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Template:Clickable button/doc

From Koha Test Wiki MW Canasta on Koha Portainer
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This template creates an area with the visual appearance of a button. This area can be placed inside a wikilink to give the link the appearance of a button, and expand its clickable size and tap target.


Unnamed parameters:

  • {{Clickable button | TEXT }}
  • {{Clickable button | TEXT | COLOR }}

Named parameters:

  • {{Clickable button | 1= TEXT }}
  • {{Clickable button | 1= TEXT | color= COLOR }}

Button with wikilink:

  • [[ WIKILINK | {{Clickable button | TEXT }} ]]
  • [[ WIKILINK | {{Clickable button | TEXT | color= COLOR }} ]]


Parameter: 1 (1)

Example: {{Clickable button|This looks like a button}}

Result: This looks like a button

Example: [[Talk:Main Page|{{Clickable button|Main page talk page}}]]

Result: Main page talk page

Parameter: color

You can select three colors: white (default), blue (progressive) and red (destructive):

White (Default) example: {{Clickable button|Button text|color=white}}

Result: Button text

Blue (Progressive) example: {{Clickable button|Button text|color=blue}}

Result: Button text

Red (Destructive) example: {{Clickable button|Button text|color=red}}

Result: Button text

Note: After the changes outlined in Phabricator task

  1. REDIRECT Template:Phab were implemented, {{Clickable button|color=green}} produces the same output as {{Clickable button|color=blue}}.

Template:Button templates