8983/solr/koha
How many indexed documents = 25001;

4/ Index you first biblio and authorities

You can now record your first 10 biblio and 10 authority::

$ ./misc/migration_tools/rebuild_solr.pl -t biblio -n 10 ; ./misc/migration_tools/rebuild_solr.pl -t authority -n 10

Please be carefull of the reset option ;) use it only if you do what your are doing where...

5/ Try opac (simple) search and give us feedback :)