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User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Translation

From Koha Test Wiki MW Canasta on Koha Portainer
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Technical stuff

Update .po files (sync them with the code)

To make new strings in the code available in the .po files.

cd misc/translator ; ./translate update fr-FR ; cd -

Deploy the translation

cd misc/translator ; ./translate install fr-FR ; cd -

Translation process

Necessity to translate also in newer versions of Koha if working on older versions

This might be the most important info to spread among translators, because a lot of work is lost on each major version. Most people aren't using the latest version of Koha and most translators seem to be only translating their version.

Let's compare two branches:

If we switch repeatedly between the two pages we can see that for a lot of languages 19.11 is more translated. This advance will be lost as it's not copied to the future versions. So next cycle translators will have to translate part of the same strings and that will happen on each cycle. The only way to have a translation copied to the future versions of Koha is to do it for the newest version available in the translation platform. Because around a month before a new major release of Koha, the translation for the current release are copied to create the future version.

In other words, translations missing in the latest Koha version compared to the old major versions will also be missing in the next one. But when a translation is added to stable, it will "stay forever". So always also copy your translation work to the more recent versions of Koha